Title: Community Food Systems
1Community Food Systems
- Nebraska Sustainability Leadership Workshop
- Jim Crandall
- Nebraska Cooperative Development Center-UNL
2Nebraska Cooperative Development Center
The Nebraska Cooperative Development Center is
Nebraskas center for cooperative based business
development. We provide education, training, and
technical assistance to cooperatively owned
business, be it a cooperative, an LLC, or other
business structure.
3Nebraska Cooperative Development Center
- Created in 1999 to help develop rural businesses
that were cooperatively owned. NCDC has worked
with over 60 cooperatively owned businesses since
its inception. NCDC is now part of UNL, CARI,
Ag Economics Dept. - Worked with several value added agriculture
companies, many of them involved in direct
marketing their production to the consumer. - Began working with Local Foods in early 2000.
(AmeriCorps Members, Buy Nebraska, All Nebraska
Meals, and more)
- National trend to buy and consume locally grown
food - Know who your food comes from
- Perceived as safer
- Perceived as more nutritious
- Interest in sustaining local farmers
- Some view as food security issue
5General Economies
- US residents spend slightly less than 10 of
their household income on food - Nebraska median household income (1999 census) is
39,250. - Approximately 3900 spent on food annually
- A community of 1000 people spends 975,000 on
food - Beatrice spends 12,187,500 !!
6General Economies
- If local food producers could capture even 1 of
the Beatrice grocery expenditures, it would
amount to 121,875!! - That 121,875 stays in the community
- Is it worth it for community leaders to help
facilitate local food systems?
7Local economies
- Local grocers
- Local restaurants
- Farmers Markets
- Local organizations/businesses
- Examples.
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9Local Food Guide
10Buy Fresh, Buy Local Nebraska Founding Partners
11New Buy Fresh Buy Local Areas
- Central Nebraska
- South Central RCD
- Loup Basin RCD
- Prairie Land RCD
12Contact Us Billene Nemec Coordinator 103 Miller
Hall Lincoln, NE 68583 472-7352 bnemec2_at_unl.edu
Elaine Cranford 103 Miller Hall Lincoln, NE
472-1746 ecranford2_at_unl.edu www.buylocalnebraska
Nebraskan Demand for Local Products
- 95 of Nebraskans believe that it is important
that food products are locally grown and produced - 98 of Nebraskans are interested in purchasing
local food from grocers - 88 of Nebraskans are interested in purchasing
local foods in restaurants - 41 of Nebraskans are willing to spend more than
the typical retail price to select foods that are
locally produced
Source Attracting Consumers With Locally
Produced Products, UNL Food Processing Center,
Eating is an Agricultural Act-Wendell
BerryIts a Political Act as Well-Michael
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15Sample Impacts
- More than 5400 pounds of ground beef sourced from
local farms for 2 meals per month August-May. - One cafeteria, some at East Campus Union, plus
some catered meals - The first year they sourced food from about 20
farmers/producers. Now they source from 68.
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17Food system without Bricks and Mortar
- On-line market
- Members of the cooperative are producers and
consumers - Delivery to central location twice/month
seasonally, once/month out of season - Volunteer labor to sort and package
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25Were Not Doing it Alone
- Coordinated Effort through Nebraska Local Foods
Network - UNL Nebraska Cooperative Development Center
- University of Nebraska-Rural Initiative
- UNL-Extension
- Center for Rural Affairs
- Nebraska Food Cooperative
- Farmers/Ranchers
- Nebraska Market Maker
- Chefs
- UNL Food Processing Center
- Agronomy Horticulture
- Many More
26Food Related business development
- Family Farm and Rancher Meats Coop
- Farmers Choice
- Farmstead First Dairy
- Good Fresh Local, UNL Dining Hall
- GROW Nebraska
- Heartland Nuts N More Coop
- Mainbow Meats
- Many Rivers Producers Coop
- Nebraska Food Cooperative
- Nebraska Sandhills Yellow Perch Coop
- Northstar Neighbors LLC
- Nutritech Ostrich LLC
- Small Farms Cooperative
- Wolfs Den Grocery
27Sustainable Communities
- Sustainable Leadership
- Sustainable Businesses
- Ash Hollow grocery store coop, Ainsworth Clothing
Coop, Bloomfield Soy Products LLC, Blue River
Ethanol - BuyNebraska.org, CC Ag., Centerville Market LLC,
Community Crops, Custer County Ag. Products, - Daly Ranch Meats, Eddyville Steakhouse LLC,
Ethanol Power Producers, Imperial, Ethnic Farmers
Market project - Family Farm and Rancher Meats Coop, Grain Value
added processing, Blackwoods Hunting and
Recreation - Heartland Natural Fibers Coop, Heartland Nuts N
More Coop, Hilltop Hay Coop, Husker Ag.
Processing LLC - KAAPA-Mexican grain project, Libby Creek Farm
Alliance, Lindsay Grocery Store Coop, - Longpine Business Incubator, Madrid Ethanol, NC
Organic Seed, Nebraska Community Food Network - Nebraska Farmers Market Association, Nebraska Sun
Oil Coop, Nebraska Woody Florals Coop - New Millennium Sheep Alliance, Niobrara Wood
Products LLC, Nutritech Ostrich LLC, Oregon Trail
Ethanol Coalition - Panhandle Rural Health Coop, Panhandle Marketing
Coop, Partners Hay Marketing cooperative, - Prairie Farms Marketing Alliance, Producer Owned
Woolen Mill, Regional Natural Meats Coop
(multi-state) - Roseland Distillers Grain Project, Rural
Ranchers, SE Nebraska Alternative Crops (Arbor
Trails Winery Cooperative) - SE Nebraska Area Producers Coop, Seasonal Grass
Dairy, South Central Biodiesel Project, - St. James Market Place/Heartland Experience,
Tele-health Coop, The Worm Firm, Unified Soy
Processors LLC - Valley Vegetable, Western Nebraska Grape Growers
Assn., Wyo-Braska Bean Cooperative
28Local Foods Local Impacts
- Jim Crandall
- Associate Director
- Nebraska Cooperative Development Center-UNL
- Cooperative Business Development Specialist
- 11854 730 Rd.
- Holdrege, NE 68949
- 308-995-3889
- crandall3_at_unl.edu