Our Environmental Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Our Environmental Future


the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the ... Follow the Herd? Guesswork? Ideology ? Precaution ? Action. We don't know in so many ways ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Our Environmental Future

Our Environmental Future
Happy Birthday Gary!
  • Gary Kass, Natural England
  • FAN Club meeting
  • 16 September 2009

What is the environment?
  • the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic
    factors (as climate, soil, and living things)
    that act upon an organism or an ecological
    community and ultimately determine its form and
  • the aggregate of social and cultural conditions
    that influence the life of an individual or
    community www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/en

Our environmental future?
  • Historically, our environment has been
    continually modified by human activity and
    natural processes
  • The environment we have now is the consequence of
    the activities an accident of history rather
    than a deliberate design
  • But now we are aware of our actions and their
  • So will we modify by accident or by design?

An accidental or a deliberate future?
  • We will continue to modify the environment
    through human activity
  • Environmental conditions (atmosphere,
    hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and
    biosphere) will change
  • What is the nature of this change? What is its
    scale over time and space?
  • Will it matter? To whom? How do we judge? Can
    we speak for those with no voice (future
    generations or other species)? How do we act?

Decisions, decisions
  • All knowledge is about the past, all decisions
    are about the future
  • Kenneth Boulding
  • All risk management is political
  • Kerry Whiteside, MIT
  • The Great Transition politics of the future
  • Voluntary or Directed

Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Faster, Study Says
Give us clarity on climate targets
  • International Scientific Conference on Climate
  • Should we be setting the bar higher? I need to
    know and I need to know now
  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Danish Prime Minister, 12
    March 2009
  • scientists need to be able to take off their
    labcoats sometimes and speak as concerned
    citizens...Risk managers, step up to the plate
  • New Scientist editorial, 21 March 2009

  • Science provides the facts. Then politicians
    take their choice
  • Ban Ki-moon, interview in the Guardian, 16/9

Legitimacy in policy-making
But when evidence is lacking?
The will of the people
Delegated authority
Follow the Herd?
Ideology ?
Precaution ?
We dont know in so many ways
  • Knowledge of outcome

Knowledge of probability
The limits of science
  • in any scientific exercise there are ample
    opportunities, indeed it is virtually
    unavoidable, for the introduction subjective
    elements of value judgement in the course of
    planning, conducting and evaluating the process
    of scientific investigations.
  • Robert J. Coleman, Director General, Health and
    Consumer Protection Directorate, European
    Commission 2002

Precautionary politics
  • Community policy on the environment...shall be
    based on the precautionary principle
  • Article 174 of the EC Treaty
  • where there are threats of serious or
    irreversible damage, the lack of full scientific
    certainty shall not be used as a reason for
    postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
    environmental degradation
  • Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

How precautionary?
  • Decision-makers need to be aware of the degree
    of uncertainty attached to the results of the
    evaluation of the available scientific
    information. Judging what is an "acceptable"
    level of risk for society is an eminently
    political responsibility. Decision-makers faced
    with an unacceptable risk, scientific uncertainty
    and public concerns have a duty to find answers.
    Therefore, all these factors have to be taken
    into consideration.
  • COM2000 (1) final (para 5)

The ethical demands for precaution
  • Democratising science (Bruno Latour, 1999)
  • Contingencies in science require opening-up
  • This demands better science risk evaluation and
    risk management options
  • Principle of responsibility (Hans Jonas, 1984)
  • Technology presents unprecedented risk
  • This demands better politics to select policies
    from the spectrum of precautionary measures

Bridging the precautionary divide
Closing quotations
  • the precautionary principle reflects an advance
    in our collective will to make our technological
    power consistent with ecological wellbeing
    (Whiteside, p.147)
  • for the first time, progress consists in
    recognising our inability to master the world.
    The precautionary principle is a key ethical
    expression of that recognition. (Whiteside,

Our environmental future
  • The choices we make will determine its future
  • What values will guide our choices?
  • How will we make decisions?
  • Its in our hands - well get what we deserve
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