Title: Mood Disorders
1Mood Disorders
- The two principal mood disorders are Major
Depression and Bipolar Disease. - Characteristics
- Morbidity (slides from Tom Insel)
- Many brain systems malfunction in Major
Depression and no single cause has been
identified. However, treatment of malfunctioning
biogenic amine systems in the brain, especially
the serotonergic systems relieves symptoms in
many individuals. - One class of highly effective antidepressants
(SSRIs) block reuptake of serotonin. - Aminergic systems in the brain
- Midbrain Raphe nuclei (5-HT)
- Locus coeruleus (NE)
- Dopaminergic systems
- How does blockade of serotonin reuptake relieve
depression? - not yet thoroughly understood. - Neurotrophic hypothesis
2Disclaimer This lecture deals with psychiatric
disease. Professors Kennedy, Lester, and Adolphs
are not psychiatrists--not even
physicians. Dont change any medical treatment
that you might now be receiving on the basis of
these lectures. Dont give any medical advice
based on these lectures or problem sets.
3Major Depression
- Symptoms Depression is defined as the affective
state of sadness that occurs in response to a
variety of human situations such as loss of a
loved one, failure to achieve goals, or
disappointment in love. Major depression differs
only in intensity and duration or quality of the
emotional state.
4- II. Characteristics of Major Depression
- Untreated episodes of major depression usually
last from 7 - 14 months. - Major depression is a recurring disorder, usually
worsening with age if not treated. - The reported incidence of depression is 3 times
higher in women than in men.
5Characteristics of Bipolar Disorder
(Manic-Depressive Disorder)
- Alternation between periods of mania and
depression - Mania is defined as an affective state of
elation, almost the opposite of depression - Individuals feel faultless, full of fun, bursting
with energy. - Need for sleep is usually reduced.
- More talkative than usual subjectively
experience racing thoughts and ideas. - Tend to make impulsive decisions of the grandiose
sort and have unlimited confidence in themselves. - Tend to become involved in activities that have a
high potential for negative consequences that go
unrecognized. - Some manic individuals are capable of highly
productive efforts when channeled appropriately
(hypomania). - In others the predominant mood is irritability,
belligerence, and impatience.
6Touched With Fire Manic Depressive Illness and
the Artistic Temperament by Kay Redfield Jamison
"This is meant to be an illustrative rather than
a comprehensive list . . .Most of the writers,
composers, and artists are American, British,
European, Irish, or Russian all are deceased . .
. Many if not most of these writers, artists, and
composers had other major problems as well, such
as medical illnesses, alcoholism or drug
addiction, or exceptionally difficult life
circumstances. They are listed here as having
suffered from a mood disorder because their mood
symptoms predated their other conditions, because
the nature and course of their mood and behavior
symptoms were consistent with a diagnosis of an
independently existing affective illness, and/or
because their family histories of depression,
manic-depressive illness, and suicide--coupled
with their own symptoms--were sufficiently strong
to warrant their inclusion."
autobiography An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield
7from Jamison KEYH Asylum or psychiatric
hospital S Suicide SA Suicide Attempt
Writers Hans Christian Andersen, Honore de
Balzac, James Barrie, William Faulkner (H), F.
Scott Fitzgerald (H), Ernest Hemingway (H, S),
Hermann Hesse (H, SA), Henrik Ibsen, Henry James,
William James, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain),
Joseph Conrad (SA), Charles Dickens, Isak Dinesen
(SA), Ralph Waldo Emerson, Herman Melville,
Eugene O'Neill (H, SA), Mary Shelley, Robert
Louis Stevenson, Leo Tolstoy, Tennessee Williams
(H), Mary Wollstonecraft (SA), Virginia Woolf (H,
S) Composers Hector Berlioz (SA), Anton
Bruckner (H), George Frederic Handel, Gustav
Holst, Charles Ives, Gustav Mahler, Modest
Mussorgsky, Sergey Rachmaninoff, Giocchino
Rossini, Robert Schumann (H, SA), Alexander
Scriabin, Peter Tchaikovsky Nonclassical
composers and musicians Irving Berlin (H), Noel
Coward, Stephen Foster, Charles Mingus (H),
Charles Parker (H, SA), Cole Porter (H) Poets
William Blake, Robert Burns, George Gordon, Lord
Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Hart Crane (S) ,
Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot (H), Oliver
Goldsmith, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Victor Hugo,
Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Vachel Lindsay (S),
James Russell Lowell, Robert Lowell (H), Edna St.
Vincent Millay (H), Boris Pasternak (H), Sylvia
Plath (H, S), Edgar Allan Poe (SA), Ezra Pound
(H), Anne Sexton (H, S), Percy Bysshe Shelley
(SA), Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Dylan Thomas, Walt
Whitman Artists Richard Dadd (H), Thomas
Eakins, Paul Gauguin (SA), Vincent van Gogh (H,
S), Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (H, S), Edward Lear,
Michelangelo, Edvard Meunch (H), Georgia O'Keeffe
(H), George Romney, Dante Gabriel Rossetti (SA)
8Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890 750 paintings
1600 drawings 700 letters Life
history born and raised in the Netherlands Paris
1886-88 Arles 1888 (1st episode cut off his own
ear) hospitalized 1888-1890 Auvers-sur-Oise 3
months. Shot himself 7/27/1890
9I should like to do portraits which will appear
as revelations to people in a hundred years'
time.-- Letter to his sister Wil, 3 June 1890
Dr. Gachet June 1890
Early 1889
10July 1890
11(No Transcript)
12Suicide in America
Approx 30,000 suicides/year (approx 18,000
Third leading cause of death in adolescence
Males outnumber females by 41
90 have mental disorder
13National Comorbidity Survey
(Kessler et al. JAMA, 2003)
Face-to-face household survey of 9090 Americans gt
age 17
Prevalence 1 year 6.6 (13.1-14.2
million) lifetime 16.2(32.6 35.1
million) 50 rated as severe or very severe 75
with co-morbid psychiatric dx
Impairment Mean days out of work/role in past
year Mild 2.8 Mod. 11.4 Severe
33.1 Very sev. 96.5
14Disease Burden by Illness - DALY United States,
Canada and Western Europe, 200015-44 year olds
(Disability Adjusted Life Years)
Unipolar depressive disorders Alcohol use
disorders Schizophrenia Iron-deficiency
anemia Bipolar affective disorder Hearing loss,
adult onset HIV/AIDS Chronic OPD Osteoarthritis Ro
ad traffic accidents
0 2 4 6 8 10 16
Source WHO World Health Report, 2001
15Depression is Treatable
Somatic Treatments (Meds, rTMS, ECT)
Psychotherapy (CBT, IPT)
Other (diet, exercise, etc.)
16Caltech Counseling Center Depression/Suicide
17Depression involves dysfunction of many brain
- Along with changes in mood, the symptoms of
Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder include
disruption of basic drives (eating and sleeping),
as well as cognitive disturbances (ruminations,
guilt, indecisiveness, persistent thoughts of
suicide). - This constellation of symptoms suggest
involvement of cortical structures, a number of
limbic brain structures, including the
hippocampus, amygdala, and mesolimbic dopamine
neurons (reward centers), and also midbrain
structures controlling appetite.
18Brain Areas that Regulate Mood
FC Frontal cortex (esp. prefrontal and
cingulate) - cognitive function, attention HP
Ventral Hippocampus - cognitive function,
memory NAc Nucleus Accumbens (ventral striatum)
- reward and aversion Amy Amygdala - mediates
responses to emotional stimuli HYP Hypothalamus
regulates sleep, appetite, energy, sex VTA
Ventral Tegmental Area - Sends dopaminergic
projections to other areas DR Dorsal Raphe
nuclei - send serotonergic input to other
areas LC Locus Coeruleus - sends noradrenergic
input to other areas.
From Berton and Nestler, Nature Reviews
Neuroscience, 7 137, 2006
- The most successful medicines for treatment of
Major Depression in recent years have been the
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - SSRIs include Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Paxil
These drugs inhibit the specific serotonin
transporters that take up serotonin after it is
released. Thus, the drugs are believed to
increase serotonin levels in the brain. - Depression also is accompanied by misregulation
of other neurohormonal pathways, for example the
ACTH (pituitary) /cortisol (adrenal gland)
pathway. NE and DA systems may also be
misregulated. - The SSRIs are not effective for about half of
cases of depression. Thus, we have much more to
learn about the various causes of depression.
20Depression involves derangement of Biogenic Amine
- The biogenic amines are a group of amine
neurohormones that are usually modulatory in
their action. - Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)
B. Norepinephrine or noradrenaline
C. Dopamine
21General Characteristics of Brain Neuromodulatory
- Cell bodies (somas) reside in clusters of
relatively small mid-brain nuclei. - Axons project widely throughout the brain and
spinal cord. However, the precise patterns of
connections are distinct among different
neuromodulatory systems. - A subset of axons from these nuclei do not form
tight synapses with a structural link to a
receiving cell. Instead they contain release
sites that release their neurohormone(s) in such
a way that they bathe the surrounding neurons. - Most biogenic amine hormone synapses also contain
one or more co-transmitter such as a peptide
hormone. Thus, two different modulators are
co-released. - Many aspects of the function of these systems are
still not understood.
22Serotonergic systems in the brain
Rostral System
Caudal System
The midbrain Raphe nuclei
from Feldman et al., Principles of
Neuropsychopharmacology, Sinauer, 1997
23Rostral System
B6 and B7 are the Dorsal Raphe nuclei, which
contain 5-HT neurons whose endings branch
profusely and do not make conventional
synapses. This fiber system is called the
B5 and B8 are the Median Raphe nuclei, which
contain 5-HT neurons whose endings form repeated,
more conventional synapses. This fiber system is
called the M system.
B9 is also called the supralemniscal nucleus
from Feldman et al., Principles of
Neuropsychopharmacology, Sinauer, 1997
24Two Serotonergic Fiber Types in the Forebrain
Demonstrated by Immunocytochemical Labeling
D-System - small arrows M-System - large arrows
Scale bar 10 µm
from Tork, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1990
25Volume Transmission
D-system release sites show no synaptic
specialization and are believed to release
serotonin diffusely around nearby neurons. This
form of chemical communication is sometimes
called volume transmission.
Some of the noradrenergic and dopaminergic
fibers, as well as many peptidergic fibers, also
are believed to transmit in this way.
Note that many terminals of both conventional and
volume-transmitting type contain more than one
transmitter, often an amine and a peptide, for
These systems are believed to mediate large scale
modulation of brain circuits. The control and
functions of these pathways are not yet well
26Noradrenergic Systems in the CNS
Red box denotes the Locus coeruleus
from Feldman et al., Principles of
Neuropsychopharmacology, Sinauer, 1997
27Dopaminergic systems in the CNS
from Feldman et al., Principles of
Neuropsychopharmacology, Sinauer, 1997
28Why does blockade of serotonin reuptake relieve
- Possible downstream consequences of misregulation
of serotonergic systems - Short term derangement of modulation of synaptic
strength and possibly also of neuronal intrinsic
properties. - Long term change in modulation of neuronal gene
expression. - The clinical observation that anti-depressants
usually take a few weeks to a month to have full
efficacy suggests that modulation of gene
expression plays the dominant role.
29An effect of 5-HT in the hippocampus
Activation of the 5-HT receptor on pyramidal
cells hyperpolarizes the membrane, as does
baclofen, an agonist of GABAB receptors.
Effects of both the 5-HT receptor and the GABAB
receptor are blocked by pertussis toxin (PTX),
which inactivates a class of G-proteins.
from Andrade and Chaput, 1991
30Short term actions of serotonin modulate many
- Serotonergic neurons are known to be activated or
inhibited in different nuclei by a wide variety
of stimuli and to play a role in a variety of
behaviors, including - Sleep-waking cycle, and sleep states.
- Feeding
- Aggression
- Spatial and sensory orientation
31Neurotrophic Hypothesis
Duman and Monteggia, Biol. Psych. (2006)
32Postulated Role for Brain-derived Neurotrophic
Factor (BDNF) in Depression
Some evidence suggests that enhancing the
monoaminergic system acts to increase nuclear
expression of BDNF. This, in turn ameliorates
some of the structural effects of major
From Berton and Nestler, Nature Reviews
Neuroscience, 7 137, 2006
33In adult animals, new neurons are formed
continuously from progenitor cells located in the
subgranular zone (SGV) Those neurons
differentiate and become incorporated into
neuronal circuits in the dentate gyrus
Neurogenesis in the SGV
Warner-Schmidt and Duman (2006) Hippocampus 16
34- Stress and anti-depressants have opposing effects
on - Neurogenesis in the SGZ of the dentate gyrus
- Production of VEGF and BDNF in the cortex and
VEGF increases proliferation in SGZ BDNF
increases neuronal survival
Duman and Monteggia, Biol. Psych. (2006)
35Mood Disorders
- The two principal mood disorders are Major
Depression and Bipolar Disease. - Characteristics
- Morbidity (slides from Tom Insel)
- Many brain systems malfunction in Major
Depression and no single cause has been
identified. However, treatment of malfunctioning
biogenic amine systems in the brain, especially
the serotonergic systems relieves symptoms in
many individuals. - One class of highly effective antidepressants
(SSRIs) block reuptake of serotonin. - Aminergic systems in the brain
- Midbrain Raphe nuclei (5-HT)
- Locus coeruleus (NE)
- Dopaminergic systems
- How does blockade of serotonin reuptake relieve
depression? - not yet thoroughly understood. - Neurotrophic hypothesis
- Genetic studies suggest a mutation in a serotonin
transporter may increase susceptibility to