Title: Ice and snow not removed'
1Ice and snow not removed. Plot 3-1. Sampled
1-7-08 after 38 days under ice and snow. Samples
beginning to grow no apparent injury.
Ice melted after 38 days. Plot 2-2. Sampled
1-7-08 . Snow removed 12-14-07 but ice not
removed. Ice completely melted by 1-7-08 after
38 days of ice cover. Samples beginning to grow
no apparent injury.
Ice removed after 19 days Plot 1-1. Sampled
12-19-07. Snow removed 12-14-07 and ice removed
12-19-07 after 19 days of ice cover. Picture
taken 1-12-08. No injury
Ice not removed Plot 2-1. Sampled 12-19-07. Snow
removed 12-14-07 but ice not removed. Picture
taken 1-12-08. No injury
Ice removed after 19 days Plot 1-2. Sampled
1-7-08. Snow removed 12-14-07 and ice removed
12-19-07 after 19 days of ice cover. Picture
taken 1-12-08. Samples beginning to grow no
apparent injury.
214 Dec 07. John Newton removing snow over 1 inch
of ice with bobcat and brush.
314 Dec 07. John Newton removing snow over 1 inch
of ice with bobcat and brush.
414 Dec 07. Notice how ice was thicker on green.
It accumulated on the green first during the ice
514 Dec 07. Bobcat cracked ice but didnt seem to
harm the green using John Newtons method.
614 Dec 07. A smaller snow blower is less invasive
but would have taken a long time to remove the
719 Dec 07. John Newton breaking up 1 inch ice
using Toro solid tine aerifier while crew shovels
broken ice with plastic scoops. Ground frozen
under ice.
819 Dec 07. Ice broken up by Toro solid tine
aerifier and removed by hand with plastic scoops.
Ground frozen under ice.
914 Dec 07. Ryan Krull samples the green using a
bulk density hammer (2-inch plugger)
10Plot 2-1. Snow removed 12-14-07 but ice left on
Plot 1-1. Ice and snow removed 12-19-07
11Plot 1-1. Ice and snow removed 12-19-07
Plot 2-1. Snow removed 12-14-07 but ice left on
12Plot 2-1. Snow removed 12-14-07 but ice left on
20 Dec 07. Plot 1-1. Ice and snow removed
13Natural ice and snow on the green that will be
removed in plots every 14 days.
Winter protection cover study.
Ice removed after 19 days Plot 1-1. Sampled
12-19-07 and 1-7-08. Snow removed 12-14-07 and
ice removed 12-19-07 after 19 days of ice cover.
Picture taken 1-7-08. Notice how the leaves have
turned tan after the ice was removed and the
leaves were exposed to freezing temperatures.
The samples in the greenhouse have recovered
indicating no injury as of 1-7-07.
Ice not removed Plot 2-1. Sampled 12-19-08. Snow
removed 12-14-07 but ice not removed. Ice then
melted between 3-7 Jan 08. Picture taken 1-7-08.
Notice how the ice provided insulation and
protection. Samples indicate no injury as of
147 Jan 08. Seems to be an air space between the
grass surface and the bottom of the ice.
Insulation and air space is good.
1520 Dec 07. Covers placed on 19 Dec 2008 the same
day ice was removed.