Title: Important course info
1Important course info
- Schedule in general
- Monday Wednesday 330-450 in Kane 130
- Thursday 800-850 - sorry? in Kane 130
- All lectures will be screencasted
- Exams April 20th, May 11th June 11th
- Mark your calendars!! No make up exams
- Weekly review sessions Thursdays 6-7pm HSB
T-639 - Weekend review sessions before exams
- Office hours on Wed 11-1 Thurs 10-12 (or by
appt) - 10 homework assignments on Catalyst
- Register your clicker on the course website asap
- Clicker question information.test tomorrow
- Lab field trip info take survey asap
2How do we become anatomy scholars?
- Website http//bstr301.biostr.washington.edu/
- Book and CD-ROM
- Saladin Human Anatomy 2nd edition special
edition (1st is ok too) - Anatomy Physiology Revealed (APR) version 2.0
(1.0 is ok) - Reserves
- Lecture handouts
- Available on course website
- What to read in book study on APR
- Independent study..
- Lecture reading objectives
- Specific lists (bones muscles)
- Lecture slides on website
- clicker questions posted at end of week
- GoPost for course
- Ben (TA) has website with review info
3Please register your clicker asap!!
4Introduction and Survey of the Human body
5(No Transcript)
6- Hippocrates (460 380 BC)
- Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
- Herophilus (335 - 280 BC)
- Galen (129 - 199 AD)
- The Dark Ages (200-1050 AD)
7Michelangelos David
8Middle Ages and Renaissance 1050 - 1543
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)
9Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12How to examine the human body
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Auscultation
- Percussion
- Exploratory surgery
- Medical imaging
- Dissection
131895 - Radiography
- Whats black?
- radiolucent
- allows passage of x-rays
- does not absorb x-rays
- Whats white?
- radio-opaque, radiodense
- not transparent to x rays
- absorbs x-rays
14Barium sulfate swallow
15CAT scan
16What to do now and later today!
- Hand in index cards in boxes on stage
- Read course syllabus (questions tomorrow)
- Register your clicker on Catalyst
- Do lab field trip survey
- Do readings for today and Wednesday
- Keep up! Dont get behind on readings.
- Check out course website
- http//bstr301.biostr.washington.edu/
- Outside source? User name webuser
- Password resubew
- Course guide questions?
- All handouts and lecture slides available on
website - review sessions on Thursdays 6-7pm
- Health Science Building T-639
- (except THIS Thursday)
- homework whats it all about
- practice clicker questions today
- real ones tomorrow
18Homework assignments
- 10 during the quarter 100 points total
- 5-10 questions worth 1-2 points each 10 points
total - Available Mondays at 5pm until the following
Monday at 6am - No time limit, open as many times as you want,
change your answers - You need to SUBMIT the quiz
- Can change answers after you submit until quiz
closes - After HA closes, answers, scores and feedback
available - No make ups for any reason!!
19Channel Setting Instructions for ResponseCard RF
or XR1. Press and release the "GO" button.2.
While the light is flashing red and green, enter
the 2 digit channel code 413. After the
second digit is entered, Press and release the
"GO" button.4. Press and release the "1/A"
button. The light should flash yellow to
confirm.5. If it did not work, do the sequence
again but faster. See me after class if you
are having trouble
20Survey of the Human body continued..
- Anatomical directions - review
- Body cavities
- Symptoms, signs disease
21Anatomical position
inversion (supination)
eversion (pronation)
23Body Regions
24Anatomical Directions
- Superficial deep
- Superior inferior
- Cranial caudal
- Ventral dorsal
- Anterior posterior
- Medial lateral
- Proximal distal
- (closer or farther from the point of attachment
or origin)
25Assume anatomical position
- The skull is ____________ to the brain.
- The sternal region is ___________ and the
vertebral region is ___________. - The nose is ___________ to the lips.
- The thumb is ___________ to the pinky.
- The hand is proximal to the elbow.
- True or false?
Ventral dorsal Anterior posterior Medial
lateral Proximal distal
Superficial deep Superior inferior Cranial
26 Is this artery A or distal to artery B?
The umbilical region is _____ to the inguinal
Describe the relationship between the knee and
foot 2 different ways.
27(No Transcript)
28Body Cavities
- Dorsal body cavity
- cranial cavity
- vertebral cavity
- Ventral body cavity
- thoracic cavity
- Pleural cavity (2)
- Pericardial cavity (1)
- abdominal cavity
- pelvic cavity
29Fig. Atlas A.8b(TE Art)
Serous membrane around the heart
Visceral pericardium
Parietal pericardium
Pericardial cavity
Visceral organ Pariet wall Cardi heart Peri
30Serous membrane around the lungs
Parietal pleura
Pleural cavity
Visceral pleura
Pleur rib, side
31Pericardial cavity
Pleural cavity visceral parietal pleura
32What to do tonight!
- Do readings for Thursday see bone tissue LH
- Register your clicker if you have not done so
- Check out course website
- http//bstr301.biostr.washington.edu/
- Outside source?
- User name webuser
- Password resubew