Title: The Computer as a Teaching Tool
1The Computer as a Teaching Tool
- Kathryn Odell, IT Coach
- Lodi Unified School District
- 712-6364
- kodell_at_lodiusd.k12.ca.us
2Why Bother?
- For your students
- Motivation!
- Access to information
- Gain technical skills
- Higher order thinking skills
- For yourself
- Invest time now to save it later.
- Professional development
- Increased productivity
3Computer as a Teacher Tool
- Communicate with parents.
- Create custom worksheets and assignments.
- Create student lists and name tags.
- Make personalized certificates of achievement.
4Computer as a Teacher Tool
- Keep track of grades assignments
- Send home a weekly progress report.
- Make your report cards.
- Produce a class newsletter.
- Get new ideas.
5Computer as a Teacher Tool
- Communicate with other professionals and subject
experts via email. - Use teacher email
- Requesting student email
- Make a class web page.
- Lisa Bartrams page
- Karen Perkins page
- Janet Mattas page
- School City Web Editor training
- Wed. Mar. 31 800-300
6Computer as a Chalk BoardSmall group at
computer orWhole class using a projector
- Reading groups draw story webs, have the
computer read vocabulary words - Record information from a group brainstorming
session that introduces a new unit.
7Computer as a Chalk BoardSmall group at
computer orWhole class using a projector
- Demonstrate writing or editing skills.
- Demonstrate Math concepts
- Equations
- Graphs
8Computer as a Chalk BoardSmall group at
computer orWhole class using a projector
- Color text for exploring, or critically
evaluating written material
9Computer as a Chalk BoardSmall group at
computer orWhole class using a projector
- Live access to a selected Internet site to
enhance discussion or illustrate a point. - Introduce a unit
- Organize a unit for student use
- Live access to a selected Internet site to
retrieve authentic data - Answer questions right now!
- To ask an expert
- Share student work with an audience
10Computer as Electronic Scribe
- Lists each student adds one item related to a
topic that will be used for discussion - Science topic students type questions of things
they want to know about a new subject. The
questions may be used to introduce a lesson. - Have each student write one type of sentence, for
example, a topic sentence, and use this
information for a class discussion on that type
of sentence.
11Computer as Electronic Scribe
- Continuing story
- Group or class email letter
- Enter personal information or opinions in a
spreadsheet and then graph the whole classs
12The Computer as Learning Center Software
- Skills-based software
- Reader Rabbit, Oregon Trail, etc.
- Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts
- Productivity software
- AppleWorks or Microsoft Office
- Presentation Software
- HyperStudio
- PowerPoints and more PowerPoints!
- iMovie
- Living history characters
13The Computer as Learning Center Software
- Free internet sites
- K-8 Subject Toolboxes
- Webquests
- Intermediate example
- Primary example
- Resource list
- Sites you have found
- Requesting sites that are blocked
- Subscription internet sites
- RiverDeep
14The Computer as Learning CenterManagement
- Popsicle Sticks and a Timer
- Set the timer for 30 minutes and draw a popsicle
stick with a student name. - When the timer rings, that student draws another
name and resets the timer. - Cards with students names
- Shuffle after each rotation.
- Computer Schedule
- Pocket Chart
15The Computer as Learning CenterManagement
- Tech Tutors
- Two students from your class or an older grade
- Allowed to ask you questions about the computer
- Trained by you for the current activity
- Computer Notebook
- Step-by-step directions for each project
16The Computer as Learning CenterManagement
- Classroom modeling
- Model computer project for the week.
- Provide a sample of the completed work for that
session. - Provide students with a step by step checklist.
Have students sign and attach the checklist to
completed project. Be sure to include a
proofreading checklist. - When teaching a computer skill, templates can
be very valuable. When using a template, each
student or team can rotate through the activity
and the original will not be altered or lost.
This allows for a more self-guided lesson.