Title: Fundamentals of Socially Responsible Investing
1Fundamentals ofSocially Responsible Investing
2Definition of SRI
- Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is the
integration of environmental, social and
governance factors in the selection and
management of investments.
3Historical Roots
- Churches
- Credit Unions
- Labour Movement
- Environmental Movement
- Womens Movement
- Local development groups
4A Global Movement
- 2.29 trillion in SRI assets in US
- 9 of funds under management in US
- More than 1 trillion euros of SRI assets in
Europe - Growing in Asia, Australia
5Canadian SRI
- Canadian Socially Responsible Investment Review
2006 - 503.6 billion in assets invested under SRI
guidelines - Up from 65.5 billion in 2004
- Currently almost 20 investment market
- Over 50 funds available to individual investors
6Canadian SRI
- Growth in last two years primarily due to
adoption of SRI policies at large public pension
funds - Examples CPP Investment Board, Caisse de depot,
British Columbia Investment Management Corp.,
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System - Funds are engaging with companies and/or voting
their proxies on ESG issues
7Components of SRI
- Core SRI (values and financial analysis)
- Positive and negative screening
- Community investment
- Ethical lending
- Broad SRI (ESG risks and returns)
- Integration of environmental, social and
governance factors (ESG) - ESG corporate engagement and proxy voting
- Sustainable venture capital
8CORE SRI Screening
- Negative criteria to exclude investments on
social or environmental issues - Positive criteria to seek out investments based
on best of sector or ideals of sustainability or
social responsibility
9CORE SRI Community Investment
- Providing capital for local community development
- Thinking globally, acting locally
10CORE SRISocially Responsible Lending
- Subjecting commercial loans to social and
environmental screens - VanCity and Citizens Bank leaders in this area
11BROAD SRIIntegration of ESG
- Assessment of how environmental, social and
governance issues affect stock values and
prospects - Unfavourable companies not necessarily screened
out - May be underweighted
- Companies with good prospects overweighted
12BROAD SRICorporate Engagement and Proxy Voting
- Using your power as an investor to encourage
companies to become more responsible and
13BROAD SRISustainable Venture Capital
- Private investments in small and medium-sized
firms emphasizing sustainability - Energy conservation, environmental clean-up,
recycling, alternative energy, organic production - Also known as Cleantech
14Social Investment Fund Offerings
- SIO listed mutual funds must
- Include social or environmental criteria in
investment objectives - Set these objectives out in the prospectus
- Neutral stocks acceptable for core portfolio
- Exemplary stocks preferred to push the margins
- Offensive stocks can be held with active
shareholder strategy
16SRI and Profitability
- Profitability can vary in short term
- Periods favouring defence, gold stocks biased
against SRI funds - Long-term tendency to SRI outperformance
17SRI and ProfitabilityDomini Social Index (DSI)
- US-based basket of 400 socially responsible
stocks - Most recognized SRI index
- Launched May 1, 1990
18SRI and Profitability
- Jantzi Social Index
- Canadian socially responsible investment index
- 60 stocks
- Launched January 1, 2000
19SRI and Profitability
- University of Western Ontario study (Cnd.
Investment Review Winter 2001) - Finding No penalty for SRI
- May even decrease risk exposure
- Global Profit and Global Justice, Deb Abbey
(just released) - The Ethical Investor, David Skinner
- Socially Responsible Investment A Global
Revolution, Russell Sparkes - The SRI Advantage, Peter Camejo
- Internet Sites
- www.socialinvestment.ca
- www.jantziresearch.com
- www.socialfunds.com
- www.sristudies.org
- The opinions, estimates and projections contained
therein are those of the author as of the date
hereof and are subject to change without notice
and may not reflect those of Research Capital
Corporation ("RCC"). The information and opinions
contained herein have been compiled and derived
from sources believed to be reliable, but no
represenation or warranty, expressed or implied,
is made as to their accuracy or completeness.
Neither the author nor RCC accepts liability
whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of
this report or its contents. Information may be
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