Title: Current%20IEA%20analysis%20on%20Hydrogen
1Current IEA analysis on Hydrogen
- Dolf Gielen and Lew Fulton
- International Energy Agency
- Intl Energy Workshop
- IEA, 22 June 2004
2IEA Analytical Work
- The World Energy Investment Outlook (WEIO 2003)
included analysis of hydrogen, fuel cells and
other advanced technologies, based on ETP data - The IEA Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP)
model is used to assess the economic implication
of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells economy compared
to other options - Joint Industry IEA transportation scenario
3Some Well-Known Reasons for a Switch to Hydrogen
- Oil dependency is a headache (supply security,
economic impact of price fluctuations) - Kyoto is by far not enough (environment)
- High efficiency Fuel Cell vehicles and
distributed power generation require hydrogen
fuel - Industry policy get an important share of the
market by being the first.
4ButPast experience shows that a technology
transition only happens if there is a clear need
- On a global scale we are not running out of oil
in the next 25 years, even in case of a 70
demand growth (WEO 2002) - Post-Kyoto CO2 policy goals are unclear
- Many other GHG emission mitigation measures are
less costly - Hydrogen is not a primary energy carrier. Its
supply security and environmental benefits are
not a given fact - Transport competes with other sectors for
hydrogen feedstocks - The technical and economic feasibility of a
hydrogen transport energy system is unclear.
5A Lot of Uncertainty Frequently Asked Questions
- Are high political expectations for the near term
realistic ? - Can technical and cost issues be solved ?
- What about hydrogen hybrids/ICEs ?
- Does it make sense to use scarce and costly
electricity from renewables for H2 production ? - Can CO2 Capture Electrification be an
alternative for a Hydrogen Economy? - Can energy security and climate change policies
speed-up the market ? - What are the cost of a learning-by-doing strategy
? - How to overcome the Chickenor-Egg problem
(transition issues) ?
6Projected H2 Production Cost(CO2-free options
Source IEA 2003
Source IEA 2003
7Future Transport H2 Supply Cost Higher than
COST /GJ Gasol. Diesel Nat. Gas H2 NG no CO2 H2 Coal no CO2 H2 Biom. H2 On-s Wind H2 Off-s Wind H2 Solar Th. H2 Solar PV H2 Nuc. H2 CHP HTGR
Fuel/Electr 25-29 /bbl 3-4 LNG imp. 3-5 LNG imp. 1-2 2-5 3-4 /kWh 4-5.5 /kWh 6-8 /kWh 12-20 /kWh 2.5-3.5 /kWh
Feedstock 4-5 3-4 3.8-6.3 1.3-2.7 2.9-7.1 10-13 13-18 20-26 39-65 8-11
Process 2 NA 1.2-2.7 4.7-6.3 5-6 5 5 5 5 5 8-23
Production 6-7 3-4 5-9 6-9 8-13 15-18 18-23 25-31 44-70 13-16 8-23
Distribution lt1-1 lt1-1 2 2 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2 2
Refueling 2 4 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7
Total Supply Cost 8-10 7-9 12-18 13-18 15-25 22-30 25-35 32-43 52-82 20-25 15-32
Source IEA 2003
8But Efficiency Could Make Fuel Cost Competitive
Source IEA 2003
9The FC Vehicle Cost Problem
- FCV currently leased at 10,000/month
(3,000-6,000/kW) - FCV production cost large-scale plant
200-350/kW (ICE lt50/kW ) - FC lifetime 30-50 of ICE life span
- FC RD Target 50-100/kW (comparable to current
ICEs) -
- How to achieve cost reductions
- Economies of scale and learning-by-doing
- RD Reduced membrane and catalysts cost,
extended life span
10Hydrogen FCV Efficiency GainsLimited advantages
compared to ICE improvements may be consider
hydrogen hybrids?
Technology Fuel Fuel Fuel consumption Fuel Index
GJ/1000 km
Current ref. ICE Gasoline Gasoline 2.6 100
Advanced ICE Gasoline Gasoline 2.0-2.2 81
Advanced ICE Diesel Diesel 1.7-1.9 69
Hybrid ICE Gasoline Gasoline 1.6-1.8 65
Hybrid ICE Diesel Diesel 1.5-1.7 62
Hybrid ICE Hydrogen Hydrogen 1.5-1.7 62
Hybrid ICE Methanol/DME Methanol/DME 1.5-1.7 62
Fuel cell Hydrogen Hydrogen 1.2-1.4 50
Fuel cell Natural gas Natural gas 1.3-1.6 56
Electric vehicle Electricity 1.2-1.3 1.2-1.3 48
Source IEA 2003
11Learning Investment Needs 1-5 Trillion who
will pay?
Cumulative FCVProduction, OECD (millions) 0.1 14.1 95 261.2
Cumulative FCV Production, World (millions) 0.1 14.7 113.7 404.3
FCV Share of Sales, OECD () 0.1 10 30 50
FCV Share of total vehicle stock, OECD () 0.1 2.2 13.7 32.7
Incremental cost per vehicle - 0.82 progress ratio () Incremental cost per vehicle - 0.82 progress ratio () 13,000 3,300 1,850 1,300
Total FCV incremental cost ( bln) Total FCV incremental cost ( bln) 2 55 255 654
Incremental cost per vehicle - 0.9 progress ratio () 34,000 16,400 12,000 9,900
Total FCV incremental cost ( bln) 6 257 1,501 4,481
Central H2 production, distrib. and refueling (/GJ) Central H2 production, distrib. and refueling (/GJ) 100 75 60 50
Total fuel use, scenario (EJ/yr) Total fuel use, scenario (EJ/yr) 0.002 0.294 2.274 8.086
Total Cumulative fuel supply Investment Cost ( bln) Total Cumulative fuel supply Investment Cost ( bln) Total Cumulative fuel supply Investment Cost ( bln) 0 22 140 431
Total cumulative cost, optimistic case ( bln) Total cumulative cost, optimistic case ( bln) Total cumulative cost, optimistic case ( bln) 2 77 395 1,085
Total cumulative cost, pessimistic case ( bln) Total cumulative cost, pessimistic case ( bln) Total cumulative cost, pessimistic case ( bln) 6 279 1,641 4,912
Source IEA 2003
12ETP Analysis Hydrogen Supply and Demand in a
Global Emission Stabilization Scenario
13ETP Analysis
- Hydrogen plays a limited role in the first half
of the 21st century, but is growing rapidly - Fossil fuel CO2 capture seems a cost-effective
supply option - Coal based electricity/H2 cogeneration Future
Gen type seems attractive - Transport sector H2 use is for airplanes and
hydrogen hybrids - Add H2 to natural gas (pipelines).
14Conclusions so far
- Hydrogen will be only a part, maybe an important
part, of the future energy economy - Cost, in a fully-developed system, may be
sustainable and even competitive - The transition is a challenge (especially demand
side cost reduction via learning) - The transition will take decades
- Fossil fuels with CCS could provide as much H2 as
FCV vehicle sales would require at acceptable
15Policy Analysis Needs
- More analysis of transition strategies
- More attention for technology learning and cost
reduction - Account for competing strategies that can achieve
the same policy targets - Re-assess supply constraints for competing
transportation fuels.