Title: Uncertainty quantification in predictive models for NLIW
1Uncertainty quantification in predictive models
for NLIW
- Overview
- Models and uncertainty
- Example of high-resolution NLIW simulation and
comparison to observations - Generation mechanism
- Nonhydrostatic effects
- Effects of rotation
2Phase ? /- 10 Amplitude ?
Modeling and prediction
NLIW models Hydrostatic circulation models
(POM/ROMS) Regional nonhydrostatic models
(MITgcm,SUNTANS) 2D (xz) nonhydrostatic models
(spectral/finite difference) 3D DNS Strongly
nonlinear IW models (2Dmultilayer) Weakly
nonlinear IW models (KdV, eKdV)
Acoustic models
Empirical models
Surface currents UIW UBG O(100 m)
Surface wave models Wave action equation ? O(1
m) Model for the small scales ? O(1 cm)
Backscatter models Remote sensing
NLIW models Hydrostatic circulation models
(POM/ROMS) Regional nonhydrostatic models
(MITgcm,SUNTANS) 2D (xz) nonhydrostatic models
(spectral/finite difference) DNS Strongly
nonlinear IW models Weakly nonlinear models
(KdV, eKdV)
- Development of nonlinear (2D or layered)
internal wave model to satisfy O(100 m)
resolution requirements - Assimilation/integration of remote
sensing/in-situ data and high-resolution models
to develop parameterization of nonhydrostatic
effects and other uncertainties not accounted
for in 2D model. - Examples
- 2D model simulates deep-basin propagation well
- 2D model probably has trouble capturing
transformation is it possible to develop
parameterizations of dissipation and higher-order
nonhydrostatic effects to improve the 2D model? -
4Quantification of uncertainty
- Study basic generation problem under the overall
motivation to quantify uncertainty - Uncertainty depends a great deal on location and
process - NLIW
- Arrival time (phase) /- 10
- Greatest uncertainty u, du/dx, amplitude, of
waves in packet - RESOLUTION lt 100 m SCS, lt 20 m NJS
- Bathymetry?
- Stratification/Currents due to seasonal and
mesoscale variability - Coriolis
- Surface wave models
- Initial spectra
- Surface currents
- Greatest uncertainty Wind-forcing/dissipation/wav
e-wave interaction - Remote Sensing
- Development/implementation of test problems to
quantify uncertainty by comparing in-situ and
remote sensing data to models
5Comparison to observations
Observations (S. Ramp, NPS)
7SSH, 25 June 2005
SAR image from internalwaveatlas.com
828 June 2005, 1220
27 June 2005, 1130
28 June 2005
30 June 2005, 1401
29 June 2005, 1311
Generation is strongly influenced by
three- dimensional topography.
92D simulations with SUNTANS
Levitus stratification
28 C
Depth at sill DS 200 m
3 C
Ocean depth D0 3500 m
Barotropic forcing at diurnal frequency
Radiation of first-mode baroclinic wave. Sponge
layers are also employed to damp internal waves
at the boundaries.
10Case with Frsill0.27
Isotherms 16, 20, 24, 28 degrees C
11Case with Frsill1.60
Isotherms 16, 20, 24, 28 degrees C
12Beginning of ebb tide
End of ebb tide
Beginning of flood Lee wave release
Arrival at B1
13Nonhydrostatic effects (Frsill1.60)
Nonhydrostatic code
Isotherms 16, 20, 24, 28 degrees C
Hydrostatic code
14Nonhydrostatic-Hydrostatic Comparison
Dispersion in the hydrostatic model is purely
numerical. The numerical dispersion is much
smaller than the physical, nonhydrostatic
dispersion, which leads to excessive steepening
of the front. The oversteepened front is
diffused due to grid-scale numerical diffusion,
and this causes a reduction in the wave
amplitude. Reduction in the wave
amplitude reduces the amplitude dispersion and
thereby reduces the speed of propagation of the
15o C isotherm after 3 tidal periods.
15Using the KdV equation as a model
Initial wave Half-sine wave (first-mode internal
tidal wavelength) with amplitude 70 m.
16Computed vs. Modeled (KdV) Results
17Effects of rotation
16 oC isotherm after 2 K1 tides
(1) Reduction of along-sill tidal excursion
distance in the ebb direction causing wave with
rotation to appear much faster. (2) Larger
amplitude wave without rotation eventually
overtakes wave with rotation due to
amplitude dispersion.