Title: SICU Meeting
1SICU Meeting
- Blood supply of spinal cord
Ri ??? 2003/03/24
2Blood supply of spinal cord
- One anterior spinal artery
- Supply the ventral 2/3 spinal cord
- Paired posterior spinal artery
- Supply the dorsal 1/3 spinal cord
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6Blood supply of spinal cord
- A series of segmental arteries which arise from
- aorta
- branches of the subclavian artery
- vertebral a ascending cervical a
- branches of internal iliac artery
- lumbar a lateral sacral a
7Blood supply of spinal cord
Spinal branch
Anterior radicular artery
Posterior radicular artery
Anterior Spinal Artery
Posterior Spinal Artery
8Radicular artery
- Adamkiewicz artery
- Arteria radicularis magna
- greater anterior radicular artery
- perfuse the spinal cord distal to its junction
with the ASA - ASA above the ARM is smaller in diameter compared
with that below the ARM
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10Blood supply of spinal cord
- Anterior spinal artery
- ? Central artery
- most of the anterior gray columns
- the ventral portions of the dorsal gray columns
- ? Pial plexus
- peripheral rim of white matter of the anterior
two-thirds of the cord
11Blood supply of spinal cord
- Paired posterior spinal arteries
- ? direct penetrating vessels
- ? Pial plexus
- ? the dorsal third of the cord
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13Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Anterior spinal artery infarction
- Cause
- atheromas involving the aorta
- complication of thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair
- collagen vascular disease (SLE, polyarteritis)
- syphilitic angiitis
- dissecting aortic aneurysm
- embolic infarction (bacterial endocarditis)
- neurotoxic effect of iodinated contrast material
14Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Transient pain
- the neck or back both legs
- dysesthetic pain feet ? abdomen, rapidly
- Motor paralysis rapid onset of weakness
- unable to walk within minutes
- Paralysis of sphincteric function.
- Incontinence of urine and feces
15Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Sensory impairment below the level of the lesion
- loss of pain and thermal sensation below the
level of the lesion - vibration and proprioception was spared
- sparing of posterior columns
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18Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Some patients regain substantial motor function,
mainly in the first month but extending over a
19Posterior spinal artery syndrome
- uncommon
- does not give rise to a stereotyped syndrome.
20Clinical importance of ARM
- ARM supplies most of the blood to ASA, and ASA
supplies 2/3 of anterior spinal artery - Importance in operation with descending thoracic
and thoraco-abdominal aorta
21Adamkiewicz artery
- Does the Adamkiewicz artery originate from the
larger segmental arteries? - The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular
surgery, May, 1999
22Adamkiewicz artery
- n102 adult cadavers
- Effective Adamkiewicz artery
- T5 L2
- gt 0.5mm in diameter
23Adamkiewicz artery
- Number of Adamkiewicz arteries per cadaver
- one artery 74
- More than two arteries 26
- Laterality of the adamkiewicz arteries
- 72 from the ICA/LA on the left side
- 28 from the ICA/LA on the right side
24Adamkiewicz artery
- Vertebral level of the Adamkiewicz artery
- 91 T8L1
- Diameter of the Adamkiewicz artery
- 0.501.49 mm
25Adamkiewicz artery
26Adamkiewicz artery
- All lower ICAs and upper LAs should be preserved,
even if they are narrow.
27Clinical importance of ARM
- Operation with descending thoracic and
thoraco-abdominal aorta - and
- Spinal cord ischemia
- prevention of spinal cord ischaemia during
descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic
surgery - European journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery
- 19 (2001), 203-213
28Spinal cord ischemia
- thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic surgery
- ? the rate of paraplegia or paraparesis
- 540
29Pathogenesis of spinal cord ischemia
- Immediate neurological complications
- hypoperfusion of spinal cored
- second to hypoxic damage
- Delayed neurological complication
- Reperfusion ? hyperemia and free radical
- ? edema ? reduced perfusion
30Major cause of spinal cord injury
- The duration and degree of ischemia
- cross clamping time lt15min --gt 0 paraplegia
- cross claming time gt 60 min --gt 25-100
- Failure to re-establish blood flow to the spinal
cord after repair
31Pre-OP prevention
- Angiography
- identify the ARM in 85 of pts
- Must use less toxic contrast medium
- 69 (18/26)
- European Journal of cardio-thoracic surgery
18(2000) 104-111 - Multi-detector row helical CT
- 90 (63/70)
- Radiology 2002, 223 39-45
32Intra-OP prevention
- Evoked potential monitoring
- Post. tibial nerve (medial malleolus) ? scalp
- MEP (myogenic)
- Scalp (transcranial) ? muscle
- Effects of anaesthetic drug neuromuscular
blocker - sensitivity and specificity MEP gt SSEP
The annals of thoracic surgery. 74(5) S1873-6
33Intra-OP prevention
- Reduction of the duration of ischemia
- Crawford aortic inlay technique
- Single-clamp repair technique
- Sequential aoritc clamping technique
- Reduction of the severity of ischemia
- Passive shunts
- Left atrial to femoral artery bypass (LAFA)
34Intra-OP prevention
- Reduction of the severity of ischemia
- Drainage of CSF
- To maintain the perfusion pressure
- Hypothemia
- Decrease oxygen demand and the metabolic rate
- Inhibit the synthesis and release of
neruotransmitter which induced apoptosis - epidural cooling technique
35Pharmacologic prevention
- Neuroprotective agents
- Papaverine ( CSF drainage)
- Naloxone ( CSF drainage)
36Pharmacologic prevention
- AMPA/kainate antagonist NBQX
- A2A agonist ATL-146e
- L-carnitine
- Dextrorphan
- ATP-sensitive K channel opener Nicorandil
- Pentobarbital
- FK506
- Trimetazidine
- Riluzole
- Methylprednisolone vit. C vit. E