Title: Great thanks to Marcello Donatelli
1 Great thanks to Marcello Donatelli for
organizing the meeting in ISCI-CRA
2Meeting Cocktail
Thanks to Andrea Carril and Micaela Pantano!
3CLARIS NCT1Summary of CLARIS 1st year
activitiesJean-Philippe Boulanger (CNRS) and
Carlos Ereño (UBA)
- CLARIS Consortium
- CLARIS Budget
- Web site
- Newsletter
- Dissemination activities
- Satisfaction survey (Carlos Ereño)
- Meeting agenda
4CLARIS Consortium
- Due to administrative reasons, University of
Sao Paulo has been retrieved from the CLARIS
project - A new version of the consortium agreement
without USP has been sent to the partners - A new Description of Work (DoW) is now
available on the CLARIS web site - Two institutes have asked to integrate the
CLARIS project - INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnicas
Agropecuarias, Argentina)-WP4.1-Unanimous
agreement - FUNCEME (Fundaçao Cearense de Meteorlogia e
Recursos hidricos, Brazil)-WP4.2, WP3.2-Vote
postponed to Saturday morning during the
Consortium meeting
5CLARIS Budget
- EC funds sent to CNRS received at CNRS in
December - CNRS transferred funds in March
- Level of expenses at June, 30th less than
50 - Financial reports must be sent to CNRS by 11th
of July - Both the late transfer of funds and the
organization of the meeting in July (2nd year)
explain the low rate of use of funds (50), it is
asked to the EC not to reduce the 2nd year CLARIS
budget. Such a reduction would compromise the
ability of the project partners to catch up with
CLARIS initial calendar. - Georgios Amanatidis suggested that when we reach
the 70 level, we inform the EC in order to
initiate the the transfer of 2nd funding. Such a
level may be reached in late July (after the
present meeting).
6CLARIS Web SitePaula Richter
- A new version of the CLARIS web site has been
designed by Paula Richter and is now located
at http//www.claris-eu.org
7CLARIS Newsletter
- Second issue printed for the meeting
- Electronic versions in PDF format on the CLARIS
web site
8CLARIS Dissemination activities
- Presentation of CLARIS by Rafael Terra on
Climate change simulations of the South American
Monsoon System at the Eighth Annual Meeting of
the WCRP/CLIVAR/VAMOS Panel (VPM8), at Mexico
City, MX, 7-9 March 2005 - Presentation of CLARIS by Carlos Ereño on CLARIS
overview at the 12th meeting of the IAI
(Inter-American Institute for Global Change
Research) Conference of the Parties (CoP), at
Montreal, Canada, May 5/6, 2005. - Presentation of CLARIS and the pilote project
Climate and Dengue by Nicolas Degallier at
the EC Workshop on Climate Change and Health
Impacts organized at Bruxelles on June, 13th,
CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
- To evaluate the project management, dynamics and
support to participants - To get the thought of the partners to improve
different aspects of CLARIS
10Items included in the survey
CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
- Managing
- Organization of meetings
- Web site
- Newsletter
- Data Server
- Communications
- Work Packages
Answers received
Europe 3 South America 8 Total 11
11CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
1. Managing
12CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
2. Organization of meetings
13CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
3. Web site
14CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
4. Newsletter
15CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
5. Data server
16CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
6. Communications
17CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
7. Work Packages
CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
- Web site
- I have not visited the web site
- Newsletter
- No Neswletter has been published yet
- I think that the newsletter may be a little bit
too long and too "technical" to really increase
CLARIS visibility. - It is too soon to really assess if it could be
useful for my own activities in the project,
however, it might not be the prior objective of
the newsletter - Data server
- I did not have to use it yet
- DODS is useful to my activities. I am working
with IOCC data
CLARIS Satisfaction Survey
- Only eleven partners replied to the survey. GREAT
THANKS! - Useful comments to take some actions
- Newsletter
- Inter-WP meetings in Bologna
- Copies of the results of the survey are available
for all participants.
20Meeting Agenda
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)