Title: Kannapolis Parks and Recreation
1Kannapolis Parks and Recreation
2Park Projects
- Park Maintenance/Warehouse Facility
- Kannapolis Cemetery/Village Park Access Drive and
Parking Lot Improvements - Village Park Phase III Improvements
- West Side Land Acquisition
- Bakers Creek Park Improvements
- Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway Phase I
- Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway Phase II
3Park Maintenance/Warehouse Facility
- Current storage in 5 locations
- Current storage usage over 8500 sq. ft.
- Proposed new building would be a minimum size of
72 x 16 x 150 - Located at Bakers Creek Park
- New facility would have roll-up vehicle access
area and loading dock - Would be of wood and steel construction with
mens and womens restrooms, break area, separate
lockable storage area, HVAC, and shop space for
equipment maintenance and storage - Also propose to pave the access area, move the
solid waste containers, expand the vehicle
storage area and create covered storage bins for
4Just a few of our current storage areas and
facilities, including the old post office (left)
Richard Ave. (top right) and Kansas Street
(bottom right).
5Existing storage facility at Bakers Creek Park.
We have added on to it four times. The building
is not accessible and the site gets extremely
muddy after a rain.
- The new maintenance facility was previously
approved in the FY 09 budget, but then frozen - Estimated cost of project is 485,000
- Financed over 15 years would create a debt
service payment of approximately 45,100 per year
or .00125 cents or a little more than one-tenth
of a cent on the tax rate.
6Kannapolis Cemetery/Village Park Access Drive and
Parking Lot Improvements
7Kannapolis Cemetery Improvements
- Improvements necessary for the Kannapolis
Cemetery include paving the roads, decorative
fencing and much needed repairs to the retaining
wall along West C Street - There is an additional 30,000 available for
funding improvements from the cemetery
association when we took control in 2001 - This project is ready for bid and was approved in
FY 09, but was frozen
8Village Park Driveway Access and Parking Lot
- Access drive is very dangerous from West C Street
- Entrance road is barely more than 1 lane wide
- Access drive is to be moved in accordance with
agreement with Duke Energy - Access road will get sidewalks and lighting
- Parking lot will be repaved and striped along
with landscaped medians and lighting - Estimated cost for the entire project is 350,000
with a debt payment of 29,760 or .0089 cents or
less than one-tenth of a cent on the current tax
9Village Park Phase III Improvements
- Village Park Phase III is the number one project
on the major capital improvements list - Initial phases were funded through 2 PARTF grants
for 750,000, CDBG funds, Rotary Club/Cabarrus
County matching grant, private donations and the
general fund - Village Park has become a major regional
attraction with over 100,000 visitors last year
10Proposed Village Park Phase III Improvements
- The proposed improvements in phase III, which
would finish Village Park, include the carousel
and its enclosure, pond with waterfall feature,
and the amphitheatre dressing room/storage/restroo
m facility - An estimated 50k in revenue could be generated
to offset a substantial amount of debt service
for the improvements - Total estimated cost is 800,000. Financed over
15 years, this would create a debt service
payment of 74,400 and would have an impact of
.0022 cents or less than one-quarter of a cent on
the tax rate
11Ridership for the train so far in 2009 is over
32,000 an increase of over 8 compared to last
12The Village Park Splashpad had almost 27,000 paid
attendees last summer with over 40,000 through
the gate. The splashpad produced almost 58,000
in revenue during the summer of 2009.
13The summer event series in 2009 was another huge
success. Total attendance this summer to
concerts and movies is estimated to be over
44,000, with the 4th of July concert attracting
almost 13,000 visitors.
14West Side Land Acquisition
- Critical acquisition of at least 30 - 40 acres
in the western growth area for a future
active/passive recreational park. - Real estate prices have come down from previous
highs, opening the door to acquire land for
future park needs - Sufficient land should be acquired to develop
ballfields, soccer fields, walking trails,
playgrounds and other family oriented activities - Acquisition costs will vary, but an estimated
2,500,000 or less may be necessary. Financed
over 15 years, this would create a debt service
payment of 232,500 per year or .0077 cents or a
little over three-quarters of a cent on the tax
rate - Grant funding could be available for up to
500,000 towards acquisition costs
15Bakers Creek Park Improvements
- Bakers Creek Park is the largest and oldest park
facility in our system. Now over 25 years old,
many aspects of the park are showing their age
and need renovating - The proposed phased improvements include
replacement of the existing office/restroom/conces
sion facility, renovations to the miniature golf
course, new tennis courts and energy efficient
tennis court lights, and repaving the parking
lot. - Future improvements would add a restroom facility
near the shelters and playground area and
replacing the parking lot lights with a new
energy efficient lighting system. - Bakers Creek Park during peak season has almost
2000 weekly visitors
16Some recent improvements over the last 7 years
include new ballfield lighting, a new playground
area, replacement of the picnic tables, and
resurfacing the tennis courts
17Although some improvements have been made, we
still have a long way to go. The tennis court
resurfacing was a temporary bandage and the
cracks could easily return. The current
office/restroom/concession area is showing a lot
of age and has become too small for the heavy
park usage.
- Total costs for the improvements can vary,
but it is estimated to be in the 810,000 range.
Phasing of these improvements is possible.
Financed over 15 years, this would create a debt
service payment of 75,330 per year or .0024
cents or less than one-quarter of a cent on the
tax rate.
18Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway Phase I
- Phase 1 Orphanage Road to Rogers Lake Road
- Approximately 2.6 miles in length
19Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway Phase II
- Phase II Rogers Lake Road to Fred L. Wilson
Elementary - Approximately 1.7 miles in length
20Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway Phases I and II
- The total estimated cost of Phase I is
2,100,000. This amount could be financed over a
15-year term with an annual debt service payment
in the amount of 195,300.00 per year. The
majority of this phase is in the TIP with an
original proposed budget amount of 1,600,000 or
.0058 cents on the tax rate. -
- The total estimated cost of Phase II is
1,500,000. This amount could be financed over a
15-year term with an annual debt service payment
in the amount of 139,500.00 per year or .0042
cents on the tax rate. -
- Other funding sources available include the Parks
and Recreation Trust Fund, Carolina Thread Trail,
and other state and federal trail funding sources.
21Just a point to ponder the revenue produced
annually by Parks and Recreation would cover the
debt service on the warehouse, the
cemetery/parking lot improvements, Village Park
Phase III improvements, and the Bakers Creek Park