Title: The WatchKeeper Boat Security System from Freetrack Marine International
1The WatchKeeper Boat Security Systemfrom
Freetrack Marine International
2(No Transcript)
- Working for you 24/7
- WatchKeeper automatically monitors your
boats systems and security and - sends text messages to nominated mobiles
e-mail addressees- - An intruder is onboard
- Smoke or fire is detected
- Bilge water rises above a preset level
- Engine revs exceed preset parameters
- The boat moves beyond its GeoFence boundary
- Temperature rises in accommodation or motor room
- Valuable items are removed from on deck or down
below - And will automatically send digital
pictures to your WAP phone and PC
4 Functions
- Basic System
- Integrated GPS to monitor boat position/geofence
- Internal GSM for remote communications.
- Modular Interfaces to pressure pad, gas alarm, IR
sensors, engine revs, hatch sensors,etc - Two way communication e.g. Position, Safety,
Intruder Alerts, battery condition, water levels - Remotely programmable from phone or PC
- Modular and Expandable
5Typical Installation
6More than a Security SystemWatchKeeper is a
sophisticated data hub
- Thats also Modular and Expandable
- Very low power consumption
- Compatible with distributed power systems.
- And Wireless Communication Bluetooth, WiFi
(802.11) - Software can be upgraded and enhanced
- Interface to proprietary and generic sensors and
instruments both analogue and digital. - Monitoring and command function capability
- Boat Information and Monitoring HUB
- Basic System is Simple, Standalone and
inexpensive - System can be enhanced with hardware and software
modules to meet the requirement of todays most
discerning boat owner.
- WatchKeeper can interface to
- Intruder detectors, pressure pad / IR, gas/smoke
detectors, FW OF tank level sensors, bilge
level sensors, Engine Tachometers, RFID tag
readers, temperature monitors, battery level
sensors, CCTV, Digital Cameras, etc - And can
- Remotely switch on/off heaters, A/C,
refrigerators, pumps and a variety of boat
instruments. - Link to PCs and other devices with Proprietary
Wireless, Bluetooth or WiFi
8Technical Specifications
- GSM/GPRS Module
- Tri-Band EGSM900 / DCS1800 / PCS1900
- SIM Card Interface 3V / 5V
- Antenna Connector SMA
- GPS Module
- GPS Performance 12 parallel channel GPS receiver
- 1 second update rate
- Position Accuracy lt 15 metres
- GPS Receiver Sensitivity 165 dBW minimum
- WAAS Support opcija
- Antenna Connector MCX
- Connector Adaptor - various types available
- Power Supply 1230V DC
- Rechargeable Battery 12V DC
- Digital Inputs 8, D-25F, NO,TTL, 12V
- Digital Outputs 4, D-25F, open collector
- Relay 2 x NO/COM, 2 NO/NC/COM, D-25F
- Analogue Inputs 4 (7)RJ-11,0-30VDC(10BIT 2LSB)
- Temperature/Humidity Sensor Interface 3 RJ-11,12C
- Keyboard DTMF Interface 1, RJ-45, RS-232 /
RS-485/ RS-422 software configurable - GSM Module
- Dual-Band PGSM900/DCS1800
- SIM Card Interface 3V / 5V
- Antenna Connector SMA
9System Features
Built in GSM module with SIM interface SMS
control of alarms, relay switching, etc DTMF
(PSTN,ISDN,GSM) control IVRinteractive voice
responder Temperature Humidity measurement and
management Analogue voltage measurement
management Alarm sensor management Remote
keyboard interface (DTMF Digital)
Speaker and MIC interface Rechargeable battery
connection Wide-range power supply Discreet,
compact size unit. PC remote / local
management GPS position management/tracking via
GSM and Geosynchronous satellite
systems. Optional digital video interfacevideo
via GSM
10 Freetrack Marine International (North
America) PO Box 714, Nelson, British Columbia
Canada V1L 5R4 Captain P. J. Quinn-Young (250)
229.5609 freetrackmarine_at_shaw.ca Jonathan Taylor
(250) 354.7511 info_at_freetrackmarine.ca www.freetra