Title: Short Story Analysis
1Short Story Analysis
- Comparing and Contrasting Short Story Selections
on the Basis of Plot Elements and Literary Terms
2In order to fully understand and appreciate a
selection of realistic fiction, the reader will
benefit from a knowledge of plot elements and
literary terminology. The question is often
asked, What is plot? Plot concerns the
sequence of events in a story, novel, or play.
The plot outline best illustrates this sequence
of events.
Falling Action
Rising Action
Denouement (Resolution or Conclusion)
3 4Exposition
- Characters
- Setting- time and place
- Dramatic Situation or Problem
5Rising Action
- Includes all of the events leading to the climax-
the largest portion of the plot - As the events draw closer to the climax, the
intensity of the action or situation increases. - With intensity of action, reader interest grows.
- The point of greatest interest in a story
- Usually comes at the turning point in a story or
drama - Normally very close to the end of the plot
- Point at which the reader begins to see how the
problem will be solved
7Falling Action
- The events following the climax
- Located just before the conclusion or denouement
- Is the logical result to the climax
- Resolution or conclusion to the story
- Presents the final outcome
9 10Narrative Point of View relationship of the
narrator to the story
- First person point of view
- Character in the story does the narrating
(telling) of the story - Uses the pronoun I
11More about Narrative Point of View
- Limited third person point of view
- Narrator is outside the story
- Reveals the thoughts of only one character
- Uses the 3rd person pronoun he or she
12Narrative Point of View
- Omniscient point of view
- Means all-knowing
- Narrator is outside the story
- Can reveal thoughts and feelings of any and/or
all characters - Uses the 3rd person pronoun he or she
13About Characters
- Characters are the persons or other creatures in
a literary work. - Dynamic character- one who changes during the
story - Static character- one who remains the same
throughout the story - Stereotype- not developed as an individual shows
traits and - mannerisms shared by all members of a group
14More about Characters
- Protagonist- central character in a story action
revolves around this character who is involved in
the main conflict - Antagonist- person or force that opposes the
central character (protagonist)
15In Addition
16Types of Conflict
- External Conflict
- 1) man vs. man
- 2) man vs. society
- 3) man vs. forces of nature
- Internal Conflict- man vs. himself (occurs within
the mind of the character
17Tone- the attitude of the narrator (author)
toward the characters and the subject of the
story (ex.- eerie, threatening, serious, or
light) Mood- the emotional quality or atmosphere
of the story Theme- the main idea of a story,
poem, novel or play could be implied or directly
stated Symbol- any object, person, place, or
experience that stands for something else because
of a resemblance or association example- a light
could stand for hope
18Daphne and Apollo
Once upon a time when gods and goddesses
walked upon the earth in the country of Greece, a
beautiful huntress named Daphne lived. Alpheus,
the river god, was her father. Even though
Daphne was pursued by many suitors, she rejected
all of them because she so loved her life of
19Daphne and Apollo cont.
However, this situation changed when Apollo, the
sun god, saw Daphne in the forest and fell in
love with her. Even though Apollo called to
Daphne, she fled. Apollo, determined to win
Daphnes heart, would not be put off. Being an
excellent runner, Apollo pursued this beautiful
young woman. However, Daphne, too, could run
with the wind. As the chase developed through
the forest, Daphne came to the realization that
she could not outrun Apollo. In desperation,
Daphne called to her father for help .
20Daphne and Apollo cont.
As she cried out, she began to feel herself
becoming rooted to the ground. Her body became
covered with bark, and her arms became branches
and sprouted with leaves. By the time Apollo
reached her, she was completely transformed into
a laurel tree. Experiencing deep despair,
Apollo cried out, Even though you have escaped,
I will never forget you. Winners of all races
will be crowned with your leaves. Even to this
very day, winners receive their laurels. (Story
summarized from the edition of )