Title: Storm Prediction Center Interest in Total Lightning Measurements
1Storm Prediction Center Interest in Total
Lightning Measurements
Current and potential future use of lightning data
- Dr. Russell SchneiderChief, SPC Science Support
SPoRT Total Lightning Workshop April 2004
AWhere Americas Weather and Climate Services
- Mission Vision
- SPC Products
- Current Lightning Uses
- Examples
- Potential
- Future Uses
3The Storm Prediction Center exists solely to
protect the life and property of the American
people through the issuance of timely, accurate
watch and forecast products dealing with
tornadoes and other hazardous mesoscale weather
4The Worldwide Epicenter of Tornado Activity
5Topeka, Kansas (8 June 1966)
F5 16 killed 406 injured
6Huntsville, Alabama (15 Nov. 1989)
F4 21 killed 463 injured
7SPC Mesoscale Discussions - Winter Wx.
8SPC Mesoscale Discussions - Heavy Rain
9SPC Fire Weather Outlooks
10Science Support Branch Mission To provide SPC
forecasters with exceptional cost-effective
computer systems, software, data, techniques and
knowledge for operations and science infusion.
11Current (NLDN) CG Lightning Uses
- First strike detection convective initiation
- Subjective measure of convective intensity
trend - Verification and validation of thunderstorms
- Detection of convection in regions of sparse
radar coverage (esp. for Fire Weather) - Polarity
12Radar Coverage Nationwide
1320 September 2002
14An Introduction toRelationships
BetweenLightning and Storms
- Don MacGorman
- NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Photo by B. Taylor
15Cloud Flashes
- Typically comprise 70-80 of lightning flashes in
a storm - Often gt90 in severe storms
16Tornado Outbreak - 3 May 1999
173 May 1999
183 May 1999
193 May 1999
20Severe Weather and Lightning
Williams et al. (1999)
21A Supercell Storm Dominated by CG Flashes
5-Minute Flash Counts Plainfield, Illinois 8-28-90
MacGorman and Burgess (1994)
22Lightning (CG) Fire Starts
23Future use of Lightning Data
- Become more quantitative in our use of the full
range of data - Ability to track development evolution of total
lightning within a field of thunderstorms - Prediction of critical lightning characteristics
- Positive CG Strokes Fire Weather (house fires?)
- Forecasts of severe lightning events
- We need to learn more
24NWS Storm Prediction Center www.spc.noaa.gov