Title: Refining AIRPACT vs OMI NO2 Comparison
1Dutch OMI
My first look at Tropospheric NO2 data for the
Pacific NW. Whats that in Nevada? Why are the
Dutch and US. data sets so different?
2So, what has Farren been doing since?
- Converted OMI VCD (molec/cm2) into a mixing ratio
for comparison to AIRPACT. Tried uniform PBL,
then MM5 PBL. - This produced good results but caused problems
over water (and assumes all Tropospheric NO2 is
within the PBL) - Looked at fires (large discrepancy).
- Now AIRPACT is converted into a VCD value using
Press. Temp. of each Layer and then compared to
OMI. - Below Cloud ghost column being considered and
we NEED to implement averaging kernels. - Almost completely automated for monthly
3February 1, 2007 near 2100 UTC AIRPACT
Vertical Column Density NO2 US OMI
Vertical Column Density Tropo. NO2
Cloud Fraction over 50 shown as black contour.
After looking at many days, emissions for AIRPACT
look low (on average) for non-Seattle urban
4The OMI Swath
AIRPACT 9025 Points
5Looking at the I-5 Corridor TROPOSPHERE
COLUMN NO2 March 2007
Ghosted OMI TROP.
OMI Pixel Density
6OMI Pixel Density and Cloud Cover greatly
influence agreement with Airpact. Ghost Column
looks promising.
7Other species to look forward to
8SO2 from Mountains?
Mt. St. Helens Oct. 7, 2004
A high SO2 emission event can we see it?
Effects of Striping is evident but the OMI folks
are working hard!
9What does the Future Hold?
- Implement automated comparison of AIRPACT with
OMI (Multiple Species? Make it available on the
web?) - Implement Quality Flags and Averaging Kernels for
comparisons (eliminate low pixel density, and
high CFRAC) - Evaluate emissions inventory used in AIRPACT for
urban areas.
Grrrrrrrr. Bad CLOUDS!