Title: ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship
1- ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship
- May 20, 2004
2Company Overview
- Bundled services for residential and small
business customers in Texas - Cable
- Telephone
- Internet
- Critical mass
- 280,959 marketable homes
- 110,790 subscribers 219,744 RGUs
- Fully deployed 860 Mhz broadband network
- Strong demonstrated operating metrics
- High customer penetration (39) and ARPU (87)
- EBITDA positive 17.6 million year-end 2003
- Fully funded
- Scaled business targeting 1.4 million franchised
homes - Value-driven company focused on local communities
3Austin San Marcos San Antonio Population
(population figures as of 2000)
100,000 residents
Central Texas is richer and more dynamic because
of the regions diversity and energy
4Grandes Fiber to the Curb Network
5What Grande Saw in the I-35 Corridor
6Grandes Texas Impact
7What Grande Has Done in the I-35 Corridor
- Served the community with passion and
The Passion Commitment Investment Club is a
company-matching, philanthropic program in which
employees donate a percentage of their salary and
time to local charities.
- Operated and managed by Grande employees
- More than 50 of our employees participate
- Donations totaling more than 505,000 to date
- Focus on basic human needs and digital divide
8Rationale Behind Our Passion and Commitment
- Grande is investing in our communities with
- Physical assets via our deep fiber network
- Our hearts, time and pocket books
- The return is a fruitful harvest for many
- Jobs are created regionally
- Employees spend a portion of their income in the
communities they work and live - Members of the community have their needs met by
Grandes service to humanity - Local competition is good for the consumer
- Our investors realize a return as Grande grows
and prospers
Grande wins, the customer wins, the community
wins Past Present Future
9- ARS National Forum on Regional Stewardship
- May 20, 2004