Title: Donetsk State Technical University
1Donetsk State Technical University
2Bolognia Process
- ??????? 1
- 19 ???? 1999. ????????? ??????????.
- ???????? ???????????? ????????????????
???????????? (EHEA) - 29 ?????
3Bolognia Process
- ??????? 2
- 19 ??? 2001. ???????? ?????????.
- ?????????? ???????.
- ?????? EHEA ? 2010 ????.
- 31 ??????
4Bolognia Process
- ??????? 3
- 19 ???????? 2003. ?????????? ?????????.
- ???????? ?????? ??????. ??????????? ? ERA
- ?????????? ??????? (?????? ???????)
- 40 ?????
5Variety of educational systems
? different types of universities with their own
educational profiles ? different levels of
theory and practice in education ? different
academic values of degrees ? different titles
and again ? different lengths of study
6Variety of Academic Titles in Europe
Akademiingeniør Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of
Engineering Bachelor of Science Civilingeniør Civi
lingenjör Diplom-Ingenieur Diplom-Ingenieur
ETH Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Diplomi-Insinöör Diplomi
rani Inženir Doktor-Ingenieur Dottore in
Engenheiro Europa-Ingenieur Ingenieur
(grad.) Ingeniør Inginer Insinööri Ingeniero
QuÃmico Ingeniero Superior Ingeniero
Técnico Ingénieur civil Ingénieur
diplomé Ingénieur industriel Ingénieur technicien
Inženyr Inžinier Inzynier Magister Inzynier
Master of Arts Master of Eng Master of
Sci Okleveles mérnök Okleveles üzemmérnök Siviling
eniør Teknikfræðingur Teknikumingeniør Verkfræðing
7Bolognia Process
- ??????????? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ??????
?????????? ????????? ??????? ??????????,
?????????????? ???????????????? ?????????? ?
??????? ?????????
8Bolognia Process
- 0. ??????????? ?????????
- ???????????? ???????
- ??? ??????? ????????
- ??????? ????????
- ???????????
- ????????
9Bolognia Process
- 0 ??????????? ?????????
- ???????? ???????????? ????????????????
????????????. ???????? ??????? ??????,
????????????????????? ??????????????, ????
??????????? ? ?????????? ???????? ????????,
???????????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ???????
10Bolognia Process
- 1. ???????
- ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ? ????????????
????????, ? ??? ?????, ????? ????????? ??????????
? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????????
??????????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ?????????
????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????
??????? ??????? ???????????. - ?????? ?????????? 2005 ???
11Bolognia Process
- The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document
attached to a higher education diploma aiming at
improving international transparency and at
facilitating the academic and professional
recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees,
certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a
description of the nature, level, context,
content and status of the studies that were
pursued and successfully completed by the
individual named on the original qualification to
which this supplement is appended. It should be
free from any value-judgements, equivalence
statements or suggestions about recognition. It
is a flexible non-prescriptive tool which is
designed to save time, money and workload. It is
capable of adaptation to local needs.
12(No Transcript)
13Bolognia Process
- 2. ??? ???????
- ???????? ???????, ??????????, ?? ????????, ??
???? ???????? ?????? undergraduate
?postgraduate. ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????
????????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????
???????? ?????????????????? ?? ????? ???? ???.
???????, ???????????? ????? ??????? ?????, ?????
?????? ???? ?????????????? ?? ??????????? ?????
????? ??? ???????????? ???????????????? ??????.
?????? ???? ?????? ????? ? ?????????
??????????????? ?/??? ??????? ???????, ??? ???
??????? ?? ?????? ??????????? ???????.
14Bolognia Process
- 3. ???????
- ????????? ??????? ???????? ?????? (????????), ??
???? ???S - ??????????? ??????? ????????
??????, ??? ??????????? ???????? ?????????
???????????????? ???????????????????????.
???????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ?????????? ????? ? ?
?????? ???????????,?? ??????????? ??????,
??????? ???????? ? ??????? ???? ?????, ???? ???
?????????????????????? ?????????????????
15Bolognia Process
- ECTS credits are a numerical value (between 1 and
60) allocated to course units to describe the
student workload required to complete them. - ECTS is thus based on a full student workload and
not limited to contact hours only - ECTS credits are a relative rather than an
absolute measure of student workload. - ECTS 60 credits represent the workload of a
normal undergraduate academic year of study and
normally 30 credits for a semester and 20 credits
for a term. A postgraduate academic year of a
full 12 months may have 90 credits.
16Bolognia Process
- ECTS ????????
- A excellent ??????? - outstanding performance
with only minor errors 10 - B very good ????? ?????? - above the average
standard with some errors 25 - C good ?????? - generally sound work with a
number of notable errors 30 - D satisfactory ????????????????? - fair but
with significant shortcomings 25 - E sufficient ?????????? - performance meets the
minimum criteria 10 - FX fail ????????? - some more work required
before the credit can be awarded - F ail ?????? - considerable further work
17(No Transcript)
18Bolognia Process
- 4. ???????????
- ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ?????? ?
??????????? ????????? ??????????? ? ????????????
??????????, ? ????? ? ????????????? ??????? - ??? ??????????????, ?????????????? ?
????????????????? ????????? ?????? ????
?????????? ????????? ? ????? ???????? ???????,
???????????? ?? ?????????? ????????????,
???????????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????
?????????, ??? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????,
????????????? ???????.
19 20 21 22Bolognia Process
- 5. ????????
- ?????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ?
??????????? ???????? ? ????? ??????????
???????????? ????????? ? ???????????. - ??????????????? ?? ????
- ? 2005 ???? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ????????
- ??????? ????????????, ?????????? ? ????????????
???????? - ?????? ???????? ? ????? (?????????? ? ???????)
- ??????? ?????????, ????????? ??????????
23Bolognia Process
- 6. LONG-LIFE Ed.
- ???????? ? ??????? ???? ?????
- ???????????? ???????????? ??? ???????? ? ???????
???? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????????? - ?????? ???? ????????, ???????????, ??????????
24Bolognia Process
- ???????????? ?????? ??????????? ?????
???????????? ? ??????. ????????? ??????????? ??
?????? ??????????? ? ????????????????. - ????????????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??
????????????? ????????? ????????????????
???????????????? ????????????
25Bolognia Process
Educational Time-Line
3 ????
8 ???
5 ???
180 ??
300 ??
480 ??
EuroNews 28.11.2003
26Bolognia Process
- ???? ????????? ????
- ??????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?
??????? - - ??????????? ??????? ??????
- - ??????? ? ????? ????????
- - ????????????? ??????????? ????????? ?
?????????????? - ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ? ?????? ??
????????????? ????????? ??????????
27Bolognia Process