Prof' Dr' Nurten GALIP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prof' Dr' Nurten GALIP


Embriyoloji: embriyo ve gelisimi sirasinda olusan degisiklikleri ... An example is the GLUT1 glucose carrier. The ionophore valinomycin is also a uniport carrier. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prof' Dr' Nurten GALIP

Prof. Dr. Nurten GALIP


  • Evrendeki canlilar genel Biyoloji kapsaminda
  • Biyolojiye ait anabilim dallari
  • Morfoloji
  • Anatomi canliya biçimsel yönden
    yaklasir.Canliyi olusturan kemik, kas ve sinir
    gibi dokulari
  • Histoloji bedeni olusturan tüm dokularin
    ince yapilarini
  • Embriyoloji embriyo ve gelisimi sirasinda
    olusan degisiklikleri
  • Sitoloji Bedeni olusturan çok
    farkli hücre gruplarini inceler.

  • Fizyoloji ise canlilik sirasinda bedende
    sürdürülen görevleri canliya zarar vermeden dogal
    halinde inceler.Fizyoloji, physis ( yasam) ve
    logos (bilim) terimlerinden olusmustur.
  • Canlilik olaylari tek basina incelenemez.Farkli
    fiziksel ve kimyasal kurallar canlilik olaylari
    ile iç içedir. Buna göre fizyoloji, fizik, kimya,
    biyokimya, radyoloji ve patoloji gibi bir çok
    bilim daliyla iliskilidir.
  • Insan, hayvan, bitki, bakteri ve virus
    fizyolojisi ile karsilastirmali fizyoloji
    siniflandirilmasi yapilabilir.

  • Temel Kavramlar

  • Iyon ve moleküllerin sivi veya gaz ortamda
    sürekli hareketlerine diffüzyon (yayilma) denir.
    Ortamda molekül yogunlugu esitleninceye kadar
    yayilma olayi devam eder. Maddenin sivi veya gaz
    ortamda yayilmasi yogunluk farkina (Konsantrasyon
    gradyani) bagli olarak degisir.Yogunluk farki ne
    kadar ise yayilma hizi da o kadar yüksektir.
  • Diffüzyon olayinda isi da önemli bir
    etkendir. Çaplari küçük olan molleküler büyüklere
    oranla daha hizli yayilir. Besin maddelerinin
    dokulara, oksijenin alveolden kana ve ilaçlarin
    enjekte edildikleri yerden çevreye geçmelerinde
    diffüzyon olayi önemli bir yer tutar.

no receptor
  • Farkli düzeneklerle hasta kani ve diyaliz sivisi
    yari geçirgen bir zar ile temas haline
    getirilir. Bu yari geçirgen bir zar ( hemodiyaliz
    memrani) üzerindeki mikroskopik delikler (por)
    su, sodyum, potasyum, üre gibi küçük moleküllü
    maddeleri bir taraftan diger tarafa difüzyonla
    geçirirken daha büyük moleküllü protein gibi
    diger maddeler ile kan hücrelerini (çaplari
    porlardan daha büyük oldugundan) geçirmezler.
  • Ãœre, kreatinin, fosfor ve daha bir çok üremik
    toksin membrandan diyaliz sivisina geçer,böylece
    kan temizlenir. Diyaliz sivisi kan
    konsantrasyonlarina esit miktarlarda solüt adi
    verilen küçük moleküllü maddeler içerir.
    Difüzyon hizi ve yönüne etkili 3 faktör
  • Konsantrasyon gradienti Molekül konsantrasyonu
    artarsa, titreserek, membrana çarpip porlardan
    karsi tarafa geçecek molekül sayisi da o kadar
  • Molekül agirligi Ãœre, kreatininden daha küçük
    M.A.oldugundan daha hizla diyaliz edilir.
  • Membran direnci Membran kalinligi , porlarinin
    büyüklügü ve sayisi memranin madde alisverisine
    karsi direnci degistirir.

  • Su molekülleri (molekül agirligi küçük oldugu
    için) diyaliz membranindan kolayca geçer. Su ile
    içinde erimis olan bazi solütler de geçer. Bu
    olaya ultrafiltrasyon denir.Burada 2 önemli
    faktör rol alir.Birincisi hidrostatik
    basinçtir,ikincisi ozmotik basinçtir.
  • Ozmotik basinç, solüt konsantrasyonu ile artar.
    Örnegin hemodiyalizde, diyaliz sivisinin ozmotik
    basincini artirirsak (sodyum miktarini
    artirarak), hasta kanindan diyalizata o kadar
    fazla su geçer.

Kolaylastirilmis diffüzyon
  • Bazen yogunluk ve isi farki olmasina ragmen
    bazi maddeler geçirgen olan zarlardan karsi
    tarafa dog-rudan geçemezler. Bu zardan dogrudan
    geçeme-yen bir maddenin tasiyici denilen (T) bir
    molekül ile birlesip karsi tarafa geçisi
    kolaylastirilmis diffüzyon olarak tanimlanir.
    Örnegin, glikoz molekülü hücre zarinda bulunan
    tasiyici ile birlesip hücre içine girer.


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Kolaylastirilmis difüzyon
Facilitated Diffusion of Molecules
  • example The plasma membrane of human red blood
    cells contain transmembrane proteins that permit
    the diffusion of glucose from the blood into the
  • Note that in all cases of facilitated diffusion
    through channels, the channels are selective
    that is, the structure of the protein admits only
    certain types of molecules through
  • Whether all cases of facilitated diffusion of
    small molecules use channels is yet to be proven.
    Perhaps some molecules are passed through the
    membrane by a conformational change in the shape
    of the transmembrane protein when it binds the
    molecule to be transported.

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Facilitated diffusion
  • Facilitated diffusion is a process whereby a
    substance passes through a membrane with a aid of
    an intermediary or a facilitator. The facilitator
    is an integral membrane protein that spans the
    width of the membrane. The force that drives the
    molecule from one side of the membrane to the
    other is the force of diffusion.
  • In the figure below K ions are passing through a
    membrane using a potassium transport protein. The
    ions are moving down a concentration gradient so
    the process is a diffusion of K ions.
  • Transport proteins are very specific with respect
    to the kinds of molecules or ions that will be
    transported. For example a Na transport protein
    transports Ka ions much better than it will
    transport K ions.
  • Transport Proteins

  • Facilitated Diffusion
  • Transmembrane proteins form a channel through the
    cell membrane
  • Ions pass down a concentration gradient
  • The channel can be opened or closed
  • Does not require energy (ATP)
  • Ion channel proteins move ions by facilitated

Facilitated Diffusion of Ions
  • External ligands (shown here in green) bind to a
    site on the extracellular side of the channel.
  • Acetylcholine.The binding of theneurotransmitter
    acetylcholine at certain synapses opens channels
    that admit Na and initiate a nerve impulse or
    muscle contraction.
  • Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). Binding of GABA
    at certain synapses designated GABAA in the
    central nervous system admits Cl- ions into the
    cell and inhibits the creation of a nerve

  • Internal ligands
  • Internal ligands bind to a site on the channel
    protein exposed to the cytosol.
  • Examples
  • "Second messengers", like cyclic AMP (cAMP) and
    cyclic GMP (cGMP), regulate channels involved in
    the initiation of impulses in neurons responding
    to odors (koku) and light respectively.
  • ATP is needed to open the channel that allows
    chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions out
    of the cell. This channel is defective in
    patients with cystic fibrosis. Although the
    energy liberated by the hydrolysis of ATP is
    needed to open the channel, this is not an
    example of active transport the ions diffuse
    through the open channel following their
    concentration gradient.

  • Mechanically-gated ion channels
  • Examples
  • Sound waves bending the cilia-like projections on
    the hair cells of the inner ear open up ion
    channels leading to the creation of nerve
    impulses that the brain interprets as sound.

  • Voltage-gated ion channels
  • In so-called excitable cells like neuron and
    muscle cells, some channels open or close in
    response to changes in the charge (measured in
    volts) across the plasma membrane.
  • Example As an impulse passes down a neuron, the
    reduction in the voltage opens sodium channels in
    the adjacent portion of the membrane. This allows
    the influx of Na into the neuron and thus the
    continuation of the nerve impulse. Some 7000
    sodium ions pass through each channel during the
    brief period (about 1 millisecond) that it
    remains open.

Ion Channels
  • Ions moving by facilitated diffusion can traverse
    the plasma membrane through channels created by
    proteins. Ion channel proteins move ions by
    facilitated diffusion.
  • Sodium Channels
  • Voltage gated sodium channels are crucial for
    the propagation of action potentials in excitable
    membranes. They cause the cell membrane to
    depolarise by allowing the influx of sodium ions
    into the cell.
  • Calcium Channels
  • Voltage gated calcium channels regulate the
    flow of Ca2 in excitable membranes. for example,
    are found in cardiac, neuronal, endocrine and
    skeletal muscle tissue.
  • Potassium Channels
  • in excitable membranes, they cause the cell
    membrane to repolarise

Aktif Tasima (Aktif Transport)
  • Kolaylastirilmis tasimaya benzemekle beraber
    bazi önemli farklar gösterir.Hücre zarindan
    molekül ve iyonlarin karsi tarafa geçisinde
    enerji kullaniliyorsa, bu tür tasimaya aktif
    tasima adi verilir.Aktif tasimada kullanilan
    metabolik enerji ATPnin oksijen kullanilarak
    (aerobik metabolizma) ADPye yikilmasiyla açiga
    çikar. Hücre zari, Endo.ret, Mitokondri
  • Isi-pH-Iyonlar-Enzimler- Siyanür- Anestezikler

  • Active ion pumps
  • Moves ions against a concentration gradient
  • Requires ATP (Active process)
  • Ions are captured and ejected on the other side
    of the membrane

Direct Active Transport
  • 1. The Na/K ATPase
  • The cytosol of animal cells contains a
    concentration of potassium ions (K) as much as
    20 times higher than that in the extracellular
    fluid. Conversely, the extracellular fluid
    contains a concentration of sodium ions (Na) as
    much as 10 times greater than that within the
  • These concentration gradients are
    established by the active transport of both ions.
    And, in fact, the same transporter, called the
    Na/K ATPase, does both jobs. It uses the energy
    from the hydrolysis of ATP to actively transport
    3 Na ions out of the cell for each 2 K ions
    pumped into the cell.
  • This accomplishes several vital functions
  • It helps establish a net charge across the plasma
    membrane with the interior of the cell being
    negatively charged with respect to the exterior.
    This resting potential prepares nerve and muscle
    cells for the propagation of action potentials
    leading to nerve impulses and muscle contraction.
  • The accumulation of sodium ions outside of the
    cell draws water out of the cell and thus enables
    it to maintain osmatic balance (otherwise it
    would swell and burst from the inward diffusion
    of water).
  • http//

  • 2. The H/K ATPase
  • The parietal cells of your stomach use this pump
    to secrete gastric juice. These cells transport
    protons (H) from a concentration of about 4 x
    10-8 M within the cell to a concentration of
    about 0.15 M in the gastric juice (giving it a pH
    close to 1). Small wonder that parietal cells are
    stuffed with mitochondria and uses huge amounts
    of energy as they carry out this three-million
    fold concentration of protons.

  • 3. The Ca2 ATPases
  • In resting skeletal muscle, there is a much
    higher concentration of calcium ions (Ca2) in
    the sarcoplasmic reticulum than in the cytosol.
  • Activation of the muscle fiber allows some of
    this Ca2 to pass by facilitated diffusion into
    the cytosol where it triggers contraction. After
    contraction, this Ca2 is pumped back into the
    sarcoplasmic reticulum. This is done by a Ca2
    ATPase that uses the energy from each molecule of
    ATP to pump 2 Ca2 ions.

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Indirect Active Transport
  • Symport Pumps
  • The Na/glucose transporter. This transmembrane
    protein allows sodium ions and glucose to enter
    the cell together. The sodium ions flow down
    their concentration gradient while the glucose
    molecules are pumped up theirs. Later the sodium
    is pumped back out of the cell by the Na/K
  • All the amino acids can be actively transported,
    for example out of the kidney tubules and into
    the blood.
  • The Na/iodide transporter. This symporter pumps
    iodide ions into the cells of the thyroid gland
    (for the manufacture of thyroxine) and also into
    the cells of the mammary gland (to supply the
    baby's need for iodide).
  • Antiport Pumps
  • Example Ca2 ions are pumped out of cells by a
    sodium-driven antiport pump

Classes of carrier proteins
  • Uniport (facilitated diffusion) carriers mediate
    transport of a single solute.
  • An example is the GLUT1 glucose carrier.
  • The ionophore valinomycin is also a uniport

  • Example of an antiport carrier
  • Adenine nucleotide translocase (ADP/ATP
    exchanger) catalyzes 11 exchange of ADP for ATP
    across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Ion Channels
  • Channels cycle between open closed
  • When open, a channel provides a continuous
    pathway through the bilayer, allowing flux of
    many ions.
  • Gramicidin is an example of a channel.

  • OSMOS Iki bölüm arasinda suya geçirgen fakat
    kati maddelere geçirgen olmayan bir membran varsa
    ve bölümlerden birinde su derisimi yüksekse,
    yüksek derisimden alçak derisime dogru su
    molekülleri geçerler.Bu olaya osmos denir.Osmos
    deyimi sadece suyun diffüzyonu için
    kullanilir.Bir eriyikteki kati madde derisimi, o
    eriyigin ozmolaritesi olarak bilinir.
  • Klasik aritim sistemlerinin yetersiz kaldigi
    sularda (denizsuyu , iletkenligi yüksek olan kuyu
    sulari vb.) uygulanan endüstriyel reverse osmosis
    sistemleri su membranlar üzerinde bulunan 2x10-6
    mm çapindaki gözeneklerden, yüksek basinç altinda
    geçmeye zorlanir. Bu islem esnasinda su
    molekülleri ve bazi inorganik moleküller bu
    gözeneklerden geçebilirken suyun içindeki
    maddelerin çogu bu gözeneklerden geçemez ve
    konsantre su olarak disari atilir.

  • Osmosis is the net movement of water across a
    selectively permeable membrane driven by a
    difference in solute concentrations on the two
    sides of the membrane. A selectively permiable
    membrane is one that allows unrestricted passage
    of water, but not solute molecules or ions

  • Two containers of equal volume are separated by a
    membrane that allows free passage of water, but
    totally restricts passage of solute molecules.
    Solution A has 3 molecules of the protein albumin
    (molecular weight 66,000) and Solution B contains
    15 molecules of glucose (molecular weight 180).
    Into which compartment will water flow, or will
    there be no net movement of water?
  • Su Solution A dan B ye akarThe size of the solute
    particles does not influence osmosis
  • Partikül yogunluguna(sayisina) bagli büyüklügüne

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  • In the examples, Solutions A and B are isotonic
    (with each other), Solutions A and B are both
    hypertonic compared to Solution C, and Solution C
    is hypotonic relative to Solutions A and B.

  • Isotonic - the cells were diluted in serum Note
    the beautiful biconcave shape of the cells as
    they circulate in blood.Hypotonic - the cells in
    serum were diluted in water At 200 milliosmols
    (mOs), the cells are visibly swollen and have
    lost their biconcave shape, and at 100 mOs, most
    have swollen so much that they have ruptured,
    leaving what are called red blood cell ghosts. In
    a hypotonic solution, water rushes into
    cells.Hypertonic - A concentrated solution of
    NaCl was mixed with the cells and serum to
    increase osmolarity At 400 mOs and especially at
    500 mOs, water has flowed out of the cells,
    causing them to collapse and assume the spiky
    appearance you see.
  • In blood serum
  • Hypotonic
    Isotonic Hypertonic
  • 100 mOs 200 mOs 300 mOs
    400 mOs 500 mOs

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  • Osmosis the movement of water molecules from an
    area of high concentration to an area of low
  • Cell membranes are completely permeable to water,
    therefore, the environment the cell is exposed to
    can have a dramatic effect on the cell.
  • Hypertonic Solutions contain a high
    concentration of solute relative to another
    solution (e.g. the cell's cytoplasm). When a cell
    is placed in a hypertonic solution, the water
    diffuses out of the cell, causing the cell to
  • Hypotonic Solutions contain a low concentration
    of solute relative to another solution (e.g. the
    cell's cytoplasm). When a cell is placed in a
    hypotonic solution, the water diffuses into the
    cell, causing the cell to swell and possibly
  • Isotonic Solutions contain the same
    concentration of solute as an another solution
    (e.g. the cell's cytoplasm). When a cell is
    placed in an isotonic solution, the water
    diffuses into and out of the cell at the same
    rate. The fluid that surrounds the body cells is
    isotonic. http//
  • http//

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  • Ozmotik basinç ve ozmotik etkinligin birimine
    denir.Bir ozmol,bir iyonize olmayan molekül
    miktarina esittir.Buna göre 1 mol glikoz eriyigi
    litrede 1 ozmol derisimde glikoz tasir. Bir litre
    suda 180 g glikoz eridiginde 1 ozmollük etkinlik
    olusturur. Bu sivinin osmotik basinci oda
    isisinda 22.4 atmosfer veya 22.4x76017000 mm Hg

  • SÃœSPANSIYON Sivi içinde çözünmeyen kati bir
    maddenin parçaciklar halinde dagilmasiyla meydana
    gelen karisima süspansiyon denir.Tebesir tozu ve
    nisasta tanecikleri su içinde adeta asili durumda
    kalirlar,kan hücreleri de ayni sekilde plazma
    içinde bu sekilde dagilirlar.Süspansiyon saydam
    degildir,isigi karsi tarafa geçirmez.Süspansiyonda
    ki bu duruma Tyndall olayi adi verilir.
  • EMÃœLSIYON Bir sivinin, çözünmedigi baska bir
    sivi içinde küçük damlaciklar halinde dagilmasi
    ile olusan karisima emülsiyon denir.emülsiyon
    bulanik görünümde ve kararsizdir.Zeytinyaginin su
    içinde damlaciklar halinde dagilmasi gibi.
  • IMBIBISYON (Içine çekme, kilcal emme) Bazi kati
    maddeler, sivi maddeleri içlerine
    çekerler.Sonuçta kati maddeler içinde bir basinç
    birikimi olusur.Buna imbibition basinci denir.
    (Kontak lenslerde kullanilan polimetilmetakrilat)

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  • PINOSITOSIS Protein, yag, karbonhidrat, hormon
    ve antikor gibi makro moleküllerin hücre zarina
    sarilarak hücre içine alinmasi olayina
    pinositosiz denir.Alinacak cisim önce hücre
    zarina yapisir.Bu tutunma bölgesinde yüzey
    gerilimi degisir, içe dogru bir kanal meydana
    gelir.Cisimcik pinosom veya pinositik vakuol
    içinde sitoplazma boyunca ilerler.
  • FAGOSITOSIS Hücreye alinan madde kati ise
    fagositosis denir.Fagositosis yaslanmis hücre,
    kolloidal partikül ve zararli bakterilerin
    fagosit denilen hücreler ( nötrofil, monosit )
    tarafindan kusatilip hücre içine alinmasi ve
    sindirilmesi anlamina gelir.

  • Phagocytic cells, like macrophages and
    neutrophils, are an early line of defense against
    invading bacteria. However, some bacteria have
    evolved mechanisms to avoid destruction even
    after they have been engulfed by phagocytes.
  • Two examples
  • Salmonella enterica is a bacterium that causes
    food poisoning in humans. Once engulfed by
    phagocytosis, it secretes a protein that prevents
    the fusion of its phagosome with a lysosome.
  • Mycobacteria (e.g., the tubercle bacillus that
    causes tuberculosis) use a different trick.
  • When the phagosome is first pinched off from the
    plasma membrane, it is coated with a protein
    called "TACO" (for tryptophan-aspartate-containing
    coat protein).
  • This must be removed before the phagosome can
    fuse with a lysosome.
  • Mycobacteria taken into a phagosome are able, in
    some way, to keep the TACO coat from being
  • Thus there is no fusion with lysosomes and the
    mycobacteria can continue to live in this
    protected intracellular location.

  • In pinocytosis ("cell drinking"), the drop
    engulfed is relatively small. Pinocytosis
  • occurs in almost all cells
  • occurs continuously
  • A cell sipping away at the ECF by pinocytosis
    acquires a representative sample of the molecules
    and ions dissolved in the ECF. But pinocytosis
    also provides a much more elegant method for
    cells to pick up critical components of the ECF
    that may be in scant supply.

Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
  • Some of the integral membrane proteins that a
    cell displays at its surface are receptors for
    particular components of the extracellular fluid.
    For example, iron is transported in the blood
    complexed to a protein called transferrin. Cells
    have receptors for transferrin on their surface.
    When these receptors encounter a molecule of
    transferrin, they bind tightly to it. The complex
    of transferrin and its receptor is then engulfed
    by endocytosis. Ultimately, the iron is released
    into the cytosol. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
    is many thousand times more efficient than simple
    pinocytosis in enabling the cell to acquire the
    macromolecules it needs.

  • Another Example the Low-Density Lipoprotein
    (LDL) Receptor
  • Cells take up cholesterol by receptor-mediated
    endocytosis. Cholesterol is an essential
    component of all cell membranes. Most cells can,
    as needed, either synthesize cholesterol or
    acquire it from the ECF. Human cells get much of
    their cholesterol from the liver and, if your
    diet is not strictly "100 cholesterol-free", by
    absorption from the intestine.
  • The first step in acquiring LDL particles is for
    them to bind to LDL receptors exposed at the cell
    surface. These trans membrane proteins have a
    site that recognizes and binds to the
    apolipoprotein B-100 on the surface of the LDL.
    The portion of the plasma membrane with bound LDL
    is internalized by endocytosis. A drop in the pH
    (from 7 to 5) causes the LDL to separate from
    its receptor. The vesicle then pinches apart into
    two smaller vesicles one containing free LDLs
    the other containing now-empty receptors. The
    vesicle with the LDLs fuses with a lysosome to
    form a secondary lysosome. The enzymes of the
    lysosome then release free cholesterol into the
    cytosol. The vesicle with unoccupied receptors
    returns to and fuses with the plasma membrane,
    turning inside out as it does so (exocytosis). In
    this way the LDL receptors are returned to the
    cell surface for reuse.

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  • They have evolved (evrim) surface molecules that
    serve as decoy (tuzak) ligands for receptors on
    the target cell surface. Binding to these
    receptors tricks the cell into engulfing the
  • Some examples
  • Influenza virus. The hemagglutinin on the surface
    of the virus binds to carbohydrate on the surface
    of the target cell tricking the cell into
    engulfing it.
  • Listeria monocytogenes. This food-borne bacterium
    can be dangerous to people with defective immune
    systems as well as to pregnant women and their
    newborn babies. It has two kinds of surface
    molecules each a ligand for a different receptor
    on the target cell surface.
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