Title: Topical Summary of Experimental Results
1Topical Summary of Experimental Results
Kerstin Borras D E S Y Hamburg
- What to take home from
- inclusive and diffractive e p scattering
- exclusive production processes in ep, pp
- Tevatron and LHC
- spin, nuclei physics ?
- What might the future bring ?
2Some Statistics
2 talks with 1.25 h on inclusive results 5 talks
with 2.5 h on diffractive results 5 talks with
2.25 h on exclusive results 2 talks with 1.25 h
on spin physics 3 talks with 1.5 h on Tevatron
RHIC 4 talks with 2.25 h on LHC 21 talks with
11h in total (compared to 36 talks with 12.5 h
in theory) ? increased a lot compared to
Diffraction 2004, 2002, 2000 ? now the right
balance for fruitful discussions between
theorists and experimentalists
? means 1-2 slides per presentation, please
consult the original talks for details and
... stay awake and watch out for your slide
- Before I might be cut off at the end, because I
want to - report on too many interesting results
- Thanks to the organizers for giving me the
opportunity to summarize all these nice results. - Thanks to all speaker for having me provided with
their slides in advance, all talks were so well
prepared, that it was a pleasure to cut and paste
- Thanks once more to the organizers for this
enjoyable workshop !
4Inclusive DIS _at_ HERA (J.Kretzschmar)
- incredible accuracy achieved
- same statistics for e and e-
- polarization data analysed
- joint ZEUS H1 analysis to
- increase the statistic
5Inclusive DIS _at_ HERA (J.Kretzschmar)
Higher precision achieved by including jet data
into the QCD fit data sample still differences to
be sorted out between the experiments common
working groups established
6PDF Uncertainties _at_ Tevatron (A.Robson)
W charge asymmetry ? d / u
1998 30 in d _at_ Q220
7PDF Uncertainties _at_ Tevatron (V.ODell)
Inclusive jets for the most uncertain pdf high
x-gluon. Main uncertainties jet algorithms
and jet energy scale.
8Spinning Protons (A.Krisch)
Enjoyable review of polarized proton
scattering starting in the 70-ties and planning
for the future
9Gluon Polarization (K.Kurek)
10Exclusive Processes
Vector Meson Production N.Berger (H1), D.Szuba
(ZEUS), A.Borissov (HERMES) R. Fabbri
(HERMES) DVCS, high t photon production
M.Beckingham (H1), R.Fabbri (HERMES) ?
incredible rich physics field
impressive new results with high precision
11Exclusive Vector Meson Production
Genralized Parton Density Functions
Regge - Ansatz
2-gluon, gluon-ladder
Extraction of the pomeron trajectory
12Exclusive VM Regge Trajectory
in ? in PHP ?IP(t) ? 1.093 0.116 t J/? PHP
?IP(t) ? 1.200 0.115 t J/? in DIS
?IP(t) ? 1.20 0.07 t J/? in PHP, high t
?IP(t) ? 1.15 - 0.02 t
- universal pomeron ?
- appropriate scale, a combination of Q2, M2, t ?
13Exclusive Vector Meson Production
Genralized Parton Density Functions
Regge - Ansatz
2-gluon, gluon-ladder
Extraction of the pomeron trajectory
Sensitivity to gluon density and parton evolution
14Exclusive VM 2-gluon BFKL models
- access to gluon densities at small x, where
inclusive DIS provides only poor constrains
15Exclusive Vector Meson Production
Genralized Parton Density Functions
Regge - Ansatz
2-gluon, gluon-ladder
Extraction of the pomeron trajectory
Sensitivity to gluon density and parton evolution
16Exclusive VM GPDs from Pion Pairs
Legendre Moment ltP1(cos?)gt interference of
different p p isospin states
R. Fabbri
17DVCS and high-t Photons
- DVCS _at_ HERMES (R.Fabbri)
- Transverse Target-Spin Asymmetry
- versus Q2, x and t
- sensitive to H , E
- first model dependent constraint on Ju and Jd
18Summary of this part
- A lot of accurate data have been taken and
carefully analyzed - inclusive DIS _at_ HERA has achieved an
unprecedented precision for unpolarized and
polarized measurements with electrons and
positrons, - HERA experiments now started common projects to
decrease the statistical uncertainty even
further. - At the Tevatron several analyses have now such
small statistical and experimental uncertainties,
that the uncertainty in the pdfs plays a major
role. - The experiments use a large variety of processes
which are sensitive to different pdfs in
different kinematic regions. - Exclusive processes at HERA show a large
sensitivity to the gluon pdfs and to parton
evolution schemes and interesting results have
been obtained.
19Inclusive Diffractive DIS (P.Laycock, H1,
Comparison of new preliminary data for ALL three
analysis methods (LRG,LPS,Mx) for data of the
same running period ? general agreement, details
have to be looked at more closer ? aim for a
consistent picture
- Recently published data
- ? comprehensive study of inclusive
- diffractive DIS !
- Points of debate
- Q2 dependence of ?IP(0)
- (dis-)agreement with Mx method
? homework ? fit for fixed
xIP (Dino)
20Inclusive Diffractive DIS (B.Löhr)
r 0.22 0.034.ln(1Q2)
Diffractive contribution ranges from 16 down to
2 ? at high Q2 already close to Tevatron ratios.
21Fits to Diffractive DIS (P.Laycock,M.Mozer)
Now finally published
different ?S ? not easy to compare to the
previous diffractive pdfs
22Diffractive Dijet Charm Production (M.Mozer,
I.Korzhavina, ZEUS)
DIS QCD - Factorization is proven for ? pdfs
applicable to other processes PHP Violation of
factorization expected (possibly due to
23Leading Baryon Production (L.Rinaldi)
Re-scattering processes expected to lead to
absorptive effects in xL
spectrum and b-slopes.
Absorptive effects observed between PHP and DIS
and described by model of DAlesio and Pirner
Precise data available, absorption described by
theoretical models ? can derive valuable input
for exclusive Higgs production _at_ LHC
24Changing the Processes
25Diffraction at the Tevatron (CDF) (K.Goulianos)
New preliminary results from Run II higher
statistics ? higher Q2
and t-dependence
ETjet 100 GeV !
- Small Q2 dependence in region 100 lt Q2 lt
10,000 GeV2 - Pomeron evolves as
- the proton!
26Diffraction at the Tevatron (CDF) (K.Goulianos)
Detailed comparisons for exclusive dijet
production with Monte Carlo
Helpful for adjusting model parameters in
exclusive Higgs production _at_ LHC. Three events
for exclusive ?? production identified. CDF in
the process of completing the background
27Diffraction at the Tevatron (DØ) (V.ODell)
- The new DØ diffractive spectrometers are working
well and are being understood - FPD data is recorded in all 9 spectrometers
(Still effort ongoing in alignment, calibration ) - Diffractive analysis program at DØ is starting to
take off - 10 Ph.D. students pursuing diverse analysis
topics (diffractive Z, W, HF, forward jets, SF,
DPJets, inclusive DP, exclusive events in
double pomeron, elastic)
28Diffraction _at_ RHIC (S.White)
Main detector component Zero Degree Calorimeter
- Total Cross Sections
- RHIC methodology uses calculable EM cross
sections to calibrate (eg Coulomb Dissociation,
gd ? np) - Peripheral g-A interactions
- Diffractive Vector meson production
- gg ? ee-
- Deep inelastic g-A interactions
- -dijet, jetg, Heavy Flavor production
- Other Forward Physics, eg pp ? np
ZDC very successful for RHIC
? proposed a ZDC for ATLAS _at_ LHC
29Forward Physics _at_ LHC
Presentations F.Ferro TOTEM R.Orava Forward
Physics measurements _at_ LHC C.Royon Forward
Detectors in ATLAS S.White Inelastic Diffraction
with Heavy Ions _at_ RHIC and
LHC R.Croft Experimental Aspects of Central
Exclusive Higgs Production
30 LHC Experiments pT-h coverage
CMS fwd calorimetry up to h ? 5 Castor ZDC
pT (GeV)
pTmax ?s exp(-h)
The base line LHC experiments will cover the
central rapidity region. TOTEM?CMS will
complement the coverage in the forward region.
R. Orava Diffraction 2006 Milos Island
31Status of TOTEM (F.Ferro)
TOTEM will be ready
for data taking
at the start of LHC
32Physics Menue _at_ LHC (R.Orava)
- total pp cross section (and luminosity) with a
precision of 1 - elastic scattering dsel/dt for 10-3 lt t lt 10
GeV2 - pp interaction radius (slope in dsel/dt)
- total pp cross section (with the inelastic rate)
- Coulomb-nuclear Interference (expected to have an
effect over large interval in t). - ratio of the real and imaginary parts (dispersion
relations ? precise measurement of r will
constrain stot at substantially higher energies)
- CMS TOTEM (see also forth coming paper)
- single diffractive cross section to 10 ? test
various models - diffractive heavy flavor production, t t
production - low x measurements via forward jet production
with veto-counter upgrade down to x ? 10-8 ! - Drell Yan in CASTOR ? x ? 10-7
- Central Diffraction
- Higgs production with various decay channels
- heavy flavor quark systems
- gluon collider ? glueballs hybrids
- Photon - Physics
- SM tets with ?? , ?p and ? N interaction
- luminosity measurement with lepton pairs
- minimum bias events
33 The minimum-bias events should be
understood, too...
The minimum-bias energy flows populate the
forward detectors ... while the central
detectors are floded by a large multiplicity of
soft particles...
Underlying events probed by the forward tags.
Underlying event energy has to be subtracted in
all measurements ? quite strong
impact on all results. Underlying event is
closely related to forward physics parton
evolution models, AGK cutting rules, color flow
screening, string length in hadronization ?
see proceedings of the HERA-LHC workshop.
34Forward Detector _at_ ATLAS (C.Royon,S.White)
35The FP 420 Project (R.Croft)
- Extend the acceptance for leading proton tagging
- combine information from central detector and RP
_at_ 220m
- CEP offers complementary Higgs production
precision physics at a
Hadron Collider (Mass, Spin, Parity). - Trigger
- Latency limits forward trigger information to
near-beam detectors at 220m for L1, but not HLT. - Triggering on light H-gtbb_bar (Jet-Jet) tricky,
but feasible. - Pile-up Background
- Fast-timing detectors ? leading protons are
connected to primary vertex of hard-scattering
process ? - Provides good control of pile-up produced
background at high luminosity. - FP420
- RD fully funded.
- Technical Design Proposal to ATLAS/CMS by
first-half of 07. If accepted by either / both,
then to the LHCC. - Installation 08-09 (1st LHC Long break)?
36Prospects for the Future
- HERA running fine with occasional problems,
- on the way to collect a lot of lumi,
- special low energy running for FL measurement,
- HERMES has installed the Recoil Detector (DVCS)
37Prospects for the Future
Run plan up to 2010 (RHIC II)pp is polarized
beam run
- Outlook for COMPASS
- long term project, formally approved until 2010
- running time will be adjusted on a year to year
basis (? LHC running)
- L.Evans (ICHEP06)
- First beams will be injected into the LHC in
November 2007 and will be brought into collision
at 900 GeV (cm) in order to debug the machine and
the detectors. - The first high energy run will start in spring
2008 and continue through the year, when it is
expected that a few fb-1 will be accumulated.
Running at nominal luminosity would give around
80 fb-1 per year. - The LHC is designed for an ultimate luminosity
of 2.3x1034cm-2.s-1 without further hardware
investment and with only two detectors
- The luminosity could be increased by a further
factor of two by reducing the beam size at the
interaction point. As a consequence, the beam
size in the inner triplet would become
unacceptably large. The aperture in the inner
triplet would need to be increased from the
present 70mm to at least 90mm, increasing the
field on the conductor by the same amounts.
Studies are under way on the design of new inner
triplet quadrupoles.
39Summary of the Summary
All experiments have considerably improved the
precision of their data. Looking forward to even
more precise data in different kinematic regions
from all various kinds of accelerators and
experiments and of course to first diffractive
events at LHC. A lot of progress has been
achieved so far, but still a lot remains to be
understood ? intensive discussions
between the theorists and experimentalist of the
various fields are vital.
40Need Discussions Among Each Other
Next Opportunity XII International Conference on
Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (Blois
Workshop) 21st 25th of
May _at_ D E S Y (prel. date) (Organizers
J.Bartels, K.B., M.Diehl, H.Jung)
41What to take home ?
42Backup Slides
for more Information
43Tevatron SD dijets _at_ 1800 GeV
- x1/?s ? ?i ET,i e-?i
- ? (xIP) from RPS
- ? x/ ?
IP (? (xIP) ,t)
Ratio power law behavior, independent
from (? xIP)
Effective structure function for dijet
production Fjj(x)x g(x) 4/9 ?(q(x)q(x))
Tevatron unfold from ratio
Fjj from proton pdf (HERA use diffractive
pdf and extrapolate xIPlt0.05 ? 0.035lt?lt0.095)
44Reggeon and pion contributions in diffractive
K. Golec-Biernat, J. Kwiecinski and A. Szczurek,
Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 3955.
from Aharons talk at last DIS
Note from KB Expect IR contributions to
dominate in the CDF region, but when folding the
above flux with the hard cross section, where the
dijet production st Tevatron is dominated by
gluons ? the reggeons and pions (containing
mostly quarks) are in the end suppressed in the
CDF diffractive dijets.
45Tevatron SD dijets _at_ 1800 GeV
FjjD(? ,?) 1/ ?n
and FjjD(? ,?) 1/ ?m
- FjjD(? ,?) 1/ ?n independent
of ? ? no change in
structure from IP region to IR region - FjjD(?0.1,?) 1/ ?m m1.0?0.1 for dijets
? hard interaction has larger ?IP than soft
incl. diffraction - ? dijets are IP dominated,
soft incl. diffraction more IR like
? p
large IR contribution expected from
0.035lt?lt0.095, but ? dependence more IP like (m
for IP is 1.1, for IR 0 and for Pi -1 at
Tevatron ).
Structure power law behavior Fjj 1/ ?n with
n1.00.1 for ?lt0.5
46Comparisons Tevatron - HERA
H1 2002 fit Shape now similar for low ß ? same
evolution, but difference at high ß
normalization off by a factor 10 (careful
large uncertainties for CDF 25 and also for
HERA as, initial parameterizations . large IR
contribution, here up to 50 ! ?
47LPS Comparison with CDF
- No estimate of uncertainties yet
- large at high b (no coverage !)
- result stable at low b
- Smaller discrepancy with respect to
- CDF than suggested by H1 estimate
- CDF data close to Reggeon
- contribution
- does this mean something ?
- Difference with respect to H1
- - a small contribution (10 ?)
- possibly due to proton-dissociative
- background in H1 data.
- - Where does the rest come from ??
- (in particular for the Reggeon part)
- - Different xIPcoverage (LPS up to
- xIP0.07) ?
NO !
48Diffractive Characteristics compared to HERA
(animated slide)
FjjD(? ,?) 1/ ?n ? 1/ ?m for ? lt 0.5
FjjD(? ,?) 1/ ?m
Although 0.035lt?lt0.095 no large IR contribution
(mIP?1.1, mIR?0, m??-1)
Same ? dependence in very old HERA 94 data
ZEUS-Mx, ZEUS-LPS, H1 rap.gap (xIPlt0.05) and CDF
(0.035lt?lt0.095) (See DIS2000 Liverpool) Not
straight forward to explain in particle picture
of pomeron with Regge-fluxes from soft hadron
IP ?
IR ?
- Leaving the IP particle picture and going back to
underlying proton pdf shows the accidential
agreement - CDF dijets are gluon-interaction dominated, at
larger x higher Q2 - HERA DIS more quark-interaction dominated, at
smaller x medium Q2 - When looking in terms of ?, the gluon and quark
pdfs have a similar slope in the two relevant
kinematic regions. - diffraction is given by the parton behavior in
the sea at the relevant kinematic values and is
not to be defined by the value of xIP ? !