Title: Raploch Urban Regeneration Company
1 Raploch Urban Regeneration Company Creative
Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
SCR October 2007
2Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
- The Regeneration
- 900 new homes
- Education health campus
- Homezones
- 19 hectares of green spaces
- Road re-alignment
- Economic, social, physical outcomes
SCR October 2007
3Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
- Local pride takes a dent
- long term deprivation and lack of
prospects/classified for regeneration/sense of
being regarded as a bad area - Community Says we want to renovate the river
path and derelict land to make it into a place
that would attract visitors and give a sense of
the real Raploch - - we arent bad people in a
bad area - Starting Point we wish to capture the identity
of Raploch for future generations and the wider
community create something on the Riverwalk path
that shows the culture of Raploch? Conversation
with Enhanced Community Support Manager - agree a
fund to support a Feasibility Study
SCR October 2007
4Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
- Collecting the evidence Feasibility Study on use
of the Riverwalk - They asked
- What will show others the real Raploch?
- What will really identify cultural and
historical links - What matters to us?
- How does it fit with the regeneration?
- Who will use, manage, pay for the proposal
Creative Spaces?
SCR October 2007
5Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
- Methods to collect evidence
- surveys
- open door meetings
- door to door knocking
- workshops with stone carving and wood
- history and story telling
- childrens poetry
- art exhibition
- talk to everyone, river users, pigeon hutters,
SCR October 2007
6Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
The Solution 5 Creative Spaces that
demonstrate the pride, history and culture of
Raploch/Play Space designed by local
people/plethora of good press stories/increase of
visitors to Raploch as a place of interest, not
as a place of notoriety
SCR October 2007
7Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
- Outcomes
- Creative spaces built and creates a footprint
of Raploch - 1200 people participate
- 10 mentees - 2 into training
- The Old Bridge Interpretation Space
- The Play Area reinstated
- The Path - writing Timeline Stories
- The Big Poem - all school children
collaborate - Funding - resources found based on evidence
SCR October 2007
8Creative Spaces Project Your Place or Mine?
- Sustainability
- shared implementation local people working with
artist and contractor to learn transferable
skills such as stonemasonry and sculpture - shared aftercare Community Enterprise made up
of local people who would support and maintain
the works and continue the evaluation process
working with the URC
SCR October 2007