Title: MultiResolution Land Characteristics MRLC Consortium
1Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC)
- Great Lakes Regional Data Exchange
- Land Cover / Land Use
- Chicago, IL
- April 27, 2005
- Steve Raber
- NOAA Coastal Services Center
- MRLC Overview
- The National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
- Partners and contributions
- NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP)
- Future plans
3MRLC Consortium
- Formed in 1993
- Multi-agency (federal)
- Original members USGS, EPA, NOAA, USFS
- Administered by USGS EROS Data Center
Original objective To leverage resources toward
the purchase of Landsat 5 imagery for the
conterminous U.S. for use in the development
of land cover products.
4MRLC Consortium
Background 1990s
- National LC mapping programs of the 1990s
- Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) NOAA
Coastal Services Center focus on critical
coastal habitats - Gap Analysis Program (GAP) National Biological
Survey (NBS), later USGS focused on maintaining
bio-diversity - National Land Cover Data (NLCD) directed by USGS
and EPA focused on comprehensive (wall-to-wall)
mapping of the US - Minimal cross-agency collaboration except for
purchase of imagery - NLCD 1992 mapping (aka MRLC 92) kicked-off
- MRLC members added in mid-1990s NASA, BLM
5MRLC Consortium
NLCD 1992
- USGS / EPA focused
- wall-to-wall land cover mapping of conterminous
U.S. - Minimal participation by other agencies
- Circa 1992 imagery best available (single
scenes) - Mapping based on EPA regions
- Traditional image processing methods
- Significant subjectivity
- Some contracts awarded
- Work completed circa 2000
6MRLC Consortium
NLCD 1992 Lessons Learned
- Successful mapping effort
- Proved wall-to-wall mapping could be accomplished
- Image archive developed
- Pre-processing refined
- Partnerships with industry fostered
- National awareness built
- Broad-based user community fostered
- Accuracy assessment conducted by EPA
- Decent results at Anderson Level 1 (70
accurate) - Mixed reviews from users
- Consistency and repeatability issues and concerns
- Need for better approach in future identified
7NLCD 2001
True MRLC Collaboration
- Circa 2001
- C-CAP, GAP, and NLCD all utilizing similar
classification schemes, yet doing their own thing - MRLC Consortium presents opportunities
- Vision to bring mapping programs into alignment
- Landsat costs at all-time low (unprecedented)
- Promising new semi-automated techniques
- Improve repeatability, consistency, and accuracy
- USGS EROS Data Center (EDC)
- Promotes vision for National Land Cover
Database - Partnership model to accomplish all mapping
- Other mapping programs contribute while maintain
own identity
8MRLC / NLCD 2001
New Purpose Win / Win
- Leverage each agencys strengths
- Slight modifications to each classification
scheme (C-CAP, GAP, NLCD) - Work toward own objectives, while developing the
NLCD - Improved quality
- Adoption of new semi-automated techniques -
maintains consistency / repeatability - Mapping zones based on eco-regions
- Three-season imagery
9NLCD 2001
Classification Scheme
- Water
- Open Water
- Perennial Ice/Snow
- Developed
- Developed, Open Space
- Low Intensity
- Medium Intensity
- High Intensity
- Forests
- Deciduous
- Evergreen
- Mixed
- Barren(Rock/Sand/Clay)
- Non-Vascular
- Lichens
- Moss
- Shrubland
- Dwarf Shrub
- Shrub
- Grasslands/Herbaceous
- Herbaceous
- Sedge Herbaceous
- Agriculture
- Pasture/Hay
- Cultivated Crops
- Wetlands
- Woody Wetlands
- Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands
10MRLC Expanded
Partners Meeting, March 2005
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- EDC Collin Homer, MRLC Chair
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- US Forest Service (USFS)
- Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
- National Park Service (NPS)
- US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW)
- National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- US Office of Surface Mining (OSM)
11NLCD 2001 - Status
12Capturing Coastal Changes
Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP)
- Conceived in the late 1980s
- Implemented as a NOAA program in the mid 1990s
via grants and cooperative agreements - Project-based mapping until 2000
Original objective To improve scientific
understanding of the linkages between coastal
wetland habitats, adjacent uplands, and living
marine resources
13C-CAP Re-tooling
Aligning with MRLC / NLCD
- 1999 -- C-CAP review identified the need to
- Leverage other national efforts
- Focus on applications customer orientation
- Standardize, create consistency, timely delivery
- 2000 -- collaborative discussions with USGS and
MRLC - Classification and techniques modified to
accommodate NLCD
14C-CAP Geography
15C-CAP Classification Scheme
Focus on the Coast
- Water
- Open Water
- Perennial Ice / Snow
- Developed,
- Open Space
- Developed, Low Intensity
- Developed, Medium Intensity
- Developed, High Intensity
- Forest
- Deciduous
- Evergreen
- Mixed
- Bare Land
- Shrubland
- Dwarf Shrub
- Scrub / Shrub
- Grassland
- Wetlands
- Palustrine Forested
- Palustrine Scrub / Shrub
- Palustrine Emergent
- Estuarine Forested
- Estuarine Scrub / Shrub
- Estuarine Emergent
- Unconsolidated Shore
- Aquatic Bed
- Estuarine Aquatic Bed
- Palustrine Aquatic Bed
- Agriculture
- Cultivated land
- Pasture / Hay
- Alaska Only
- Sedge / Herbaceous
- Lichens
- Moss
16C-CAP Philosophy
Focus on the Coast
- Focus on
- Coastal habitats and resources
- Change detection and analysis
- Accuracy and quality
- Minimize duplication of effort
- Guided by user input and interactions
- Target audience resource managers and
decision-makers - Partnerships are critical
- Work with private industry
- Day-to-day technical mapping
- Faster, better, and more consistent
17C-CAP Status
Coastal NLCD
2004 Contracts
2005-2006 Contracts
NLCD Zones
18Looking Forward
- First priority
- Complete national baseline of land cover and
change data, in collaboration with MRLC - Focus on the user community / constituency
outreach and coordination - Develop high-resolution solutions
- Pursue regional updates every five years (with
caveats ) - Continue integrating into broader NOAA and
National Map initiatives
19For more information
Steve.Raber_at_noaa.gov Nate.Herold_at_noaa.gov Homer_at_us
gs.gov C-CAP www.csc.noaa.gov/landcover MRLC
www.mrlc.gov EPA (MRLC) www.epa.gov/mrlc/about