Title: A Visit To The Farm
1A Visit To The Farm A Virtual Field Trip Created
By Sharon Riggs
Introduction Slide 2
The Animals Slide 11
The Pigs Slide 12
The Ducks Slide 13
The Cows Slide 14
The Cows Slide 15
Back To The Cows
Back To R and R
Back To The Ducks
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3Welcome to Mrs. Wishy-Washys Farm
4Mrs. Wishy Washy has a lot of chores to do on the
farm besides giving the animals a bath. Click on
the barn to visit her farm and learn more about
her work.
5It is almost morning and some of the animals are
beginning to wake up. Listen to the animal
sounds and see if you can guess who lives in Mrs.
Wishy Washys barn.
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7Some animals were in the barn. Click on the
animals you heard.
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10Time To Get Started You will keep a journal of
your visit to the farm. Click on the picture to
download the journal and print it out. Then
click on the hand to go on.
11Look at Mrs. Wishy Washys To Do list and get
started. Click on the picture to work on a
chore. Please complete the chores in order.
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21What animals did you see at the farm?
Draw a picture of the animals in your
journal and write their names.
Back To The List
22Feeding The Pigs
Color the picture of the pig in your journal and
tell what you learned from the movie.
23 Back To The List
24Ducks, Ducks, Ducks
Find the picture of the egg in your journal and
draw a baby duck inside. Tell how the duckling
cracked the egg open.
25Ducks, Ducks, Ducks
Find the picture of the egg in your journal and
draw a baby duck inside. Tell how the duckling
cracked the egg open.
26 Back To The List
27We Like Cereal
Find the picture of the cow and the girl eating
in your journal. Tell what they like to eat.
Write about it.
28 Back To The List
29Milking The Cows
Find the pictures that tell the story of milk
in your journal. Cut the pictures out and
paste them in order. Then write your own
story of milk.
Back To The List
30Milking The Cows
Find the pictures that tell the story of milk
in your journal. Cut the pictures out and
paste them in order. Then write your own
story of milk.
Back To The List
31Rest And Relaxation
1. Listen to a story . . .
2. Play a game . . .
3. Sing and dance . . .
Back To The List
32Rest And Relaxation
1. Listen to a story . . .
2. Play a game . . .
3. Sing and dance . . .
Back To The List
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