Title: Congestion Management Process CMP
1Congestion Management Process (CMP)
- TRANSPO 2008
2ITE Journal (Sept. 2005)
- Linking Planning and Operations
- Analogy with financial planning
- Performance measurements
3Sources of Congestion National Summary
Traffic Congestion and Reliability. FHWA
(September 2005)
4Year 2030 Mobility Strategies Plan
- Tasks
- Public Involvement Program
- Financial Plan
- Data Review and Network Development
- Review and Documentation of Model Validation
- Transportation Plan Strategies
- Congestion Management Process
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
- Freight
5Congestion Management Process in SAFETEA-LU
- Section 450.320(b) The development of a
Congestion Management Process should result in
multimodal system performance measures and
strategies that can be reflected in the
metropolitan transportation plan and the TIP.
6Define Performance Measures
Identify Data Needs
Assess System Performance
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
Identify/Evaluate Congestion
Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
Monitor and Revise
7- Define Performance Measures
- Derived from the regional goals and objectives
- Consistent with the planning factors.
- Use multimodal measures (e.g. transit, freight,
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
Identify Data Needs
Assess System Performance
Identify/Evaluate Congestion
Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
Monitor and Revise
8Define Performance Measures
- Identify Data Needs
- Base needs on defined performance measures
- Identify timely, consistent data sources
- Establish ongoing, continuous, real-time data
collection systems.
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
Assess System Performance
Identify/Evaluate Congestion
Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
Monitor and Revise
9Define Performance Measures
Identify Data Needs
- Assess System Performance
- Use the defined performance measures
- At regional level use transportation demand
modeling tools - For corridor level (and below) use
microsimulation tools
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
Identify/Evaluate Congestion
Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
Monitor and Revise
10Define Performance Measures
Identify Data Needs
Assess System Performance
- Indentify/Evaluate Congestion
- Identify bottlenecks and physical constraints
- Identify recurring and non-recurring congestion
- Consider special events, incidents, and
environmental factors
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
Monitor and Revise
11Define Performance Measures
Identify Data Needs
Assess System Performance
Identify/Evaluate Congestion
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
- Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
- Use the defined performance measures
- Consider MO strategies
- Identify Tradeoffs
Monitor and Revise
- Management and Operations Strategic Plan
- Travel demand management
- Traffic incident management
- Safety
- Security
- Technology
13Define Performance Measures
Identify Data Needs
Assess System Performance
Identify/Evaluate Congestion
Apply at scale of region, corridor, or activity
Integrate with LRTP, TIP, other efforts
Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies
- Monitor and Revise
- Periodically revisit and revise performance
14Performance Evaluation
- Travel Time
- Extent of Congestion
- Delay
- Trip Reliability
- Incidents
- Customer Survey
15Change the way you look at things, and the
things you look at change. Dr. Wayne Dyer The
Power of Intention
16(No Transcript)