Title: La Crisis Financiera Global Implicaciones para Asia
1La Crisis Financiera GlobalImplicaciones para
- Por Reihana Mohideen -- Filipinas
2Tres Puntos Principales
- 1. Removiendo el mito de que las economías
asiáticas son refugios seguros relativamente
no afectados por la crisis de los países
imperialistas. - I.e. disociación
- 2. La otra gran crisis que enfrenta el
capitalismo La crisis ambiental genera mayor
urgencía - La necesidad de tomar las ideas/teorías de
eco-socialistas y ecologistas políticos al
discutir alternativas socialistas. - 3. Implicaciones para la estrategia socialista y
la primacía de la política en este debate.
31. Asia Disociada, Refugio Seguro?
- Tanto como 30 de los activos asiáticos son de
propiedad extanjera y vinculados por bonos,
préstamos y mercados derivados, mientras que los
más pequeños también son significantes. - En los primeros ocho meses de este año la fuga de
capital de Asia alcanzó 38 millardos. - Capital líquido
- También en la medida que las compañias
capitalistas se retiran por falta de crédito.
4El Crecimiento Asiático en Declive
- Se espera que el crecimiento del PIB agregado en
el sureste asiático desacelere a 5.4 en 2008,
significantemente menor que el crecimiento de
6.5 alcanzado en 2007 - Las proyecciones de crecimiento para Filipinas,
Singapur y Vietnam están decayendo en forma
significativa. - Las proyecciones de inflación son las más altas
en una década, y la tasa se espera que aumente
rápidamente especialmente en países como Vietnam. - Asian Development Bank Outlook Updates
5Segunda Crisis Asiática?
- Los riesgos de una segunda crisis asiática han
disminuido pero no desaparecido. - Si la crisis en los EE.UU. se agrava, Asia se
verá obligada a sufrir efectos económicos mucho
más graves, incluyendo una abrupta reversión en
la entrada de capital extranjero.
6Dependencia en los Mercados de Exportación para
- Exportaciones como PIB
- Vietnam 76.8
- Taiwan 73.8
- Indonesia 45.6
- India 21.2
- 25 de las exportaciones finales van a E.E.U.U.
- Todavía fuertemente dependiente de las
exportaciones y no de los mercados nacionales.
7Crecimiento del PIB, Asia del Este
8La crisis Asiática de 1997-98 Lecciones
- Para Asia, la crisis de Wall Street es una
reproducción en una escala mucho mayor, de la
crisis financiera asiática de 1997, que hizo que
bajaran las economías incendiarias de los
tigres en el este asiático. -
- El rescate masivo de Wall Street recuerda a la
gente de los miles de millones que el FMI negoció
después del '97 con el pretexto de ayudarlos - el
dinero que se utilizó en lugar de rescatar a los
inversores extranjeros tanto que hace difícil
venderle la idea a la gente.
9Puntos acerca del cambio climático El impacto en
Asia UN FCCC data
- Temperature
- Warming above the global mean in central Asia,
the Tibetan Plateau, northern, eastern and
southern Asia. - Warming similar to the global mean in Southeast
Asia. - Precipitation, snow and ice
- Increasing reduction in snow and ice in
Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau Glaciers - Extreme Events
- Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme
events particularly droughts during the summer
months and El Niño events - increase in extreme rainfall and winds
associated with tropical cyclones in - East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia
- intense rainfall events causing landslides and
severe floods - heat waves/hot spells in summer of longer
duration, more intense and more frequent,
particularly in East Asia
- Water
- Increasing water stress to over a hundred
million people due to decrease of freshwater
availability in Central, South, East and
Southeast Asia, particularly in large river
basins such as Changjiang. - Increase in the number and severity of glacial
melt-related floods. - Agriculture and food security
- Decreases in crop yield for many parts of Asia
putting many millions of people at risk from
hunger. - Increase land degradation and desertification.
- Agriculture may expand in productivity in
northern areas. - Health
- Heat stress and changing patterns in the
occurrence of disease vectors affecting health,
i.e. Malaria - Increases in endemic morbidity and mortality
due to diarrhoeal disease in south and Southeast
Asia. - Increase in the abundance and/or toxicity of
cholera in south Asia. - Coastal Zones
- Tens of millions of people in low-lying coastal
areas of south and Southeast Asia affected by sea
level rise and an increase in the intensity of
tropical cyclones. - Coastal inundation is likely to seriously
affect the aquaculture industry and
infrastructure particularly in heavily-populated - megadeltas.
- Stability of wetlands, mangroves, and coral
reefs increasingly threatened.
102. The Capitalist Environmental Crisis
- Added urgency as capitalist solutions will be at
the expense of the environment. - Sustainable economic models
- Drawing from the thinking/theories of the
left-ecology/environmental movements political
ecology, eco-socialism. - Cubas leadership here, 85 organic agricultural
production, only possible in a planned economy. - Issues
- What kind of technological development and
transfer? Third generation, polluting
technology? - Ideological debates, debunking Green capitalism
in the form of carbon-markets, etc?
113. Socialist Strategy Primacy of PoliticsThe
Importance of Marx
- How to interpret Marx for these times? Marx of
Capital and/or of the Communist Manifesto - Commandante Chavez emphasis on Marx of the
Manifesto, the Marx of the Political Struggle
Movement haunting/challenging capitalism. - But against a dogmatic Marx, including the
dogma of economism - Marx will not return as a political inspiration
to the left until it is understood that his
writings should not be treated as political
programs, authoritative or otherwise, nor as
descriptions of the actual situation of world
capitalism today, but rather as guides to his way
of understanding the nature of capitalist
development. (Hosbawm)
12Political Power
- Despite the severity of the problems facing
global capitalism today, there is no
inevitability about the automatic collapse of
the system. - How can capitalism restructure successfully?
- Solutions will be at the expense of the labouring
masses their living environment. Social
movements alone, struggling around particular
issues, are inadequate to face the challenges
today. - Need to build political movements of the
labouring masses, which struggle for power and
system change. - Agents of change?
13The Revolutionary Left Response Philippines
- Crisis of the Capitalist System
- Immediate calls
- (i) Nationalise finance sector under popular
control (ii) Institutional Transparency (iii)
Socialise Profits, not the Losses (iv) For a
government of the working masses and the poor. - Launching a new anti-capitalist, mass, party
- Mobilise, organise the unorganised new forces,
based on community, factory and university-based
local structures (councils, peoples assemblies)
14Asian Alternatives?
- Alternatives not based on a national
independence model, simply retreating behind
high protectionist barriers. - Need regional models, based on mutually
beneficial trade and exchange. Eg ALBA, - ASEAN? Engage or not to?
- Viet Nam in ASEAN an ally of the left, mass
movements? -
15Asian Models
- Do China and Viet Nam provide alternative models
for Asian left? - Generally viewed with skepticism even criticism
- China Many in the left believe that market
socialism has been a vehicle for introducing
capitalist relations resulting in huge
inequalities. - Viet Nams socialist-market economy is also
viewed with some (but lesser) skepticism
concerns about increasing privatisation,
decreasing capital controls, but strong and
vibrant mass organisations.
16Global Alternatives Solutions
- Equadorian Minister for the Economy
- We cannot talk about a new financial
architecture without talking about transforming
the international division of labour the
re-organisation of the international economy. - Ponder this and the implications for how we
approach our strategies and alternatives. - No simply Asian solutions, or even only South
American ones (opportunities yes, but not
17Politics in the Imperialist Countries
- How will the working people respond? How will the
trade unions and the social movements respond? - US organised movement still weak to pose an
alternative, but some important developments - Europe Better opportunities for the left.
- Develop a South America-Asia axis based on the
left movements (and not solely diplomatic ties). - Delegates from South America to attend a
socialism conference in the Philippines next
year. - Networks/Institutes here to have an Asian