Title: Run by AIESEC Mainland China
1Run by AIESEC Mainland China Raising awareness in
social responsibilities
Want to discover the magic land and experience
China? Want to meet make friends with the
hospitable Chinese people of all age? Want to
contribute to the social issues in China?
3ESD-Education Sustainable Development
Mission Help to address the worlds social
issues and raise awareness
among the youth about sustainable
development. Content An innovative program in
local high school,s run in Beijing, Shanghai,
Tianjin and Xian in China,
focus on educating students about key topics of
sustainable development. Work
place Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Xian,
China Duration 2 months at least (Sept. to
Dec.) JD Receive training, give lessons,
participate in school activities, attract
partners, participate in the impact
report, etc. Requirements Excellent English
required, education/social work background
preferred, PC
users/Internet users/Presentation/Training and
teaching skills required.
4Green Power NOW! -Clean Energy Education Program
Mission Popularize the knowledge of clean energy
by educating teenagers around the globe,
help them apply what they have learnt on
the issue of clean energy into practice. Content
International exchange program, education program
for the youth, Support from NGO
in teaching material and professional
training. Work place Beijing, Shanghai,
Guangzhou, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Wuhan,
China Duration 2 months at least (Sept. to
Dec./Mar. to May ) JD Receive training, give
lessons, participate in campus activities,
attract partners, participate in the
impact report, etc. Requirements
Environment/energy/education/social work
preferred, Project management/ Teamwork skills/
Teaching skills required.
5Red Wings-HIV/AIDS Education Project
Mission Address the issue of stigma and
discrimination, corporate response in work place,
and the role of youth in
prevention and education through engaging with
leaders, providing information,
and creating internships for youth interested to
work around the issue.
Content International interns coordinating
HIV/AIDS program, movie and radio show for
public education, forums and workshops
for college students and high school
HIV/AIDS education. Work place Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Hangzhou,
China Duration 2 months at least (Sept. to
Dec.) JD Receive training, design, promote and
provide courses, support in raising sponsorship
for NGO, public relation, attract
partners, participate in the impact report,
etc. Requirements Education/social work
background preferred,
Project management/ Teamwork skills/ Teaching
skills required.
6First social enterprise incubation course in
Mainland China 300 top university participants in
Shanghai and Beijing Be the No.1 university
student innovation factory
Social Entrepreneur
Mission Discover and develop a number of future
young social entrepreneurs in China with
their own social enterprises, promote
the social innovation, educating the students
to think about social problems in a
different way.. Content Social enterprise
business course for university students,
facilitation for students to
start up a real social enterprise Work place
Beijing, Shanghai, China Duration 3 months at
least JD Receive training, give lessons,
participate in school activities, attract
partners, participate in the impact
report, etc. Requirements Excellent English
required, education/social work background
preferred, PC
users/Internet users/Presentation/Training and
teaching skills required.
7Experience China! -cooperation between China and
Work place Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin ,
Guangzhou , Xian , Dalian , Hangzhou Duration
2 months at least (Sept. to Dec. March to May ,
June-August ) JD Receive training, give lessons,
cultural activities, attract partners
involved Requirements Good language skills,Open
minded,Proactive to learn Ready for a
challenge,Interested in China
8(No Transcript)
9For more information contact us
on info_at_pl.aiesec.org