6' The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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6' The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth


6' The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 6' The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth

6. The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth
Figure 4.10 Geological time scale
6.1 Searching for Lifes Origin
  • Life from non-life Until the 19th century, most
    people believed in spontaneous generation, i.e.,
    the formation of small organisms from inanimate
  • For example, maggots and flies materialized
    from rotting meat. However, in 1862, L. Pasteur
    showed that this was a contamination effect
    nutrients remained sterile when isolated from
  • Life does not arise spontaneously from nonliving

Figure 6.1 Stromatolites...
  • Rock beds layered structures
  • microorganisms sediment
  • Contemporary ? 3.5 billion years old
  • Photosynthesis today 3.5 billion years ago?
  • Life started earlier.

Gunflint Chert, 1.8 billion years old(the rock
looked black)
50 µm
Figure 6.2 Ancient microfossils...?
  • Remnants of the biosphere?
  • Abiotic origins?
  • Shallow sea vs. a hydrothermal vent (deep ocean)

Figure 6.3 Isua Formation, Akilia Island,
  • These rocks possess controversial evidence for
    life based on ratio of 13C/12C in oldest rocks
    life prefers 12C and these rocks are enriched in
    12C (depleted in 13C).

Figure 5.11 The tree of life(Mapping
evolutionary relationships)
Where did life begin?
  • Surface environments where water meets land seems
    ideal, e.g., evaporating ponds, tide pools.
    Water is needed to combine chemicals to form
    molecules, but dehydration needed to get them to
    join (polymerization) geologic evidence.
  • Hydrothermal environments?
  • hydrothermal vents (hot springs) are good sources
    of reduced chemicals (even today).
  • hydrothermal vents (hot springs) are shielded
    from surface impacts and UV radiation.
  • most of the bacteria closest to last common
    ancestor of all life are thermophilic, thriving
    in high-temperature environments.

Searching for Lifes Origins Darwin
  • If we could conceive in some warm little pond,
    with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts,
    light, heat, electricity present, that a protein
    compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo
    still more complex changes. At the present day,
    such matter would be instantly devoured or
    absorbed, which would not have been the case
    before living creatures were formed.
  • Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (1871)
  • Note, conditions no longer exist on Earth today
    for life to arise from non-life.

Searching for Lifes Origin - Chemistry
  • A. Oparin (1924) and J.B.S. Haldane (1929) were
    the first to make an explicit connection between
    the origin of life and the conditions on early
  • At the time, Earths early atmosphere was
    considered to be highly reducing mostly methane,
    ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor, but no
  • With energy input from lightning, solar
    uv-radiation, volcanism, and radioactivity the
    chemical components of all living things could be
    formed in seawater.
  • Haldane called this primordial mixture a hot
    dilute soup, or primordial soup for short.
  • Liquid water on the Earths surface by 4.4 bya.
  • The theory life may have arisen by chemical
    processes over a (geologically) long period of

Figure 6.4 The Miller-Urey experiment ? the
primordial soup
Primordial Soup Lab results
  • After the experiment ran for a week, Miller
    analyzed the brownish goo that had collected in
    the hydrosphere and found that it contained
    significant amounts of complex organic molecules
    among them, the amino acids glycine and alanine,
    two of the building blocks of proteins.
  • 85 of the goo was unidentified.
  • Subsequent experiments by Miller and others
    showed that even under weakly reducing
    conditions, i.e., with less hydrogen amino
    acids, sugars, and nucleotide bases can be
  • Experiments under oxidizing conditions (similar
    to Earth today) failed to produce similar
  • Anoxic prebiotic organic chemistry could have
    produced the monomers of life.

An extraterrestrial alternative
  • Input of organic carbon from meteorites, e.g.,
    the Tagish Lake or Murchison meteorites.
  • Water is a great solvent therefore, some of
    these organic compounds would have dissolved in
    the primitive ponds, lakes or oceans.
  • Impact craters formed by larger, earlier impacts
    would have made good ponds or lakes, formed by
    the organic material brought in by comets or
  • The net result is the same, a primordial soup.

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Meteoritic Bombardment of Early Earth
  • Influx high early in Earth history
  • Lots of water organics delivered to Earth
  • State of early atmosphere determines how much
    endogenous organic material available for
    pre-biotic chemistry, i.e., reducing vs. oxidising

Chyba and Sagan (1992)
  • How do we build polymers like proteins and RNA
    from smaller molecules, e.g., amino acids and
    nucleotide bases?
  • Note, no one has yet produced functional polymers
    from scratch, despite the fact that we know
    their structure exceedingly well, e.g., the map
    of entire genomes.
  • For nucleic acids, we need both a dehydrated
    environment and a template to tell the molecules
    how to replicate.
  • Dehydration hydrologic cycle and evaporative
    ponds or craters.
  • It is possible that the templates for
    polymerization were minerals.

An RNA world?
  • RNA first instead of DNA?
  • RNA can form a variety of 3-D shapes depending on
    the nucleotide sequence. DNA, however, occurs
    mainly in double helix form. While its
    extremely stable and error-resistant, its
    stability hinders its ability to behave like an
  • RNA, not DNA, is involved in protein synthesis.
  • In 1983, this RNA world idea was given a boost
    when T. Cech S. Altman discovered the first
    ribozymes, i.e., enzymes made of RNA, which
    catalyze reactions involving other RNA molecules.

Figure 6.5 Self-replicating RNA...
From polymers to protocells
  • What about cells (cell body)? Cells are
    needed today to keep materials for metabolism
    together within a relatively impermeable membrane
  • Early protocells may have been more like water
    droplets, with semi-permeable membranes to allow
    exchange of nutrients. They would have existed
    alongside self-replicating molecules, which may
    have occasionally become trapped inside a
  • Permeable membranes could have allowed monomers
    to move in and out (allowing replication), but
    kept polymers inside.

Micelles ? Plasma Membrane
Brock, 1986
David Malin
Figure 6.6 Proteinoid microspheres (S.A. Fox)
lipid vesicles
Figure 6.7 RNA lipid, pre-cells clay
Figure 6.8 The origin of life
Prokaryotic cell structure
  • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrate
  • Phospholipids

0.5 µm
Could life have migrated to Earth?
6.3 The Evolution of life
  • Prokaryotic evolution (an autotrophic progenote?)
  • Chemoautotrophs
  • Chemical energy (FeS H2S FeS2 H2)
  • CO2 fixation
  • Anoxygenic photosynthesis
  • Light H2S
  • CO2 fixation
  • Oxygenic photosynthesis
  • Light H2O
  • CO2 fixation

Chemoheterotrophs first?
  • Chemoheterotrophs (anaerobes)
  • Chemical energy organic carbon SO42- ? H2S
  • Organic carbon (the organic soup)
  • Oxygenic photosynthesis (from the stromatolites?)
  • Light H2O ? O2
  • CO2 fixation
  • Chemoheterotrophs (aerobes lots of energy!)
  • Chemical energy organic carbon O2 ? CO2 H2O
  • Organic carbon

Figure 6.12 - Cyanobacteria
Prior to the Vendian
Photoautotroph / oxygenic photosynthesis
(microbial mats) 6 H2O 6 CO2 sunlight (ATP) ?
C6H12O6 6 O2
The origin of atmospheric oxygen.
  • 6 H2O 6 CO2 sunlight (ATP) ? C6H12O6 6 O2
  • Between gt 2.6 to 1.8 bya, cyanobacteria were
    releasing large amounts of O2 into the
    atmosphere, which could no longer be absorbed by
    the following inorganic processes
  • Fe2 ¼ O2 H ? Fe3 ½ H2O
  • Fe3 3 H2O ? 3 Fe(OH)3(s) 3 H
  • The reaction between iron and oxygen is actually
    considered to be a detoxification mechanism that
    would have protected early life on Earth.

Figure 6.13 Banded Iron Formations.
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Oxygen as a poison
  • Aerobic respiration
  • C6H12O6 6 O2 ? 6 CO2 6 H2O lots of energy
  • superoxide anion O2-
  • hydrogen peroxide H2O2
  • hydroxyl radicals OH?
  • singlet oxygen 'O2
  • Aerobic heterotrophs have enzymes (e.g., catalase
    and peroxidase), that detoxify these reactive
    oxygen compounds.

Figure 6.10 The origin of eukaryotes
Eukaryotic cell structure
10 µm
  • The use of oxygen as an electron acceptor allowed
    eukaryotes to become larger and more complex.
  • Long before plants and animals came along, our
    single-celled ancestors (prokaryotes and
    eukaryotes) had perfected most of the biochemical
    apparatus needed for life.
  • Multicellular life may have developed from
    cooperative colonies of eukaryotes 750 mya -
  • Regulatory genes arose, allowing different kinds
    of cells to be produced from same genetic info
    (tissue differentiation).
  • Sexual reproduction.

Figure 4.30 The CO2 cycle and Snowball Earth
  • Two events 2.4 to 2.2 billion years ago, and 750
    to 580 million years ago.
  • Temperatures as low as -50ºC, a km of ocean ice.

What prompted the Cambrian Explosion?
  • Period immediately before Cambrian, the Vendian,
    contained a few, organized, multicellular sea
    fauna, but no hint of the plethora of forms and
    functions found in the Burgess shale, the richest
    of the Cambrian fossil sediments. Possible
  • Increased oxygen levels evidence for a decrease
    in 12C vs.13C just prior to the Cambrian. This
    could have boosted levels of O2, meaning more
    energy for aerobic life.
  • Genetic complexity Regulatory genes in
    multicellular organisms.
  • Absence of predators Initially, diverse phyla
    all occupied their own ecological niche.
    Crowding didnt occur until later.

The Cambrian Explosion
  • Critical period in evolution of life occurred 545
    mya, when huge variety of new animals emerged.
  • Animal/Fossil classification is closely related
    to phylum or basic body plan (versus the genetic
  • There are 30 phyla in the animal kingdom today,
    that comprise some 10-40 million species.
  • In the early Paleozoic era, the Cambrian period,
    something remarkable happened, never again
    repeated in the history of life in only 40
    million years, all but one of animal phyla
    existing today appeared in the fossil record.
    This was the Cambrian explosion.

The Burgess Shale
  • The diverse origins of multicellular organisms
    suggest that multi-cellularity appears to be
  • Walcott Quarry

Andrew MacRae, 1995
Burgess Shale environment
Figure 6.11 - The Carboniferous PeriodThe
colonisation of land
6.4 Impacts and Extinctions
  • Meteor Crater, AZ 1 km wide pit, 200 m deep
  • 50,000 years old
  • Formed by a 50 m metallic impactor

Figure 6.15 The K-T Boundary
The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) extinction
  • 65 mya
  • caused or aggravated by impact of an asteroid
    that created the Chicxulub crater now hidden on
    the Yucatan Peninsula and beneath the Gulf of
  • impactor estimated to be 10 km in size.
  • Flood basalts (The Shivan Crater Deccan Traps,
  • Killed, 16 percent of marine families, 47 percent
    of marine genera and 18 percent of land
    vertebrate families, including the dinosaurs who
    had flourished for 150 million years.

Figure 6.16 Mexicos Yucatán Peninsula
Figure 6.17 The K-T Impact
Figure 6.18 Mass extinctions
Figure 6.19 Tunguska, Siberia 1908
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Figure 6.21 Impact frequency
6.5 Human Evolution
  • Limber arms, the ability to hang on branches
    use tools
  • Hand dexterity
  • Eyes close together ? overlapping field of
    vision, producing enhanced depth perception.
  • Parental care
  • Homo erectus (approx. 2 million years ago...
    200,000 years ago?)
  • Homo sapiens 100,000 years ago to present
  • Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) 300,000
    years ago to 30,000 years ago, when they died out.

Figure 6.22 Major primate branches
Figure 6.23 Apes ? humans almost entirely
Figure 6.24 Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Figure 6.25 Human evolution(the last 7 million
6.6 The process of science in action Artificial
  • How might we create artificial life?
  • Making life from raw ingredients
  • A bottom up approach... Using raw ingredients...
  • Engineering new species from existing organisms.
  • A top down approach... Genetic engineering
  • Should we create artificial life?
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