Title: Lepton Flavor Violation
1Lepton Flavor Violation
- Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)
- October 7, 2005
- 3rd International Conference on Flavor Physics
- National Central University, Taiwan
2Lepton Flavor Violation in charged lepton
- Charged lepton LFV is a clear evidence of physics
beyond the Standard Model. - Neutrino mixing suggests existence of lepton
flavor mixing. Large LFV in charged lepton
processes is possible, if there is new physics at
the TeV scale. - There are various processes and observable
quantities in muon and tau LFV processes. These
are keys to choose a correct model among various
3Contents of this talk
- Phenomenology of muon and tau LFV processes.
- Two examples
- (1) Muon LFV processes in SUSY models
including Higgs exchange contributions. - (R.Kitano and Y.O)
- (2) Muon and tau LFV processes in the
Left-Right symmetric model. - (A.Akeroyd, M.Aoki, and Y.O)
4Three muon LFV processes
m-e conversion search at 0(10-18) will
be possible in a future experiment at J-PARC
5 Various observables in mu LFV processes
Angular distribution in polarized muon LFV
m-gt eg
Two P-odd and one T-odd asymmetries
Example A -1 for the SUSY seesaw model
6Z dependence of mu-e conversion processes.
Z-dependence can distinguish different
LFV Interactions.
R.Kitano, M.Koike and Y.O. 2002
7Tau LFV processes
Various flavor structures
and their CP conjugates
8Experimental upper bound
Y.Miyazaki ESP 2005
Most of processes are bounded by 0(10-7)
9Future experimental prospects for tau LFV search
Super KEKB LoI
ee- B factory
10Polarized tau decay
R.Kitano and Y.O. 2001
Using angular correlation of tau decay products
in signal and opposite sides, asymmetries of
polarized tau decay are obtained.
A-1 case
Similarly, two P-odd and one T-odd asymmetries
can be defined for tau -gt lll decays.
11m LFV in SUSY models
In many models of SUSY, off-diagonal terms of the
slepton mass matrixes are induced from
Interaction at GUT /seesaw neutrino scales.
F.Borzumati, A.Masiero 1986
In many cases, LFV processes are dominated by the
m-gte g amplitude.
12Enhancement due to Higgs exchange contribution at
large tan b case
Higgs exchange diagram have a ( tan b )6
contribution. We have shown impact of this
contribution in the SUSY seesaw model (LL case).
R.Kitano, M. Koike and S. Komine and Y.O. 2003
Higgs-exchange contribution
Photon-exchange contribution
Dominance of the Higgs exchange affects the Z
dipole, scalar, vector
13Higgs exchange contribution in general case.
R.Kitano and Y.O.
LL Flavor mixing in the left-handed slepton
sector (ex. SUSY seesaw model) RR Flavor
mixing in the right-handed slepton sector LR,
RL Flavor mixing in the A term
Higgs exchange effect is evident for the LL case.
Situation is more complicated in the RR case due
to possible cancellation in both m -gt eg and m-e
conversion amplitudes. Higgs exchange effects are
seen in LR/RL cases.
15m/t LFV in LR symmetric model
A.Akeroyd, M.Aoki, Y.O.
(Non-SUSY) left-right symmetric model
V.Cirigliano, A.Kurylov, M.J.Ramsey-Musolf,
P.Vogel, 2004 O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina,
T.I.Bakanova, 2004
Llt-gtR parity
Higgs fields, (bi-doublet, two triplets)
Low energy (TeV region ) seesaw mechanism for
neutrino masses
16Four lepton interactions are dominant among
various LFV processes.
In general,
We consider following questions Which is
important, m-gt3e or t -gtlll ? What are sizes of
various tau decay modes? What is the asymmetry of
the tau LFV decay?
Heavy particles at the TeV region
17Relationship between tau and mu decays depends on
heavy neutrino Masses. Hierarchical heavy
neutrino masses -gt large tau decay processes
Blue MR3 can be much Heavier than MR1
and MR2. Pink nearly degenerate Heavy neutrinos
18Case 2
Case 1
Dominant modes depend on flavor mixings in the
heavy neutrino sector.
19Independent of LFV decay modes including m-gt 3e.
- Summary
- Tau vs. mu
- heavy neutrino mass hierarchy
- (2) Various tau modes
- flavor mixing in heavy neutrino sector
- (3) t -gt3l (or m -gt 3e) asymmetry
- ratio of the left and right doubly charged
Higgs boson masses. -
- Experimental Improvement is expected in coming
years for m -gt eg (MEG) and various tau LFV
processes (B factory, LHC). - If there are new particles at the TeV region
related to the lepton flavor mixing, the neutrino
oscillation can have connection to the charged
lepton LFV processes. - There are various observable quantities in muon
and tau LFV processes. Different neutrino mass
generation mechanism predicts different
characteristic signals in LFV processes.