Title: The sforce 'NET Managed Data Provider
1The sforce .NET Managed Data Provider
- Karl Houseknecht, AVP, Solution Architect
2Sforce API Limitations
- Low-level interface.
- Steep learning curve.
- Repetitive tasks.
- Best practices not built in.
- Mixture of text and non-text commands.
- Not easily fit into .NET data access paradigm.
- Cannot use ADO.NET data binding.
3What a .NET developer wants
- Connection management
- Consistent Command interface
- DataSet integration
- Data binding
4The Sforce .NET Managed Data Provider
5CRUD Command Syntax
- SELECT Follows standard Sforce query syntax
- RETRIEVE ltobjectTypegtltfield1, field2,
fieldngtIds ltId1, Id2, Idngt - INSERT ltobjectTypegt ltfield1, field2, fieldngt
VALUES ltvalue1, value2, valuengt - UPDATE ltobjectTypegt SET ltfield1gtltvalue1gt,
ltfield2gtltvalue2gt, ltfieldngtltvaluengtWHERE Id
ltId valuegt - DELETE ltId valuegt
- GETUPDATED ltobjectTypegt ltstartTimegt, ltendTimegt
- GETDELETED ltobjectTypegt ltstartTimegt, ltendTimegt
6Schema Command Syntax
- DESCRIBESOBJECT ltobjectTypegt
7SforceDataReader Example
Dim conSFDC As New SforceConnection("User
conSFDC.QueryBatchSize 5
Dim cmdGetAccounts As New SforceCommand("select
Id, Name from Account", conSFDC) Dim
rdrAccounts As SforceDataReader Dim
sbdAccounts As New StringBuilder Try
conSFDC.Open() rdrAccounts
cmdGetAccounts.ExecuteReader While
rdrAccounts.Read With
.Append(", ")
End With End While Catch ex
As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Messag
e) Finally If Not rdrAccounts
Is Nothing Then rdrAccounts.Close()
conSFDC.Dispose() MessageBox.Show(sbdA
ccounts.ToString) End Try
8SforceDataAdapter Example
Try Dim dadAccounts As New
SforceDataAdapter("select Id, Name from Account",
_ "User
Dim dstAccounts As New DataSet
s) grdData.DataSource
dstAccounts grdData.DataMember
dstAccounts.Tables(0).TableName Catch ex
As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Messag
e) End Try
9Insert Example
Dim conSFDC As New SforceConnection("User
IDuser_at_company.comPasswordmypassword") Dim
cmdInsertAccount As New SforceCommand("insert
Account (Name) values(_at_Name)", _ conSFDC) cmd
"DreamForce Test" Dim strId As String Try
conSFDC.Open() strId cmdInsertAccount.Execut
eScalar.ToString Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Finally
cmdInsertAccount.Dispose() conSFDC.Dispose()
MessageBox.Show(strId) End Try
10Update Example
Dim conSFDC As New SforceConnection("User
IDuser_at_company.comPasswordmypassword") Dim
strCmd As String "update Account set Name
_at_Name where Id _at_Id" Dim cmdUpdate As New
SforceCommand(strCmd, conSFDC)) cmdUpdate.Paramet
ers("_at_Name").Value InputBox("Input New
Name") cmdUpdate.Parameters("_at_Id").Value
InputBox("Input Account Id") Dim
intRecordsAffected As Integer Try
conSFDC.Open() intRecordsAffected
cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery Catch ex As
Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Finally
cmdUpdate.Dispose() conSFDC.Dispose()
MessageBox.Show(intRecordsAffected.ToString "
records affected.") End Try
11Delete Example
Dim conSFDC As New
SforceConnection("User IDuser_at_company.comPasswor
dmypassword") Dim cmdDeleteAccount As
New SforceCommand("delete _at_Id", conSFDC)
InputBox("Input Account Id") Dim
intRecordsAffected As Integer Try
intRecordsAffected cmdDeleteAccount.ExecuteNonQu
ery Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Finally
conSFDC.Dispose() MessageBox.Show(intR
ecordsAffected.ToString " records affected.")
End Try
12Porting between SQL Server and Sforce
13Data Model
14Its Open Source!!!
- The Sforce .NET Managed Data Provider will be
available on the Sforce SourceForge site soon. - http//sourceforge.net/projects/sforce
- Inside .NET Managed Providers -
/library/en-us/dndive/html/data010112001.asp - Implementing a .NET Framework Data