Title: Fantasia
1Fantasia phantasia an appearing, show, showy
appearance, pomp pageantry something light,
fleeting, passing, of only momentary interest
2A Fantastic Finish 1. A fantastic fantasy.
3Perissws emmainomai Perissos emmainomai exceedin
gly, beyond measure, extremely to be so
furiously angry with someone as to be almost out
of ones mind, to be insanely angry, to be
furiously engaged
4- A Fantastic Finish
- A fantastic fantasy.
- Before A fantastic resumé.
5- Pauls Damascus Road Conversion New Details
- Heavenly light brighter than the sun
- Blazed around both me and my companions
- We all fell to the ground
- Jesus spoke in Aramaic
- Jesus adds It is hard for you to kick against
the goads
6The kicking was obviously useless and the animal
soon learned it was better to submit to the
farmers direction rather than to kick against
the goad. This expression became proverbial in
classical Greek writers to express the futility
of struggling against ones destiny. - Clinton
7- A Fantastic Finish
- A fantastic fantasy.
- Before A fantastic resumé.
- During A fantastic revelation.
8But before all this, they will lay hands on you
and persecute you. They will deliver you to
synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought
before kings and governors, and all on account of
my name. This will result in your being witnesses
to them. But make up your mind not to worry
beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I
will give you words and wisdom that none of your
adversaries will be able to resist or
contradict. - Luke 2112-15
9- A Fantastic Finish
- A fantastic fantasy.
- Before A fantastic resumé.
- During A fantastic revelation.
- After A fantastic reversal.
10- A Fantastic Finish
- A fantastic fantasy.
- Before A fantastic resumé.
- During A fantastic revelation.
- After A fantastic reversal.
- A fantastic freak.
11Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and
certain of what we do not see. - Hebrews 111