Title: Biochar Basics: An Introduction about the
1Biochar BasicsAn Introduction about the What
and Why of Biochar
Version 1 of these slides was presented at
the 2009 Northeast Biochar
Symposium, November 13 at the
University of Massachusetts Amherst
(Released for general distribution
and use by others.)
Paul S. Anderson, PhD AKA Dr. TLUD
V.P. of Chip Energy Inc
Specialist in micro-gasification
Hugh McLaughlin, PhD, PE
Director of Biocarbon Research Alterna
Biocarbon Inc. hmclaughlin_at_alternabiocarbon.com
Slide-set modified and presented by
(Add presenters identification)
2Biochar Defined
- The placement of charcoal into soils.
- The presence of nearly pure carbon in soils, in
the form of amorphous graphite. - NOT carbon that is in living organisms.
- NOT fossil carbon, as in coal, oil, or natural
3His ancestors accomplished soil improvements that
modern science is trying to understand and
4Latosol vs. Terra Preta (Dark Earth)
Terra preta is excellent soil with high presence
of charcoal (biochar).
5Terra preta might be from slash and char
practices, but NOT from current slash-and-burn
agricultural practices.
6Summary of Biochar Properties
- Was biomass now has charcoal-like properties.
- Significant carbon content, but more than just
carbon that has been sequestered - Internal surface area and adsorption properties.
- CEC cation exchange capacity, better
fertilizer retention and less field runoff. - Significant synergisms with soil microbes over
time nitrogen fixers and other good bugs.
7Half-life of biochar is 1400 years.
8Conclusion 1
- There is something about abundant charcoal in
soils that can be highly beneficial to plants. - The benefits last for at least hundreds of years.
- Biochar has potential for improving soils and
feeding people, especially where soils are weak. - ONLY possible with charcoal
- NOT by putting coal dust into soils.
- NOT by adding manure or other organic material.
9Basic Forms andTransformations of Carbon
Oxide gases C O CO CO2
- Elemental Carbon C (solid)
- Activated charcoal
- Regular charcoal
- Graphite
- Carbon black (soot)
- Coke (from coal)
Biomolecules C H O Carbohydrates, Sugars,
Cellulose, Lignin, much more in living and dead
Hydrocarbons C H Coal, oil,
10Basic Forms andTransformations of Carbon
Oxide gases C O CO CO2
- Elemental Carbon C (solid)
- Activated charcoal
- Regular charcoal
- Graphite
- Carbon black (soot)
- Coke (from coal)
Add Oxygen Gasification combustion
Add Oxygen Decay
Add H2O and photosynthesis by plants
Carbonization / Pyrolysis Create charcoal
liberate gases
Biomolecules C H O Carbohydrates, Sugars,
Cellulose, Lignin, much more in living and dead
Hydrocarbons C H Coal, oil,
Loose Oxygen Become fossil fuels
11From http//www.techtp.com/Torrefaction20for20H
igh20Quality20Wood20Pellets.pdf, page 7 of 36
12How does wood burn?
- Wood, consists of hemicellulose, cellulose and
lignin - Hemicellulose gasifies at 250 300C
- Cellulose splits into char and volatiles between
300C and 450C - Lignin splits into char and volatiles between
300C and 750C - Volatilization cools the remaining solid, but the
gases burn and generate radiant heat (yellow to
blue light) - Eventually, oxygen can react with the remaining
char to make CO2, H2O and ash, plus more heat
(red light) - Putting it all together, we can summarize this in
the next two slides that are easier to
13Pyrolysis Carbonization Reactions of Wood Below
288 C Torrefied Wood Above 325 C
14A match shows the simple production of charcoal
The combustion flame (C) burns gases and
provides heat to sustain pyrolysis (P). Ash is
held in the charcoal until G (char-gasification)
releases it. When C goes out, visible smoke
shows condensing gases.
15Making charcoal
- the first synthetic material produced by man.
- used to draw on the walls of caves, and
- used to transport fire (embers) to new locations.
- later used for smelting tin to make bronze tools.
- easier to do than any of the coal oil gas
options - Converting wood to charcoal is done by heating in
an atmosphere of limited oxygen. - Known as Pryolysis or Carbonization, we do it
every time we make a fire with wood. - And Mother Natures forest fires predate Smoky
the Bear
16Chemical changes as wood becomes biochar
Created by photosynthesis using solar energy
Charcoal retains 20 of the weight and 30 of
the energy of the biomass, so 70 of the energy
is released as usable vapors.
17(No Transcript)
18Conclusion 2
- Charcoal is made by the thermal transformation of
biological matter, mainly carbohydrates. - Plant biomass seems to create the best biochar
both woods and grasses. - All biochars are not equal both starting
biomass and carbonization conditions influence
the final biochar properties.
19Basic Forms andTransformations of Carbon
Oxide gases C O CO CO2
- Elemental Carbon C (solid)
- Activated charcoal
- Regular charcoal
- Graphite
- Carbon black (soot)
- Coke (from coal)
Add Oxygen Gasification combustion
Add Oxygen Decay
Add H2O and photosynthesis by plants
Carbonization / Pyrolysis Create charcoal
liberate gases
Biomolecules C H O Carbohydrates, Sugars,
Cellulose, Lignin, much more in living and dead
Hydrocarbons C H Coal, oil,
Loose Oxygen Become fossil fuels
20Timelines for Carbon Transformations Permanence
Burn it.
Burn it.
Natural short-term cycle of growth and decay
(including biomass burning) is Carbon Neutral
200 years of fossil fuel consumption is Carbon
Positive C
Biomass (living and dead)
100 million years ( C- )
100 minutes ( C- )
Storing carbon is Carbon Negative C-
Fossil Fuels
Optional human activity, creating Terra Preta
Biochar in Soils Hundreds or thousands of
years as long-term carbon
sequestration C-
21Timelines for Carbon Transformations Permanence
Burn it.
Burn it.
Natural short-term cycle of growth and decay
(including biomass burning) is Carbon Neutral
200 years of fossil fuel consumption is Carbon
Positive C in enormous proportions!!!
Biomass (living and dead)
100 million years ( C- )
100 minutes ( C- )
Storing carbon is Carbon Negative C-
Fossil Fuels
Optional human activity, creating Terra Preta!!!
Biochar in Soils Hundreds or thousands of years
as long-term carbon sequestration
22 23(No Transcript)
24Most recent Ice Age
Shows ONLY 400,000 years. Civilization is less
than 10,000 years old.
25 26Conclusion 3
- Global warming can be debated, but the increase
in atmospheric CO2 levels is clearly measured and
due to human activities. - The Earth is very capable of existing with much
higher CO2 levels, but our current human society
probably could not. - The only current reasonable method for human
action to remove significant amounts of
atmospheric CO2 is through biochar for carbon
sequestration. - And Conclusion 1 states that Biochar is being
shown to improve poor soils, so put char into
27Potential Sources of Biochar
28End of the Beginning about Biochar Basics
- Further discussions can cover issues of
- Production of biochar, including cook stoves.
- Application of biochar.
- Impact of biochar on plants and soil microbes.
Or is this the Beginning of the End?
- With the rising CO2 level, living conditions of
most of humanity will be affected, and current
cultural structure and political stability are
unlikely to continue for another 100 years. - Issues of atmospheric CO2 concentrations will not
be resolved without conscious and significant
actions by all the fuel-intense nations of the
World and actions on the ground everywhere.