Title: Industry Professional Development
1Industry Professional Development
2Industry Professional Development
- Provide an overview of the different professional
associations active in the meetings industry - Help you choose those associations which can
bring most value - Outline some of the professional development
programmes for MICE professionals
3Industry Professional Development
- Industry Association benefits
- Professional development
- Certification programs
- Business networking opportunities
- Resource bank research and publications
- Industry trends and issues annual conventions
- Industry lobbying and promotion
- Promotional platforms eg. Tradeshows
- Database (ICCA, DMAI, UIA)
4Industry Professional Development
- Association Types
- Industry - organisations
- Professional individuals
- Federation association of associations
5Industry Professional Development
Industry Associations
6Industry Professional Development
Professional Associations
7Industry Professional Development
Industry Federation
8Trade Associations
- Focussed on Company (business development)
9Industry Professional Development
ICCA (International Congress and Convention
Association) Mission ICCA is the global
community for the meetings industry, enabling its
members to generate and maintain significant
competitive advantage Headquarters
Amsterdam Website www.iccaworld.com
10Industry Professional Development
- (International Congress and Convention
Association) - Membership
- from over 80 countries
- Cat A Congress travel and DMCs
- Cat B Airlines
- Cat C PCOs and Exhibition Management
- Cat D NTOs CVBs
- Cat E Meeting Information Technical
Specialists - Cat F Meetings Hotels
- Cat G Convention and Exhibition Centres
- Cat H Honorary Members
11Industry Professional Development
ICCA (International Congress and Convention
12Industry Professional Development
ICCA (International Congress and Convention
13Industry Professional Development
DMAI (Destination Marketing Association
International) Mission To enhance the
professionalism, effectiveness, and image of
destination marketing organizations
worldwide Headquarters Washington DC,
USA Website www.iacvb.org
14Industry Professional Development
DMAI (Destination Marketing Association
International) Mission To enhance the
professionalism, effectiveness, and image of
destination marketing organizations
worldwide Headquarters Washington DC,
USA Website www.iacvb.org
15Industry Professional Development
DMAI (Destination Marketing Association
International) Membership Convention and
visitor bureaus, DMOs 600 members from 25
countries mainly from North America
16Industry Professional Development
DMAI (Destination Marketing Association
17Industry Professional Development
DMAI (Destrination Marketing Association
18Industry Professional Development
DMAI (Destrination Marketing Association
19Industry Professional Development
ECM (European Cities Marketing) Merger between
European Federation of Conference Towns and
European Cities Tourism (January
2007) Website www.europeancitiesmarketing.com M
embership 105 European cities, 30 countries
20Industry Professional Development
ECM (European Cities Marketing)
21Professional Associations
- Focussed on Individuals (professional
22Industry Professional Development
IAPCO (International Asssociation of Professional
Congress Organisers) Mission IAPCO is
committed to raising standards of service among
its members and other sectors of the meetings
industry by means of continuing education and
interaction with other professionals. IAPCO has
members worldwide whose activities are monitored
on an annual basis. As a result, IAPCO membership
offers a unique quality assurance recognised by
conference clients and suppliers all over the
23Industry Professional Development
IAPCO (International Asssociation of Professional
Congress Organisers) Headquarters London,
UK Website www.iapco.org Membership 70
members from 30 countries (mainly
Europe) Professional conference and event
24Industry Professional Development
IAPCO (International Asssociation of Professional
Congress Organisers)
25Industry Professional Development
IAPCO (International Asssociation of Professional
Congress Organisers)
26Industry Professional Development
AIPC (Association des Internationale Palais de
Congres) Mission AIPC - the International
Association of Congress Centres - is the industry
association for professional convention and
exhibition centre managers world wide. AIPC is
committed to encouraging and recognizing
excellence in convention centre management, while
at the same time providing the tools to achieve
such high standards through its research,
educational and networking programs.
27Industry Professional Development
AIPC (Association des Internationale Palais de
Congres) Headquarters Brussels Website www.ai
pc.org Membership 147 members, 53
countries Congress centre management
28Industry Professional Development
AIPC (Association des Internationale Palais de
29Industry Professional Development
MPI (Meeting Professionals International) Mission
Meeting Professionals International is the
leading global association that defines and
shapes the meetings and events profession Headqua
rters Dallas, USA European
Office Luxembourg
30Industry Professional Development
MPI (Meeting Professionals International) Website
www.mpiweb.org Membership 21,000 members
(mainly USA) 20 countries 50/50 ratio between
meeting planners and suppliers
31Industry Professional Development
MPI (Meeting Professionals International)
32Industry Professional Development
MPI (Meeting Professionals International)
33Industry Professional Development
SITE (Society of Incentive Travel
Executives) Mission The Society of Incentive
Travel Executives (SITE) is a worldwide
organization of business professionals dedicated
to the recognition and development of
motivational and performance improvement
strategies of which travel is a key component. It
recognizes global cultural differences and
practices in developing these strategies, and
serves as a prime networking and educational
opportunity for its members
34Industry Professional Development
SITE (Society of Incentive Travel
Executives) Headquarters Chicago,
USA Website www.site-intl.org Membership Buyer
s and suppliers to the incentive travel
industry 2,100 individual members, 86 countries,
36 chapters
35Industry Professional Development
SITE (Society of Incentive Travel
Executives) Headquarters Chicago,
USA Website www.site-intl.org Membership Buyer
s and suppliers to the incentive travel
industry 2,100 individual members, 86 countries,
36 chapters
36Industry Professional Development
SITE (Society of Incentive Travel Executives)
37Industry Professional Development
SITE (Society of Incentive Travel Executives)
38Industry Professional Development
ISES (International Special Events
Society) Mission ISES is to educate, advance
and promote the special events industry and its
network of professionals along with related
industries Headquarters Chicago Website www.is
39Industry Professional Development
ISES (International Special Events
Society) Membership 4,000 members in 12
countries Chapters in USA/Canada, UK, Europe,
Australasia Special Event Management Companies
and suppliers
40Industry Professional Development
ISES (International Special Events
41Industry Federations
- Focussed on Industry (coordination and
42Industry Professional Development
- (Joint Meetings Industry Council)
- Mission / Objective
- To create a forum for the exchange of
information and expertise amongst organizations
that represent the various sectors of the
Meetings Industry - To formally recognize the achievements of
individuals who have successfully advanced the
positioning and professionalism of the industry
on an international basis - To support and carry out activities that promote
the profile and positioning of the Meetings
Industry as a distinct and important part of the
global economy
43Industry Professional Development
JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council) Headquarte
rs Brussels (secretariat) Website www.themeetin
44Industry Professional Development
- The International Association of Congress Centres
(AIPC) - The International Association of Professional
Congress Organizers (IAPCO) - The International Congress and Convention
Association (ICCA) - COCAL (The Latin American Confederation of PCO
and Related Companies) - Meeting Professionals International (MPI)
- The Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE)
- European Cities Marketing
JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council) Membership
45Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council) Mission CIC
facilitates the exchange of information and
develops programs to promote professionalism with
the industry and educates the public on its
profound economic impact. Headquarters Washingto
n Website www.conventionindustry.org
46Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council) Membership Ass
ociation of Collegiate Conference and Events
Directors-International (ACCED-I)AMC Institute
(Formerly IAAMC)Alliance of Meeting Management
Companies (AMMC)American Hotel Lodging
Association (AHLA)American Society of
Association Executives and the Center
(ASAE)Association for Convention Operations
Management (ACOM)Association of Destination
Management Executives (ADME)
47Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council) Membership Cou
ncil of Engineering and Scientific Society
Executives (CESSE)Center for Exhibition Industry
Research (CEIR)Destination Marketing Association
International (DMAI) Formerly IACVBExhibit
Designers and Producers Association
(EDPA)Exhibition Services Contractors
Association (ESCA)Financial and Insurance
Conference Planners (FICP) Formerly ICPA
48Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council) Membership Hea
lthcare Convention and Exhibitors Association
(HCEA)Hospitality Sales and Marketing
Association International (HSMAI)International
Association of Assembly Managers (IAAM)
International Association of Conference Centers
(IACC)International Association for Exhibitions
and Events (IAEE) Formerly IAEM International
Association of Protocol Consultants
(IAPC)International Association of Speakers
Bureaus (IASB)
49Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council) Membership Int
ernational Congress and Convention Association
(ICCA)International Special Events Society
(ISES)Meeting Professionals International
(MPI)National Association of Catering Executives
(NACE)National Business Travel Association
(NBTA)National Coalition of Black Meeting
Planners (NCBMP)National Speakers Association
(NSA)Professional Convention Management
Association (PCMA)Religious Conference
Management Association (RCMA)
50Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council) MembershipSoc
iety of Government Meeting Professionals
(SGMP)Society of Incentive Travel Executives
(SITE)Trade Show Exhibitors Association
(TSEA) 32 member organisations, representing
103,500 individuals and 17,300 firms Mainly USA
focused but expanding international
51Industry Professional Development
CIC (Convention Industry Council)
52Industry Professional Development
- Choosing the right Association for you....
- Relevance and benefit to your organisation
- Relevance and benefit to you
- Your professional or organisational goals
- Level of activity within your region
- Cost
53Industry Professional Development
- Working your membership....
- Participation in association activities
- Professional development
- Networking opportunities
- Annual conference
- Tap into market intelligence
- Make use of database
- If time permits sit on a committee for a while
54Industry Professional Development