Title: Physics 55: Welcome Professor Henry Greenside
1Physics 55 WelcomeProfessor Henry Greenside
- Please get a copy of the two-page handout.
- Write down the URL of the course web page
- http//www.phy.duke.edu/hsg/55
2The Players
- Mr. Nigel Barrella, observation assistant. He
will email you about telescope assembly this
week. - Mr. Botao Bo Jia, teaching assistant. Will be
grading your assignments. - Myself as the orchestral conductor.
3Administrative Details of the Course
- Announcement webpage.
- Syllabus
- First homework introduce yourself.
- Night observation sessions
- Class recitation when?
- First quiz a week from Friday, Sep 9.
- Come to class on time!
4A Modest Amount of Math
- Freshmen balance your workload, dont fall
behind in the readings. - Engineers, scientists, and mathematicians this
course is harder than it looks, much conceptual
thinking even if math is not advanced. - Poets, musicians, artists, philosophers,
linguists, politicians many of your ilk excel in
this course. - Dont be shy of asking for help at any time.
6Bring PRS Transmitter, CalculatorTo Each Class!
Email your transmitter number to the TA, Botao
Jia, by this Friday!
7Example PRS Question(From Texas standardized
test for 5th graders)
- Which two planets are closest to Earth?
- Mercury and Jupiter.
- Mars and Jupiter.
- Venus and Mars.
- Mercury and Mars.
- I have no idea.
8Example In-class Group Question
- Given our current rocket technology that can
achieve speeds of about 50,000 km/hr, estimate
how about how long it would take the human race
to colonize the entire Milky Way.
10The Pep Talk Why Take 55?
11The Course In A Nutshell
- The universe is ancient.
- The universe is huge.
- The universe is evolving.
- The universe is violent.
- The universe is mysterious.
- The universe is fascinating.
- The universe is comprehensible.
12The Night Sky
13Interesting People
14Tools and Concepts How Do We Know What We Know?
15Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
16Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
47 Ursae Majoris
17Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
18Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
19Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
20Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
21Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
22Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
231994d White Dwarf Supernova in Galaxy NGC 4526
Distance 15 Mpc
24Crazy Wonderful Discoveries
25Crazy Neat Ideas
- Einsteins ideas of time dilation, length
contraction, mass enhancement. - Black holes what is inside?
- The Big Bang.
- Gutts idea of inflation.
- String theory.
- Where did the universe come from?
- Matter-antimatter asymmetry.
- What is the dark matter and dark energy that
makes up 95 of the mass? - Does life exist elsewhere? Why have we not seen
any evidence? - What is reality made of, strings?
- Numerical mysteries and the anthropological
27Most Important Lesson From 55
The Universe is Comprehensible!