Title: New Directions in Teacher Compensation
1New Directions in Teacher Compensation
- First Annual National Conference on New
Directions in Teacher Compensation and
Performance Evaluation - Sponsored by
- Consortium for Policy Research in Education
- Pew Charitable Trusts
- December 7, 2000
2 - Based on
- Paying Teachers for What They Know and Do
- by Allan Odden and Carolyn Kelley
- Corwin Press, 1997
- CPRE Research State/Local Policy Changes
- Further information, research and cases
- www.wcer.wisc.edu/cpre
- www.tqclearinghouse.org
3Teacher Compensation Changes
- The era of the traditional single salary schedule
may be coming to an end - Multiple and varied innovations in teacher salary
structures and levels all across the country
4Examples of Innovation
- Initiatives in numerous states and districts to
raise teacher salary levels - Iowa, Nebraska, Arizona, South Carolina,
Philadelphia and other urban districts - Pay for knowledge and skills
- Cincinnati, Iowa, Vaughn Charter School, Douglas
County (CO), Coventry (RI), Menomonee Falls and
Manitowoc (WI), England and Victoria (Australia),
and half the states and the 50 districts that
pay fiscal incentives for National Board
5Use of National Board Certification
- Iowa, Ohio Wisconsin 2500 salary increase
- Georgia 5 salary increase
- Mississippi 6000 salary increase
- North Carolina 12 salary increase
- Oklahoma 5000 salary increase
- South Carolina 7500 salary increase
- Districts
- Cincinnati, OH additional 2500
- Broward County, FL 2000 salary increase
- Douglas County, CO 1000 one time bonus
- Los Angeles15 salary increase
- Long Beach 10 cost of assessment materials
6Additional Examples of Change
- School-based performance bonuses
- Kentucky, North Carolina, California, Florida,
Dallas, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Fairfax County,
Memphis, Colonial (PA), Denver, A schools in
Arizona, England - Proposed in Georgia, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Philadelphia, Arkansas, - Higher salaries for teachers in shortage areas
- Cincinnati, San Francisco
- Incentives for teachers in high poverty or low
performing schools - New York City, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Fairfax
7More Salary Structure Changes
- Signing bonuses and moving expenses
- Mississippi, Houston, Las Vegas
- Housing supplements
- Cincinnati, Silicon Valley
- Full retirement benefits with districts being
able to hire back - South Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico
8Even More Pay-Related Innovations
- Differentiated staffing and differential pay via
Milken Foundation Teacher Advancement Program - Florida, Arizona, South Carolina
- New standards- and performance-based teacher
evaluation systems that could be used for pay
differentiation - Newport News, Reno, Coventry and dozens of other
districts across the country
9New Directions in Teacher Evaluations
- Ability to conduct sound, valid and reliable
performance evaluations - National Board, INTASC and PRAXIS III
- Use of National Board standards for evaluation
- Montgomery County, MD
- Use of INTASC adaptations for evaluation
- Phoenix Union, Phoenix Elementary, Eden Prairie
(MN) - Use of Danielson Framework
- Newport News, Reno, dozens of other districts
10Comments on Pay and Evaluation Innovations
- Extensive scope is breath taking
- Greater variety than at any time in history
- In the main, not merit pay
- In most cases, have union and management support
- Are vehicles for higher pay levels but not across
the board
11- Adopted by public school systems, charter schools
and private schools - When done well, can contribute to a stronger
teaching profession - As will be shown, supports standards-based
education reform - Matches similar fundamental pay changes in the
private sector
12For the evaluation approaches ...
- Highly professional
- Requires standards-based judgements of behavior
to professional standards of practice - Sophisticated and dramatically improves typical
evaluation practices - Generally includes peer assessors as well as
management assessors
13CPRE Approach to Compensation
- As a strategy to accomplish the goals of
standards-based education reform - As a strategy to enhance teaching as a profession
- As a strategy to raise teacher salary levels
14Standards Based Education Reform
- To teach more (most) students to high levels
requires - Quality teachers
- Whose instructional expertise is first rate
- And who not only believe students can learn to
high levels but know how to instruct them so they
15Professional Knowledge Base for Teaching Students
to High Standards
- How People Learn by John Bransford, Ann Brown and
Rodney Cocking, National Academy Press, 1999 - Summarizes research from cognitive psychology on
how students learn complex academic subject
matter - Summarizes research on professional development
for teachers to teach this way
16 A Knowledge Skill Continuum
- This and other research and practical knowledge
must be organized into a knowledge and skills
continuum, that expands and deepens over a
teachers career
17 So, to accomplish all these goals ...
- A state, its districts and the teaching
profession must identify what teachers need to
know and be able to do -- teaching standards --
to educate students to state performance
standards - This expertise, which expands and deepens over
time, must become the vision for pre-service
preparation, new teacher induction, licensure,
ongoing development, teacher evaluation --
i.e., the education HR system must be overhauled - including a redesigned compensation structure
18Why teacher compensation?
- The single salary schedule
- Provides salaries to all teachers in a fair way,
but - Is not strategically aligned with needed
knowledge skill continuum or education goal - Education units and degrees at best indirectly
focused on desired teacher knowledge and skills - Does not have a student achievement results
element - Not a good structure for salary increases re
recruiting and retaining teachers
19A More Strategic Teacher Compensation System
- Knowledge and skills based pay
- pay increases for demonstrated improvements in
knowledge, skills and expertise needed to improve
student achievement - School-based performance awards
- bonuses for all faculty/staff in a school that
meets pre-set performance improvement targets - Neither are individual merit pay
- Salary benchmarks adequate to recruit retain
20What is Knowledge and Skills-Based Pay
- Focused on individual teachers
- Pay increases based on increased professional
expertise, i.e., performance to teaching
standards - Standards represent knowledge and skills needed
to improve student performance - Usually the basis for permanent increases in base
pay (instead of or in addition to years of
experience and degrees and units)
21What is Needed for Knowledge and Skills Based Pay
- Identification of knowledge and skills, or
teaching standards linked to student standards
and teacher career stages - Assessments of knowledge and skills -- how to
assess and who should do it - Linkage to a salary schedule
- Related professional development and other system
22What is Needed for a Standards-Based Teacher
Evaluation System
- Explicit standards for what teachers should know
and be able to do - An evaluation system that can identify the level
of a teachers practice to the standards - Professional development that is linked to the
level of a teachers performance - (Everything except the link to salary!)
23What Standards Do We Have?
- Have For performance-based teacher licensure
- standards PRAXIS I, II, III INTASC
- Career teaching standards ASCD Framework for
Teaching written by Charlotte Danielson - Accomplished teaching standards NBPTS
- (Links licensure to evaluation standards)
- Could use -- MA in license area, content
- Could also use -- expertise for a school design
24Adapt Current Teaching Standards
- Adapt Teaching Standards to
- include a variety of discernable and measurable
teaching practice levels - differentiate as much as possible by content area
and student development level - provide examples of teacher behavior for both
different standards and behavioral levels
25The Performance Assessment Process
- Create a solid performance assessment system so
the almost year-long comprehensive review can
occur periodically - Identify the evidence required for each standard
- Develop clear rubrics for making assessment
judgements from the evidence - Determine mix of classroom observations, videos
of lessons, portfolios of standards-based
26Behavioral Levels of Performance
- 1. Beginning teacher -- entry level
- 2. Basic -- effective teaching and classroom
management - 3. Licensure -- developing professional,
beginning - content specific pedagogy
- 4. Proficient -- solid array of professional
expertise - including mastery of content specific
pedagogy - 5. Advanced -- assessment instructional design
- 6. National Board Certified
27Two Major Approaches to KSBP Plans
- Redesign the entire salary schedule to include
knowledge and skills as a core element that
triggers major salary increases - Keep current steps and lanes structure and add
knowledge and skill elements
28Full KSBP Model
29Additional Knowledge and Skills
- For permanent pay increases
- License in a second subject
- License in a shortage area -- mathematics,
science, technology - Masters in area of license, or just content area
- Expertise for a comprehensive school design
- For one time payments, e.g.
- computer software, district provided pd classes,
- For leadership roles
- lead teacher, curriculum council chair, peer
assessor, school mentor/coach/instructional
30Key Characteristics
- Compensation structure reinforces state
district education reform goals and strategies - Advancement across categories depends on
increased expertise -- better instruction - Salary is capped if professional expertise does
not improve - Overlap of in-service, evaluation and license
standards, assessments/evaluation and
compensation - Linkage of compensation to teacher quality
31Recommendations for Policy
- Create a brand new teacher salary structure
- adopt standards for new beginning teachers, for
career teachers experienced, accomplished
teachers - embed teacher licensure within the standards
- link licensure, professional development,
evaluation and compensation to the standards - adopt a teacher salary framework to allow the
district to recruit and retain quality teachers
32Why this broader approach?
- Systemic focuses on improving instruction --
the key to having all kids achieve to high
standards - Addresses huge arena between beginning teachers
(licensure) and National Board Certification - Integrates all elements of HR system --
pre-service, licensure, recruitment, selection,
induction, development, evaluation and
compensation -- around effective instruction - Improves teacher evaluation -- a huge plus
- Including pay makes entire effort real and
33And ...
- This kind of a new salary structure is an
attractive vehicle for raising overall teacher
salary levels - This salary structure also could help recruit
large numbers of new teachers -- it allows for
quicker movement up the salary schedule and also
offers higher salaries for the best teachers --
so is attractive to Generation Y
34An Add-On Approach
35School Based Performance Awards
- School based
- Student performance oriented
- School goals are improvement in student
performance, largely student achievement - Provide pay bonuses to all professional staff
(and sometimes others) in schools that meet
performance improvement targets
36Creating a School Based Performance Award Program
- Identify most valued results -- achievement
- Measure results -- valid and reliable
- Calculate change and make calculations fair
- Set improvement targets
- Determine types and levels of awards
- Determine long term funding
- Establish system enablers, including KSBP
37Recommendations for Policy Initiatives -- SBPA
- Design and implement a school-based performance
award program using the states tests and
assessments - Set performance improvement targets at 2-4 points
a year best is change to a standard - Provide 3-4 levels of awards, with the target
award at the 2000-3000 per teacher level -- one
higher, and two lower -- and include classified
staff as well, prorated -