Selling to the Public Sector - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Selling to the Public Sector


Selling to the Public Sector. Glynis McEwing. Roger Holloway. Procurement Lincolnshire ... Strategic focus of category management and how that will help the supplier, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Selling to the Public Sector

Selling to the Public Sector
  • Glynis McEwing
  • Roger Holloway
  • Procurement Lincolnshire

  • Introduction
  • Procurement Lincolnshire
  • Lincolnshire the story so far
  • Introduction to Procurement
  • The Procurement Process
  • Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
  • PQQ Evaluation
  • Break
  • Invitation to Tender (ITT)
  • ITT evaluation process
  • Contract Award
  • Any questions

Procurement Lincolnshire
  • Who are members of Procurement Lincolnshire?
  • Services delivered by Procurement Lincolnshire to
    member authorities
  • Procurement Lincolnshire website
  • Strategic focus of category management and how
    that will help the supplier, specialists in their
    field, better support for SMEs
  • Better information on contract opportunities,
    Lincolnshire wide contract register
  • Procurement Lincolnshire working more closely
    with supporting organisations to achieve best
  • Small value work

The Lincolnshire story so far
  • Series of cross county events held twice yearly
    from Spring 07 onwards with over 700 attendees.
    Feedback from all of the events has been
    extremely positive
  • Suppliers made request for further training in
    more specific areas of procurement via feedback
    form circulated at the events
  • October training sessions have attracted a
    further 70 attendees
  • Proposed to run sessions in Spring and Autumn
    2010 on the tender process
  • 3rd June 2010 University of Lincoln, Riseholme
    Campus, Meet the Buyer event. Same format as the
    event we ran on 4th June 2009. Morning session
    will be opened by Bishop John Saxbee of the
    Lincolnshire Assembly

Introduction to Procurement
  • What is procurement?
  • The public sector in the UK spends 450 billion
    p.a. on the acquisition of all goods, services
    and works
  • Employs more than 25 of the UK workforce and
    includes Local Authorities, Central Government
    departments, schools, colleges, NHS, police, fire
  • Demonstration of economy, efficiency
    effectiveness of service delivery i.e. Best Value
  • Encourages competition
  • Has to be a transparent and open process

Facts and Figures
Local Purchasing
The Procurement Process
  • In any procurement process key decisions need to
    be made
  • Which procedure to use?
  • Where to place the advertisement?
  • Expressions of interest, Pre Qualification
    Questionnaire (PQQ) or Invitation To Tender (ITT)
  • Invitation To Tender (ITT) only depending on the
    procedure used
  • Evaluation at both PQQ ITT stages
  • Contract Award

The Procurement Process
  • Local Authority tender thresholds
  • EU thresholds as at 1/1/08 -
  • Supplies Services - 139,893
  • Works - 3,497,313
  • If you are a supplier to the NHS or Central
    Government the EU thresholds differ as they are
    classed as a schedule 1 entity. The Threshold is
  • EU procedures used i.e. mainly open or restricted

The Procurement Process
  • Open Procedure allows any supplier to submit a
    tender following publication of the contact
    notice. If contract advertised via OJEU, it may
    be advertised in UK press, but not before the
    OJEU advert.
  • Process used where market is limited
  • Restricted Procedure has 2 stages, Pre
    Qualification prior to supplier being invited to
  • Process used to manage number of tenders received
    where there is potentially numerous suppliers in
    the market

Timescales for OJEU process
  • Timescales from despatch to Official Journal of
    the European Union (OJEU) for electronic
  • Open procedure
  • 45 days to submission of tender
  • Restricted procedure
  • 30 days to register interest
  • 35 days from despatch of tender to submission of

Stages of Open Procedure
  • Advertise contract in OJEU
  • Request Invitation to Tender (ITT)
  • Submit Tender
  • Evaluation
  • Award

Stages of Restricted Procedure
  • Advertise contract in OJEU
  • Expression of interest
  • Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
  • Invitation to tender (ITT)
  • Submit tender
  • Evaluation
  • Award

  • Advertising see contract opportunities handout
    for useful websites
  • Advertising for contracts at all levels must be
    transparent, allow for sufficient competition,
    fair and impartial, demonstrate appropriate means
    of communication

Completion of a Pre Qualification Questionnaire
  • Procurement Lincolnshire standard documentation
    used by all partner authorities
  • Typically what we look for
  • Legal standing
  • Financial stability
  • Technical skills and ability
  • Health and Safety/Environmental policies
  • Experience
  • References
  • PQQ can apply both above and below EU thresholds

PQQ Note for Suppliers
  • Introduction gives details of the tender
    opportunity is and which authorities require it
  • Overview of the Process PQQ to shortlist and
    giving number of organisations brought through to
    ITT stage
  • Indicative Procurement Timetable gives details
    of stages and dates of the process
  • Evaluation scoring criteria and weightings
    attached for information
  • Requirement of the tender opportunity gives
    details of the opportunity and contract length
    and start date
  • Completion of the PQQ no supporting
    documentation unless asked to provide at this
    stage. Will be an electronic submission
  • Confidentiality and FOI
  • Questions about the PQQ who to ask
  • Submitting the PQQ who to send it to

Section 1 -Organisation identity and information
  • Any significant change to information after
    completion please inform the contracting
  • General info about the Company so we know who we
    are entering into a contract with
  • Make sure contact person available and able to
    answer any questions
  • Type of organisation
  • Constructionline

Section 2 Financial Information
  • Use this information to assess financial position
    and stability
  • Information in this section is more in depth than
    in Low Value/Low Risk PQQ
  • Your accountant will know this information if you
    are unsure
  • Do not provide extra information unless
    specifically asked to do so

Section 3 - Insurance
  • This section is used to ensure that the
    organisation can meet its responsibilities in
    respect of liabilities that may arise
  • If you do not currently have the required cover
    explain how you will put this right
  • Where you are asked questions make sure you put
    in an answer, do not leave any blanks!!

Section 4 Experience, resources References
  • Main business activity would expect it to be
    relevant to the opportunity
  • Number of staff that will be involved in the
  • 3 relevant contracts for reference purposes
  • If unable to provide 3 please state why

Section 5 Contract Performance
  • Used to assess previous contract performance
  • Contract termination earlier than intended,
    penalties, damages etc
  • Withdrawal after award
  • Make sure you give explanation where you have
    given a yes answer

Section 6 7 Quality Procedures
Accreditation, Health Safety
  • Registered with a recognised body?
  • Recognised quality certificate
  • Section 6.3 not so detailed in Low Value/Low Risk
  • Written H S policy?
  • H S at work system?
  • Any prosecutions?
  • Competent person for Quality?
  • Any external H S accreditations?
  • Competent person for H S?

Section 8 Equality Diversity
  • Fair and equal treatment
  • Written E D policy?
  • 8.2 not in Low Value/Low Risk PQQ
  • Any unlawful discrimination findings, formal
    investigations or outstanding tribunals?
  • Please give explanation if answer yes to anything

Section 9 Environmental Sustainability
  • Written policies?
  • Documented systems?
  • Approach to managing the environment?
  • 9.3, 9.4, 9.11 9.12 not in Low Value/Low Risk
  • Environmental performance of suppliers
  • Membership of accredited body, participation in
    schemes etc
  • Any legal action?

Section 10 Business Continuity/Risk
Management/Disaster Recovery
  • Used to access procedures in place to ensure
    continuity of service in emergency situations
  • Business Continuity/Risk Management/Disaster
    Recovery plan?
  • Business disruption
  • Responsible person
  • 10.3 10.4 not mentioned in Low Value/ Low Risk

Section 11 Professional Business Standing
  • Any convictions?
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency etc
  • Responses to these questions will be pass/fail
  • If you answer yes to anything please explain

Sections 12 14 Appendices
  • Section 12 - Contract Specific Questions listed
  • Section 13 Declaration, please read before
  • Section 14 ensure all areas completed
  • Banking consent form
  • Appendices will include evaluation scoring
    criteria and weightings, names addresses of
    partners within partnership

PQQ Evaluation
  • What were looking for
  • Indications of
  • Financial Health
  • Relevant business activities
  • Technical skills, ability, relevant experience
  • Health Safety and Environmental policies
  • Adequate insurance provision
  • Quality controls in place
  • References

PQQ Evaluation Typical Model
  • 1. Organisation Details
  • 2. Financial Information
  • 3. Business Activities
  • 4. References
  • 5. Insurance
  • 6. Quality Assurance
  • 7. Health and Safety
  • 8. Equal Opportunities
  • 9. Environmental Management
  • 10. Professional and Business Standing
  • 11. Requirement-specific Questions
  • 12. Declaration

  • Break

Guidance for Completion of Invitation to Tender
  • Tender document used today is for Internal Audit
  • Covering key points only
  • Why this template?

Section 1 - Preamble
  • Objective of the preamble is to set the scene of
    the tender opportunity
  • What is a framework agreement?
  • Freedom of Information

Section 2 -Conditions of Tender
  • Details the general requirements
  • These conditions are vital to the tender process
  • Always states
  • Time
  • Date
  • Further information and queries how to ask the
  • Incomplete tenders not acceptable
  • Evaluation Allows you to prioritise the key
    areas of the tender. Timetable of dates for
    process, evaluation criteria weightings
  • MEAT

Section 3 Conditions of Contract
  • Pages 12 41 inclusive
  • Makes sure you read them thoroughly and
    understand what you are agreeing to, if not seek
    legal advice!!

Section 4 - Specification
  • Introduction will state if broken down into
    lots, period of time service is required for plus
    any extensions etc
  • Any TUPE implications will be listed
  • Think about Council priorities
  • Details the organisations concerned in the tender
  • Council policies
  • How the service will be delivered
  • Regulatory matters and Performance Standards
  • Fundamental and other systems (additional

Section 5 Method Statements
  • List questions that will provide information on
    suppliers capability to perform under this tender
  • Expand the sections provided to list responses
  • Submit responses in single word document so they
    can be printed off together

Section 6 Pricing Schedule
  • Only complete sections of the schedule relevant
    to your bid
  • If bidding for more than one lot give details of
    economies of scale to be deducted from your
    proposed price in the Additional Pricing Options
  • Remember this is your best and final offer price
  • Look to see if the price is fixed for the full
    term or subject to a set price change formula

Sections 7 - 9
  • Payment details read thoroughly. You will only
    get paid on time if you send invoice to address
    listed in the ITT. Payment by BACS
  • Collusive tendering certificate read thoroughly
    before you sign. It is illegal, you will be found
    out and prosecuted
  • Form of tender read thoroughly and sign

Tender Opening and the Evaluation Process
  • Rigid tender opening process
  • Who evaluates the tender?
  • What do they look for
  • Technical merit
  • Quality of delivery service support
  • Health safety, environmental characteristics
    relating to the contract
  • Price and cost effectiveness
  • Equality diversity
  • Evaluation matrix explained
  • What happens next?

Contract award notice
  • Completes the procurement
  • Contains info on successful tenderer
  • Name address
  • Value of contract/FA (Framework Agreement)
  • Subcontracting
  • Feedback to unsuccessful suppliers
  • Example of award notice
  • Any Questions?

Top tips to winning business with the Public
  • Research your market know where to look for
    contract opportunities. Use handouts from today
    for information
  • Which opportunities will I go for? experience,
    business size, skills level. Pitch at the correct
    level and then you wont be disappointed
  • Correct policies and procedures in place? If not
    there is help available you just need to know
    where to look
  • Framework agreements what are they and how can
    a smaller supplier be part of them?
  • Collaborative bidding and how that can help a
    smaller supplier overcome capacity issues
  • eProcurement what is it?

Top tips to winning business with the Public
  • Know the essentials for tendering? Use your
    handouts from today
  • Where do I look for opportunities? Use your
    handouts from today
  • How can I help the tender process?
  • Read advert tender documents again and again so
    that you fully understand the requirements
  • Contact nominated person in tender documents if
    you have any questions.
  • Do not include publicity material with tender
    documents unless specifically asked to do so
  • Respond quickly to any requests for further
  • Return tenders within stated timescales to be
  • Where relevant, cross reference your answers to
    the questions in the ITT. This will aid the
    evaluation process

Top tips to winning business with the Public
  • Be clear on your pricing model and state any
    factors taken into account in the price you have
  • i.e. timetables of work to be carried out
  • Dont make assumptions about the councils
    knowledge of your business so provide all
    evidence requested to help the tender evaluation
  • The council will normally award on the most
    economically advantageous tender (MEAT) to get
    best value, not just lowest price
  • Ask for a debrief if you are unsuccessful, this
    will help you in future tender opportunities

  • Any questions?
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