Title: Chapter 5.1: The Geography of China
1Chapter 5.1 The Geography of Chinas River
Examine the geography of ancient China. Find
out about early civilization in China. Learn
about the importance of family ties in early
3The Geography of Ancient China
4Dragons brought good luck. Dragon gods were
believed to be responsible for the rains
The Geography of Ancient China
5North China PlainMade of soil deposits from the
Huang River. A brief summer monsoon. There is
not much rain at other times. The climate is
very dry.
The Geography of Ancient China
6Geographic Barriers Mountains and Seas
separated China from other lands. They were so
sure that they lived at the center of the world
that they called themselves the Middle Kingdom.
The Geography of Ancient China
7Loess - Yellow brown soil.
The Geography of Ancient China
8Dike - A protective wall that holds back the
The Geography of Ancient China
9Early Civilization in China
10Shang DynastyThe first civilization in
China.Built Chinas first cities.Produced
first Chinese writing system.
Early Civilization in China
11Zhou Dynasty Divided into two parts Earlier
Western Zhou dynasty Later Eastern Zhou
Early Civilization in China
12Warring States During that time, small kingdoms
fought for control over one another until a new
dynasty - the Qin finally emerged.
Early Civilization in China
13Mandate of Heaven Chinese believed that rulers
came to power because it was their destiny or
Early Civilization in China
14Importance of the Family
15Extended Family - Closely related family.
Importance of the Family
16Womens RolesThree Obediences To obey their
fathers in youth their husbands in
marriagetheir sons in widowhood.
Importance of the Family
17Womens RolesFour virtues also guided womens
behavior in ancient China morality, modesty,
proper speech and domestic skills.
Importance of the Family