Title: Quantum Interference in Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
1Quantum Interference in Multiwall Carbon
Universität Regensburg
Coworkers and Acknowledgements B. Stojetz, Ch.
Hagen, Ch. Hendlmeier (Regensburg) L. Forró, E.
Ljubovic (Lausanne) A. Bachtold , M. Buitelaar,
Ch. Schönenberger (Basel) K. Richter, G.
Cuniberti (Regensburg) R. Schäfer (Karlsruhe)
2multiwalled carbon nanotubes
S. Ijima, Nature 354, 56 (1991)
26 nm
Introduction Electronic structure of carbon
nanotubes Quantum interference Changing the
electron density Coulomb blockade Perspectives
4Graphene a single sheet of graphite
sp2-hybridization leads to planar carbon
sheets 2D electronic bandstructure determined by
p-orbitals p-bands touch at K-points
5wrapping graphene to nanotubes
wrapping vector R determines
chirality (real space)
allowed k-vectors (k-space)
6Density of states
Metallic behavior
Semicond. behavior
7are MWNTs ballistic conductors at 300 K?
G (2e²/h)
z-position (nm)
Conductance changes in units of 2e²/h !
Frank, et al., Science 280, 1744 (1998)
8Weak localization and universal conductance
fluctuations (UCF)
signatures of coherent backscattering in
disordered quantum wires
Closed loop of time reversed paths
r r
A A-
enhanced backscattering probability!
Magnetic field breaks time-reversal
symmetry coherent backscattering suppressed by
magnetic field negative magnetoresistance near
B0 reproducible fluctuation pattern specific
for impurity configuration magneto-fingerprints
9Weak localization and universal conductance
fluctuations (UCF)
signatures of coherent backscattering in
disordered quantum wires
Closed loop of time reversed paths
r r
A A-
enhanced backscattering probability!
Magnetic field breaks time-reversal
symmetry coherent backscattering suppressed by
magnetic field negative magnetoresistance near
B0 reproducible fluctuation pattern specific
for impurity configuration magneto-fingerprints
10A. Bachtold et al., 98
11(No Transcript)
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13Similar results obtained by many other
groups Leuven, IBM, Stuttgart, Helsinki ..
14How to confirm the presence of elastic scattering
Induce drastic change of electron density by gate
electrode (distance 2-3 nm) Change number of
current carrying subbands Tune electrochemical
potential through charge neutrality point Induce
transition between quasi-1dim and strictly 1dim
transport ?
Au contact
Au contact
Doping state of MWNTs Effect on weak
localization ? Effects of Coulomb interaction ?
Al gate (native oxide)
200 nm
15Gate sweep
high temperatures shallow minimum in conductance
low temperatures universal conductance
fluctuations (UCFs) (curves shifted)
16Universal conductance fluctuations
Interference of many diffusion paths lead to
aperiodic fluctuation pattern in the conductance
lF gt tube diameter (28 nm) lF lt tube length (400
Ensemble averaging of conductance fluctuations DG
if L lt lF
vary interference pattern by applying electric or
magnetic fields determine phase coherence length
lF at different temperatures
17Magnetoresistance at different gate voltages
magnetic field B perpendicular to tube
axis magnetoresistance traces taken at various
gate voltages (arrows) select different members
within statistical ensemble of magneto-fingerprint
T 1.7 K
18Ensemble averaging
weak localization peak survives averaging UCFs
averaged out partially, but not completely
Stojetz et al., New J. Phys. 04
T 1.7 K (curves shifted)
19Weak localization
conductance correction due to weak localization
1.7 K
Fitting WL-theory to data T (K) lf (nm)
1.7 150 20 80 40
20 K
40 K
effective width Wdiameter/2 requiredorigin
flux-cancellation effects ?
20Phase coherence length
diamonds UCF measurement triangles weak
localization line prediction for
electron-electron dephasing T-1/3elastic mfp
14 nm
? UCF ? WL
Good agreement of lF from WL and
UCFs Substantiation of diffusive transport
picture Further experiments required to identify
origin of disorder
21Measure a larger statistical ensemble
shallow conductance minimum at 300K
emerging fluctuation pattern at lower T
decrease of correlation voltage Vc
22Crossover to Coulomb blockade at lowest T
decrease of average conductance
Resonant transmission of single channels?
23disordered MWNT with irregular Coulomb diamonds
typical capacitances CGate 55 aF CS
800 aF charging energyEc 100 meV 1.2 K
T30 mK
24broad zero bias anomalies remain at higher T
T 10 K
T 3 K
estimated subband spacing 25 meV gate lever arm
DEF/UGate 1/10
25Magnetoconductance shows pronounced gate
T 10 K
26Open questions
Source of disorder -extrinsic or intrinsic
? Strength of disorder? Effect of Coulomb
blockage and number of channels on the shape of
the WL-peak? Gate dependence of Aharonov-Bohm
effect in parallel magnetic field?