Title: Advances Towards Readily Deployable Antineutrino Detectors for
1- Advances Towards Readily Deployable Antineutrino
Detectors for - Reactor Monitoring and Safeguards
Belkis Cabrera-Palmer Sandia National
Laboratories June 9, 2009
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,
for the United States Department of Energys
National Nuclear Security Administration under
contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
2Antineutrino Detectors for Reactor Monitoring and
Project Team
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Adam Bernstein Nathaniel Bowden Steven Dazeley
Jim Lund Dave Reyna Lorraine Sadler Scott
Kiff Belkis Cabrera-Palmer
Publications Bernstein JAP 91, 04672,
2002 Bowden NIMA 572, pp. 985, 2007 Bowden JAP
103, 074905, 2008 Bernstein JAP 105, 064902, 2009
- Antineutrino detector for reactor monitoring and
safeguards (power and fuel evolution) - Technology demonstrated with underground detector
- Going aboveground handling increased backgrounds
- Tight shield for background reduction
- Particle ID for background rejection
4Detected antineutrino rates from reactors are
reasonable for cubic meter scale detectors
Detected rates are quite reasonable
Reactors emit huge numbersof antineutrinos
- 6 antineutrinos per fission from beta decay of
daughters - 1021 fissions per second ina 3,000-MWt reactor
- 1017 antineutrinos per square meter per second at
25-m standoff - 6,000 events per ton per day with a perfect
detector - 600 events per ton per day with a simple detector
(e.g., SONGS1)
About 1022 antineutrinos are emitted persecond
from a typical PWR unattenuated and in all
Example detector total footprint with shielding
is 2.5 meter on a side at 25-mstandoff from a
3-GWt reactor
5Antineutrino Detectors for Reactor Monitoring
- Different antineutrino spectra from 235U and
239Pu - The isotope fuel composition changes during the
reactor fuel cycle 235U is consumed and 239Pu is
produced - ? Detected antineutrino rate is sensitive to the
isotopic composition of the core
Detector and reactor constants
Fuel composition dependent
6Antineutrino Detectors for Reactor Safeguards
- Antineutrino detectors are particularly useful
for Reactor Monitoring and Safeguards because - provide real-time quantitative information about
core power and isotopic composition while reactor
online - report reactor status independent of operator
declarations - continuous, non-intrusive, remote, unattended
7Antineutrino detector deployed at SONGS(San
Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, a PWR)
- Since 2003, we have deployed several
nonproliferation detectors at SONGS - We have demonstrated that antineutrino based
reactor monitoring is possible using devices that
are automated, non-intrusive, simple and
appropriate for reactor environment
25 m
- Tendon galleries are an ideal location
- Rarely accessed for plant operation
- Close to core, but outside containment
- Provides 10s m.w.e. overburden
- Flux 1017 n / s m2
8Antineutrino below-ground detector SONGS1
- 0.64 tons of Gadolinium-doped liquid
scintillator, water shielding, plastic muon veto - Automatic (relative) calibration using background
inverse ?-decay
- Positron
- immediate
- 1- 8 MeV (incl 511 keV gs)
- Neutron
- Delayed capture in Gd, t 28 ms
- g cascade 8MeV
9Antineutrino below-ground detector SONGS1
- Hourly averaging of data allows for detection of
a reactor scram within 5 hours at 99.9
See NIM A 572 (2007) 985, J. Appl. Phys. 103,
074905 (2008)
10Antineutrino below-ground detector SONGS1
- Daily and weekly averaging allows relative power
Daily 8 Relative uncertainty Weeky 3
Relative uncertainty
See NIM A 572 (2007) 985, J. Appl. Phys. 103,
074905 (2008)
11Antineutrino below-ground detector SONGS1
- Long term monitoring-fuel composition
- Removal of 250 kg 239Pu, replacement with 1.5
tons of fresh 235U fuel
See NIM A 572 (2007) 985, J. Appl. Phys. 103,
074905 (2008)
12Why an aboveground detector?
- Underground antineutrino detection has been
demonstrated - Not all PWR have available underground location
- Having no overburden requirement vastly increases
range of possible locations for safeguards
Challenge Increased background due to cosmic rays
Our initial goal Report reactor on/off
- Positron
- immediate
- 1- 8 MeV (incl 511 keV gs)
- Neutron
- captured after thermalization (if Gd, t 28 ms )
- Released energy depends capture agent
(if Gd, 8MeV) - ? eliminate other events with similar time
signal inverse ?-decay
background event
Aboveground increase in fast/slow neutron
interactions due to increase in cosmic-ray flux,
hadronic and muonic components.
14Aboveground Bckgrnd Reduction tight shielding
- Goal Reduce flux of incoming particle
- Shield designs for aboveground
- 45 cm High Density Polyethylene on all sides
- Hermetic Muon Veto
- Interior Volume 1.5x1x1.5m
- Fits within a 20 container
15Aboveground Bckgrnd Rejection Particle ID
- Goal reject signal-like bckgrnd events
- Ideal identify one or both of inverse beta-decay
products - Alternatively, identify a bckgrnd-generating
particles (e.g., protons)
Since the expected signal rate is 100/day, a
3-sigma background is 1000/day (to observe
reactor on/off in a week.) We estimate a total
background due to fast neutrons that recoil, and
perhaps capture, of 5,000 50,000 / day !!!
16Aboveground Candidate Particle ID technologies
Identification of inverse ?-decay products (e,n)
Inorganic Scintillator (LGB) with neutron capture
agents 6Li natGd(11BO3)3Ce, mixed with plastic
scintillator ? identifies thermal neutron
capture in 6Li via PSD
Under investigation
6Li mixed inorganic scintillator paint ZnS(Ag) ?
identifies thermal neutron capture in Li via
PSD ? segmentation to identify pair (e-like,n)
Gd-doped segmented liquid scintillator ?
segmentation identifies pair (e-like,n)
17Aboveground Candidate Particle ID technologies
- Organic liquid scintillator
- identifies protons via PSD
- not preferred in reactor environment due to
Need to isolate proton recoils (e)-like events
since segmentation might not reject them
Under consideration to prove aboveground
Gd-doped Water Cerenkov detector ? Insensitive
to proton recoils
Initial demonstration done new deployment in
fall 2009
- Our SONGS1 detector has demonstrated feasibility
of antineutrino detectors for reactor monitoring - Aboveground capability is a must and we are
working to demonstrate it - Cosmogenic backgrounds (mainly fast neutrons) are
the main challenge for aboveground detector - Aboveground detection will require some
combination of - - Tight shielding (active and passive)
- - Particle identification (via material or
geometry) - - Background insensitivity