Title: Our Vision
1Our Vision
- To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world.
- To have each person fully engaged and being used
by God to fulfill their unique calling. - To raise up successive generations who hunger to
give their lives to Jesus and see the Kingdom
2The Gospel According to Mark
- Overview
- Who was Mark? (Be a Berean Acts 171011)
- Disciple/Helper of Paul and Barnabas Acts 12
- Left/Abandoned them in Pamphylia Acts1313
- Trusted messenger to the Colossians - Col 410
- Helper of Paul Supporter of Timothy II Tim
411 - Disciple/Helper and cousin of Barnabas Act
1536-40 - Disciple Son of Peter I Peter 513
- Follower/peripheral Disciple of Jesus Acts 1212
3The Gospel According to Mark
- Why did Mark Write this Book? What was his
- Identity
- Proclamation
- Demonstration
What it is
4The Gospel According to Mark
- Identity - What is it and why is it important?
- Be a Berean Acts 171011
- Mark 19-11 -We are Beloved Sons and Daughters
and our Dad is really Proud of us - Mark 11415 We are Subjects, Ambassadors and
Warriors of the Kingdom on God - We have Authority
- To cast out Demons in Jesus Name Mark 121-28
- To heal in Jesus Name Mark 12934, Mark
5The Gospel According to Mark
- Mark 135 - The source of our identity change and
ability walk in the fullness of our new identity
is because of Christ in us and our daily
connection to him
6The Gospel According to Mark
- Why did Mark Write this Book? What was his
There is a war for our Identity
7The Gospel According to Mark
- Why is there a war for our identity?
- Recognition
- The enemy does not want us to understand who we
are in Christ. - Does not want us to understand the true Lordship
and authority of Jesus over all sickness,
demonization creation. - Realization
- The Enemy does not want us to walk in the
fullness of our identity - If we dohe is in
8The Gospel According to Mark
- Aragorn
- Recognition
- You are the King and you have the authority
- Realization
- He went and walked in this authority to bring
9The Gospel According to Mark
- So.
- Back to the War
- Does it really Exist?
- Absolutely!
10The Gospel According to Mark
11The Gospel According to Mark
- Mark 430 to 34
- Recognition
- The disciples did not recognize who Jesus really
was vs 35, 38,39,40 - They did not yet recognize who they were
(becoming) 117 - They did not recognize their authority
- They did not recognize they were in a Spiritual
battle - Wipe out Jesus
- Wipe out the disciples
- Wipe out the Freedom Jesus was brining Gadarean
12The Gospel According to Mark
13The Gospel According to Mark
- Realization
- When they got to the other sideHealing of the
Gadarean demoniac! - Mark 518-20 He in turn went and proclaimed the
Good News that The Kingdom of God is Near. Look
what Jesus has done for me - All were amazed
- Proclamation and Demonstration
14The Gospel According to Mark
- So. What are we to do about this war?
- Recognize that a battle for our identity exists
- Families, Children, Marriage, Friendships
,Health, Finances - Bring everything to the Lord in Prayer with the
confidence of our Identity in Christ - The kingdom of God is here
- The Rule and Reign of Jesus is accessible for His
beloved Children - Lay down our Fleshly identity
- Abide With Jesus with Godly encouragers