Title: 010'141 Engineering Mathematics II Lecture 19 Propositional Reasoning
1010.141 Engineering Mathematics IILecture
19Propositional Reasoning
- Bob McKay
- School of Computer Science and Engineering
- College of Engineering
- Seoul National University
- The Resolution Method
- Conjunctive Normal Form
- Resolution and the Empty Clause
- Horn Clauses and Modus Ponens
- Backward and Forward Chaining
- Satisfiability and NP Completeness
- Efficient Heuristics
- Phase Changes
- Limitations of Propositional Calculus
- Shoenfield isnt much use for this
- Written before Robinson published the resolution
method (1965) - Russell, S Norvig, P Artificial Intelligence
A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall - The library has edition 1, call number 006.3
R917a - To buy, edition 2 (1995), ISBN 0137903952
- Either is fine
- Nilsson, NJ Artificial Intelligence A New
Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998, ISBN 1 55860
535 5 - Library call no 006.3 N599a
- More detail than youll ever need
- Leitsch, A The Resolution Calculus, Springer
1997 - ISBN 3 540 61882 1
- Library call number 511.3 L537r
4Proof methods
- Proof methods divide (roughly) into two kinds
- Application of inference rules
- Legitimate (sound) generation of new sentences
from old
- Like our method from last lecture
- Proof a sequence of inference rule applications
- We could use inference rules as steps in a
standard search algorithm
- Effective computer searches usually transform
sentences into a normal form which is simpler for
automated searching - Model checking
- truth table enumeration (always exponential in n)
- improved backtracking, e.g., Davis--Putnam-Logeman
n-Loveland (DPLL)
- heuristic search in model space (sound but
incomplete) - e.g., min-conflicts-like hill-climbing
5Proof methods for automated search
- Our proof method from last lecture isnt very
good for automated search - In essence, guessing the right combination of
rules to use is a hard problem (even if humans do
it well) - Its even harder for the predicate calculus (next
lecture) - Well look at an alternative, resolution, which
works well for automated search in both the
propositional and predicate calculus - It requires sentences to be converted to a normal
form - Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
6Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
- An atom means one of the variables of our
language - (A, B, C,.)
- A literal means either an atom or its negation
- (A, B, C,.)
- A clause means a disjunction (or) of literals
- (A ? B ? C,.)
- A CNF sentence means a conjunction (and) of
clauses - (A ? ?B) ? (B ? ?C ? ?D)
7Converting to CNF
- Every propositional sentence can be
(systematically) converted to CNF - First, replace all equivalences using
biconditional elimination - (A ? B) (A ? B) ? (B ? A)
- Next, replace all implications using implication
elimination - (A ? B) (?A ? B)
- Next, move all negations inwards towards atoms
using de Morgans laws - ?(A ? B) (?A ? ?B)
- ?(A ? B) (?A ? ?B)
- And remove all multiple negations
- ? ?A A
- Now, always move conjunctions to the right using
commutativity - (A ? B) (B ? A)
- But at the same time, move disjunctions inside
conjunctions when possible, using distributivity - (A ? (B ? C)) (A ? B) ? (A ? C)
8Converting to CNF
- The algorithm for converting to CNF finishes in a
finite amount of time - If you wish, you can calculate the maximum time
it will take to convert a formula of n symbols - The sentence it generates is logically equivalent
to the original sentence - Ie it has the same models
- In particular
- If one of the sentences is valid, so is the other
- If one of the sentences is unsatisfiable, so is
the other
9Representing in Clausal Form
- A sentence in CNF consists of a conjunction of
disjunctions of literals - Remember that we dont care about the order of
conjunctions or disjunctions, or about
repetitions - So we can just represent CNF as a set of sets
- A, ?B,B, ?C, ?D
- Instead of
- (A ? ?B) ? (B ? ?C ? ?D)
- We just have to remember that the outer set means
conjunction, the inner one disjunction - This is known as clausal form
- Its easier to explain the resolution method in
clausal form
10The Resolution Method
- Resolution is the basic process used in the
resolution method - There are a number of different (equivalent) ways
of explaining it - Well use a different (slightly more general) one
from R N - Suppose we want to prove A is valid
- One way of doing this is to prove that ?A is
unsatisfiable - So we start by converting ?A into clausal form
- Lets take last lectures
- (A ? (A ? B)) ? B
- As an example
11Clausal Form Conversion
- ?((A ? (A ? B)) ? B)
- ?(?(A ? (? A ? B)) ? B)
- (? ?(A ? (? A ? B)) ? ? B)
- (A ? (? A ? B)) ? ? B
- A, ?A, B, ?B
12The Resolution Method
- The resolution method uses an operator called
resolution - Resolution takes two clauses which have
complementary literals - The same literal with opposite signs
- X1, X2, Xn, Y and Z1, Z2, Zm, ?Y
- And creates their resolvent by joining them
together, deleting the complementary literals - X1, X2, Xn, Z1, Z2, Zm
- You can add the resolvent to the original clause
set without changing its validity
13The Resolution Method (Cont)
- Sometimes, the resolvent is bigger than the
original clauses - But sometimes, its also smaller
- Notice that as clauses get smaller, they are more
difficult to satisfy - A is harder to satisfy than (A ? B ? C)
- In the limit, it is consistent to regard the
empty clause as unsatisfiable ( false) - (this requires proof, but its not hard)
- So a clause set which contains the empty clause
is a conjunction of clauses, one of which is
unsatisfiable - So the clause set is also unsatisfiable
- The resolution method uses repeated resolutions
to try to derive the empty set
14Resolution Example
- Take our example
- ?((A ? (A ? B)) ? B)
- Which we converted to
- A, ?A, B, ?B
- We can resolve the first two clauses
- A resolved with ?A, B gives B
- Adding this to our clause set gives
- A, ?A, B, ?B, B
- And resolving the last two clauses
- ?B and B gives
15Resolution Example (continued)
- So our new clause set is
- A, ?A, B, ?B, B
- Since is unsatisfiable, so is the whole clause
set - So ?((A ? (A ? B)) ? B) is unsatisfiable
- Which means ((A ? (A ? B)) ? B) is valid
- Notice that there were fewer choices to make than
in our previous proof - Theres only one rule to choose (resolution)
- Our only choice is which (of possibly many)
resolutions to choose
16Properties of the Resolution Method
- For the Propositional calculus, the resolution
method is - Sound
- It will never give incorrect answers
- Complete
- For any unsatisfiable clause set, the empty
clause can be derived in finite time - In fact, in exponential time
- Algorithmic
- There is an algorithm to guarantee this
- Relatively efficient
- Proofs can be quite effective
- Highly efficient for some sorts of formulas
17Horn Clauses
- A Horn Clause is a clause which has at most one
positive literal - There are three cases
- 1) No positive literal (generally not used much)
- ? X1, ? X2, ? Xn (? X1 ? ? X2 ? ? ? Xn)
- 2) No negative literal
- X (X)
- A fact
- 3) General Case
- ? X1, ? X2, ? Xn, Y (? X1 ? ? X2 ? ? ?
Xn ? Y) - (X1 ? X2 ? ? Xn) ? Y
- A rule
18Horn Clauses and Resolution
- Lets look at the sub-cases
- 1) and 1) - Cant resolve (no positive literals)
- 1) and 2) - only one way to do it (not very
useful) - (? X1 ? ? X2 ? ? ? Xn), X1
- _________________________
- (? X2 ? ? ? Xn)
- 1) and 3) - again only one choice (not very
useful) - (? X1 ? ? X2 ? ? ? Xn), (Y1 ? Y2 ? ? Yn) ?
X1 - _________________________
- (? X2 ? ? ? Xn ? ? Y1 ? ? Y2 ? ? ? Yn)
19Horn Clauses and Resolution
- 2) and 2) - Cant resolve (no negative literals)
- 2) and 3) - only one way to do it
- (Generalised Modus Ponens)
- X1, (X1 ? X2 ? ? Xn) ? Y
- _________________________
- (X2 ? ? Xn) ? Y
- 3) and 3) - Now there are two choices, lets take
one - (X1 ? X2 ? ? Xn) ? Y1, (Y1 ? Y2 ? ? Yn) ?Z
- _________________________
- (X1 ? X2 ? ? Xn ? Y2 ? ? Yn) ?Z
- In fact, we only need generalised modus ponens
for Horn clause reasoning - Runs in Linear Time
20Forward and Backward Chaining
- Modus ponens gives us very efficient (short)
proofs for Horn Clauses - But how do we find an efficient proof
efficiently? - There are two main approaches
- Start from what we know, and work forwards
- Forward Chaining
- Start from what we want to prove, and work
backwards - Backward Chaining
- Of course, its also possible to combine the two
- Mixed Chaining
21Forward chaining
- Idea fire any rule whose premises are satisfied
in the KB, - add its conclusion to the KB, until query is
found - Sound and complete for Horn clauses
22Forward chaining example
23Forward chaining example
24Forward chaining example
25Forward chaining example
26Forward chaining example
27Forward chaining example
28Forward chaining example
29Forward chaining example
30Sketch of completeness proof
- To prove forward chaining derives every atomic
sentence that is entailed by KB
- Forward chaining must reach a final state, a
fixed point where no new atomic sentences can be
derived - Because there are only finitely many sentences
- Consider the final state as a model m, assigning
true/false to symbols
- Every clause in the original KB is true in m
- a1 ? ? ak ? b
- Hence m is a model of KB
- If KB q, q is true in every model of KB,
including m
31Backward chaining
- Idea work backwards from the query q, keeping a
stack of open queries - to prove q by Backward Chaining, add q to the
goal stack, then recursively - Pop the top of the goal stack, q
- If q is already known, do nothing, its proven
- Otherwise, find a rule (q1 ? q2 ? ? qn) ? q
- Push q1, q2, qn onto the goal stack
- Until the goal stack is empty (the goal is
32Backward chaining
- Efficiency considerations
- Avoid loops
- check if new subgoal is already on the goal
- Avoid repeated work check if new subgoal
- has already been proved true
- has already failed
33Backward chaining example
34Backward chaining example
35Backward chaining example
36Backward chaining example
37Backward chaining example
38Backward chaining example
39Backward chaining example
40Backward chaining example
41Backward chaining example
42Backward chaining example
43Forward vs. backward chaining
- Forward Chaining is data-driven
- Suitable for automatic, unconscious processing,
- object recognition
- routine decisions
- May do lots of work that is irrelevant to the
goal - Particularly frustrating for human users
- Backward Chaining is goal-driven
- appropriate for problem-solving,
- Where are my keys?
- How do I get into a PhD program?
- Complexity can be much less than linear in size
of KB - Appears more purposeful to human users
44Efficient propositional inference
- Recall that we discussed resolution in terms of
unsatisfiability - Is this sentence unsatisfiable?
- We can turn this question on its head
- Is this sentence satisfiable?
- How hard is this problem?
- Actually, a very deep question
45How hard is it to compute satisfiability
- It can be solved in polynomial (linear) time by
guessing - A problem which guessing can solve in polynomial
time is known as an NP problem - Satisfiability can be shown to be as hard as any
other NP problem - A problem which can be solved in polynomial time
without guessing is known as a P problem - It is almost universally believed that P ? NP
- (in fact, that satisfiability requires
exponential time in the worst case) - But it has never been proven
46Efficient propositional inference
- There are two main families of efficient
algorithms for propositional inference
- Complete backtracking search algorithms
- DPLL algorithm (Davis, Putnam, Logemann,
- Incomplete local search algorithms
- WalkSAT algorithm
- Both are efficient for most cases, but can be
very slow on the worst cases
47The DPLL algorithm
- Uses heuristics to remove alternatives in truth
table enumeration
- Early termination
- A clause is true if any literal is true
- A sentence is false if any clause is false
- Pure symbol heuristic
- A pure symbol is a symbol that always appears
with the same "sign" in all clauses. - In the clauses (A ? ?B), (?B ? ?C), (C ? A), A
and B are pure, C is impure - Make any pure symbol literal true
- Unit clause heuristic
- A unit clause is a clause with only one literal
- Make the only literal in a unit clause true
48The DPLL algorithm
49The WalkSAT algorithm
- An incomplete, local search algorithm
- Evaluation function
- Minimise the number of unsatisfied clauses
- Balance between greediness and randomness
50The WalkSAT algorithm
51Hard satisfiability problems
- Consider random 3-CNF sentences. e.g.,
- (?D ? ?B ? C) ? (B ? ?A ? ?C) ? (?C ? ?B ? E) ?
(E ? ?D ? B) ? (B ? E ? ?C)
- m number of clauses
- n number of symbols
- If there are many clauses per symbol, it is
highly unlikely that some combination of truth
assignments will satisfy all clauses - If there are only a few clauses per symbol, its
easy to find truth assignments satisfying them
all - The hardest problems cluster near m/n 4.3
(critical point)
52Are most sentences satisfiable?
53Hard satisfiability problems
- Median runtime for 100 satisfiable random 3-CNF
sentences, n 50
54Propositional Logic and the wumpus world
- A wumpus-world description using propositional
- ?P1,1
- ?W1,1
- Bx,y ? (Px,y1 ? Px,y-1 ? Px1,y ? Px-1,y)
- Sx,y ? (Wx,y1 ? Wx,y-1 ? Wx1,y ? Wx-1,y)
- W1,1 ? W1,2 ? ? W4,4
- ?W1,1 ? ?W1,2
- ?W1,1 ? ?W1,3
- ? 64 distinct proposition symbols, 155 sentences
55(No Transcript)
56Expressiveness limitations of propositional logic
- The KB has to contain "physics" sentences for
every single square
- Even for our simple case, there are 16 squares
- The KB must contain 16 times as much logic as we
might initially expect
57Expressiveness limitations (2)
- Even worse, some propositions change with time
- Those which describe where the agent is
- We need time-stamped variables for every possible
time and location - Every statement involving the agent has to be
repeated for each possible time - For every time t and every location x,y,
Lx,y(t) ? FacingRight(t)? Forward(t) ? Lx1,y(t) - In general, we may not even know how many times
we might need - Though we can probably make a decent guess for
- The Resolution Method
- Conjunctive Normal Form
- Resolution and the Empty Clause
- Horn Clauses and Modus Ponens
- Backward and Forward Chaining
- Satisfiability and NP Completeness
- Efficient Heuristics
- Phase Changes
- Limitations of Propositional Calculus