Title: Authentic Mission:
1Kingdom of God Pt 4 Authentic Mission
- Authentic Mission
- We are ALL created for Mission
- Your Mission adds value to this earth it will
make a difference - you get to be a part of something much bigger
than yourself what you cant do alone - Usually adventurous, risky, will cost you
something - Fulfilling and life-giving to you and to others
- Shadow Mission
- self-centered, trivial pursuit
- what we foolishly pursue while the world goes
to hell in a hand-basket - easily accomplished on your own, doesnt
require interdependence - will cost you very little, personally,
emotionally, relationally, or financially - illusion of contentment and fulfillment, but
results in boredom, indifference, apathy, and
even death
2Kingdom of God Pt 4 Authentic Mission
- Top Ten Shadow Missions
- Just give me home, health, and a hefty 401(K)
- Busy, busy, busy.
- I dont care whos in charge as long as its
me. - Im in it for the money.
- It is ALL about ME.
- If you cant see my addiction, Im not an addict.
- Why do today what I can put off until tomorrow.
- If I act Nice, everyone will think we are
perfect. - Climb the ladder first, put people second.
- You can be sure, me and my family are safe and
secure. - Adapted from J. Ortberg, Overcoming Your Shadow
3Kingdom of God Pt 4 Authentic Mission
Authentic Mission Question How does God want to
use me to add value to this earth?
Overcoming the Shadow Mission 1. What is
stopping me from the pursuit of that mission? 2.
What needs to change in my life, my family, my
schedule, or my finances that would free me to
pursue the Mission? 3. How can HPCC, or the
Leadership at HPCC come alongside of you to help
prepare, or train, or empower you for your