Title: GLAMOUR'ru
- Period June 2008
- The survey was run on GLAMOUR.ru
- Total number of questions 15
- Total number of answers 501
3Q1. What type of content do you like?
4Q2. What do you expect to find on Glamour?
5Q3. Are you currently a user of any of these
6Q4. Do you read content in other languages than
7Q5. Is this your first visit to Glamour.com?
8Q6. How would you rate your last visit to
9Q7. Based on what you have done and found on
GLAMOUR.com during this visit, would you come
again to the site?
10Q8. Did you read your horoscope during your visit
to Glamour.com?
11Q9. In your opinion is Glamour.com providing
entertaining and interesting content ...
12Q10. Is Glamour.com inspiring your offline and
online purchases?
13Q11. Have you signed up for the Glamour daily
14Q12. How did you hear about Glamour?
15Q13. Do you read GLAMOUR magazine?
16Q14. What year were you born? expressed in age
17Q15. Are you female or male?
18Key learnings
- Demographics
- 99 of users are women
- Half of them are aged between 19 and 24 y.o.
(45) - Magazine connection
- 75 got to know about the website from the
magazine - 12 are subscriber of the magazine and we reach
75 adding to subscribers those who say to read
the magazine 6-8 times per year
19Key learnings
- Website experience
- For 73 the site meets their expectations
- 73 is happy about the experience on the site
- 42 will come back max in 1 week and adding the
one saying they will visit again in 1 month we
reach 46. - The regular daily visitors are 30
20Key learnings
- Interests
- The 3 most liked topics are
- Fashion coverage 14
- Beauty coverage 12
- Relationship, lovesex 11
- The expected topics are
- Fashion, Beauty and Celebrities 21
- Glamour fix between magazine 15
21Key learnings
- Services
- 76 are registered to the daily newsletter and 9
would like to - 71 is influenced by the site for the online and
offline purchase - 67 read content in English
- Top 3 internet applications used
- 24 Skype
- 23 Google Talk
- 19 MSN Messenger