Title: Languages and science
1Languages and science
- Gill Maynard AST
- Anglo-European School Ingatestone
2Are there any links between languages and science
at KS1-2?
- Obvious links with KS1-2 Science topics
- Ourselves
- Growing plants,
- life cycles
- Animal habitats
- Healthy eating
3Are there any links between languages and science
at KS1-2?
- Less obvious links
- Animal groupings
- Magnets
- Space and planets
4KS1-2 Science DCSF guidelines on language and
- Children should
- think creatively about science
- develop language skills through talking about
their work and presenting their own ideas - use scientific language and draw diagrams and
charts to communicate scientific ideas - read non-fiction and extract information from
sources such as reference books - All of these can be done in another language ..
5Languages and science making the links
- 1 Use science topics to reinforce basic language
and structures - Reinforce understanding of a science topic
through language activities - 3 Base a half term or full term unit of work on a
science topic
61 Use science topics to reinforce basic language
and structures e.g. colours
- Autumn leaves (display, collage)
- La feuille est rouge / jaune / brune / orange.
- Les feuilles sont rouges / jaunes / brunes /
oranges. - Ma feuille est rouge / jaune / brune / orange.
- Mes feuilles sont rouges / jaunes / brunes /
oranges. - Jaime les feuilles rouges / jaunes / brunes /
oranges. - Je préfère les feuilles rouges / jaunes / brunes
/ oranges.
7Autumn leaves German
- Das Blatt ist rot / gelb / braun / orange.
- Die Blätter sind rot / gelb / braun / orange.
- Mein Blatt ist rot / gelb / braun / orange.
- Meine Blätter sind rot / gelb / braun / orange.
- Ich mag die roten / gelben / braunen /
orangefarbenen Blätter. - Ich mag die roten / gelben / braunen /
orangefarbenen Blätter am liebsten.
8Autumn leaves Spanish
- La hoja es roja / amarilla / marrón / naranja.
- Las hojas son rojas / amarillas / marrón /
naranja. - Mi hoja es roja / amarilla / marrón / naranja.
- Mis hojas son rojas / amarillas / marrón /
naranja. - Me gustan las hojas rojas / amarillas / marrón /
naranja. - Prefiero las hojas rojas / amarillas / marrón /
9What language was reinforced here?
- Colour adjectives
- Singular and plural forms of nouns
- Gender of nouns and adjective agreements
- Position of adjectives
- Expressing likes and dislikes
10Numbers Counting
- Insects and animals how many legs ?
- Combien de pieds?
- Un pour lescargot, dix pour le crabe
11Numbers Measuring things
- Je mesure un mètre quarante.
- Ma plante mesure vingt-deux centimètres.
- Ich bin ein Meter vierzig groß.
- Meine Pflanze ist zweiundzwanzig Zentimeter groß.
- Mido un metro cuarenta.
- Mi planta mide veintidós centimetros.
12More number activities in science
- Reading graphs and charts
- Weighing things (including yourself)
- Reading an electricity meter and calculating
13Recording and talking about the temperature
- Make this intercultural look at todays
temperatures in another country - France www.meteofrance.com
- Germany www.wetter.de (click on Grad for
temperatures) - Spain www.eltiempo.es
- Quelle est la température à Paris? Vingt degrés.
- Wie ist die Temperatur in Berlin ? Zwanzig Grad.
- Cual es la temperature en Madrid? Veinte grados.
142 Reinforce understanding of a science topic
through language activities
- KS2 Framework for Languages
- Language Learning Strategies
- Compare new words with known words in English or
another language - Use knowledge of English or other languages to
help learning and understanding - Use context and previous knowledge to determine
meaning and pronunciation - Use a word or phrase known in one context or
topic in a different context or topic - Many scientific terms are cognates good for
general language awareness.
15Animal families grouping activities
- un mammifère
- un reptile
- un insecte
- un amphibien
- un oiseau
- ein Säugetier
- ein Reptil
- (pl Reptilien)
- ein Insekt
- eine Amphibie
- ein Vogel
un mammífero un reptil un insecto un anfibio un
16Animal families grouping activities
- In groups, sort animal cards then complete a
chart - Make a dual or multi-language classroom display
- Multiple-choice or true/false activities
children could hold up true / false cards - (vrai ou faux, falsch oder richtig, verdadero o
falso) - (For more advanced activities in French, see
- Authentik A la française 7.2)
17Animal families activities
- Un crocodile est a) un mammifère
- b) un insecte
- c) un reptile
- Falsch oder richtig?
- a) Ein Tiger ist eine Amphibie
- b) Ein Schwein ist ein Säugetier
- El león es un
- La rana es un
18What do animals eat? Carnivores , herbivores and
- (un) carnivore (un) herbivore (un) omnivore
- der Karnivore / der Fleischfresser
- der Pflanzenfresser
- der Omnivore / der Allesfresser
- (karnivor/fleischfressend pflanzenfressend
allesfressend) - (un) carnívoro (un) herbívoro (un) omnívoro
19Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores Activities
- Match picture / word cards animals and what
they eat - Complete a chart (For an example in French, see
Authentik A la française 7.1) - Display choose an animal, draw a picture of it
eating and fill in a speech bubble - Je mange .. Je suis carnivore / herbivore /
omnivore. - Ich fresse .... Ich bin Fleischfresser.
- Como .... Soy carnivoro/a.
- This could be an ICT activity, including copying
and pasting images. For language reinforcement,
use www.google.fr / www.google.de / www.google.es
203 Base a half term or full term unit of work on a
science topic
- Before you start
- Look at your schools curriculum plan
- Look at the QCA schemes of work
- Is the topic do-able? Think about
- Language (vocabulary and structures)
- Resources
- Activities
- A clear outcome
- Will it be fun for you and your class? Can you
build in enough activities?
21Growing things (QCA unit 6)
- Life cycle of a plant
- Jack and the beanstalk
- Story Dix petites graines / Diez semillas
Ruth Brown - Teaching resources are on the internet or from
Essex LSG coordinators
22Healthy eating (QCA Unit 10, also 13 and 21)
- Food and drink in France / Germany / Spain
- Recipes, School dinner menus
- Story La chenille qui fait des trous /
- Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt /
- La pequena oruga glotona Eric Carle