Title: Hydraulic%20Fractures:%20multiscale%20phenomena,%20asymptotic%20and%20numerical%20solutions
1Hydraulic Fractures multiscale phenomena,
asymptotic and numerical solutions
Anthony Peirce University of British
Columbia Collaborators Emmanuel Detournay
(UMN) Eduard Siebrits (SLB)
SANUM Conference Stellenbosch 6-8 April 2009
- Examples of hydraulic fractures
- Governing equations, scaling, asymptotic
solutions 1-2D and 2-3D - Solving the free boundary problem
- Existing methods VOF, Level Set and KI matching
- Tip asymptote and Eikonal boundary value problem
- Setting the tip volumes using the tip asymptotes
- Coupled equations
- Numerical examples
- M-vertex and K-vertex
- Viscous crack propagating in a variable in situ
stress - Stress jump solutions
3HF Examples - block caving
4Oil well stimulation
6Magma flow
7Model EQ 1 Conservation of mass
8Model EQ 2 The elasticity equation
91-2D model and physical processes
Viscous energy loss
Fracture Energy Breaking rock
102-3D HF Equations
- Elasticity
- Lubrication
- Boundary conditions at moving front
(free boundary)
- Rescale the physical quantities as follows
- Dimensionless groups
- Scaled Equations
12Reduced eq near a smooth front
13Tip asymptotic behaviour
14HF experiment (Bunger Jeffrey CSIRO)
15Discretizing the Elasticity Equation
- Piecewise constant DD
- Discrete Elasticity Equation
- Operator form
16Discretizing the Fluid Flow Equation
- The fluid flow equation
- Integrate over cell
- Approximate the integrals
- where
- Operator form
17How do we find the fracture front?
- Level set method
- -move contours of a surface
- - differentiate
Problem we need an accurate
18Why not use stress intensity factor?
- Move front till SIF
- Find the SIF numerically
- if move forward
- if move back
- if stay
- Problems
- Accurate calculation of
- How far do you move?
- What about viscous and leak-off dominated
propagation regimes
19Divide elements into tip channel
tip elt
channel elt
At survey points
20Eikonal solution surfaces
The signed distance function
21Solving the Eikonal BVP
- The Eikonal Equation
- First order discretization
- Reduction to a quadratic
- Let
- Solution to the quadratic equation
22Geometric interpretation
23Initializing from tip asymptotes
- General asymptote
- K-vertex
- M-vertex
24Sample signed distance function
25Calculating the tip volume
26Tip volume width as a function of
- Width of the tip element
- Volume of the tip element
- Tip widths
27Tip widths and Pressures
28 The coupled equations
- Channel lubrication equation
- Tip lubrication equation
- Elasticity Equation (eliminate channel pressure)
- Coupled system
29Time stepping and front evolution
Time step loop Front iteration loop Coupled
Solution end set in use FMM
to solve Locate front next front
iteration next time step
30M-vertex radial soln footprints
31M-Vertex radial solution front speed
32M-vertex radial solution -
33M-Vertex Footprint evolution
34M-vertex radial solnwidth pressure
35M-vertex width
36M-vertex pressure
37K-vertex radial soln footprints
38K-Vertex radial solution front speed
39K-vertex radial solution -
40K-vertex convergence rate for
41K-vertex radial solnwidth pressure
42K-vertex width
43K-vertex Pressure
44Linear in-situ stress field - footprints
45Zoom in
46Linear in-situ stress field - movie
ILSA Linear
Uniform field
47Breakthrough Low to High Stress
48Stress contrast high-gtlow
49Lab Test (Bunger et al 2008)
- Governing equations, scaling, asymptotic
solutions 1-2D and 2-3D - Solving the free boundary problem
- Existing methods VOF, Level Set and KI matching
- Tip asymptote and Eikonal boundary value problem
- Setting the tip volumes using the tip asymptotes
- Coupled equations
- Numerical examples
- M-vertex and K-vertex
- Viscous crack propagating in a variable in situ
stress - Stress jump solutions