Title: Microgravity combustion lecture 2
1Microgravity combustion - lecture 2
- Motivation
- Time scales (Lecture 1)
- Examples
- Premixed-gas flames
- Flammability limits (Lecture 1)
- Stretched flames (Lecture 1)
- Flame balls
- Nonpremixed gas flames
- Condensed-phase combustion
- Particle-laden flames
- Droplets
- Flame spread over solid fuel beds
- Reference Ronney, P. D., Understanding
Combustion Processes Through Microgravity
Research, Twenty-Seventh International Symposium
on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh,
1998, pp. 2485-2506
2Nonpremixed-gas flames - counterflow
- Counterflow flames
- Nonpremixed flames less freedom of movement
flame must lie where stoichiometric flux ratio
maintained - Radiating gas volume flame thickness ?
- Diffusion time scale ?2/? ?-1 ? ? (?/?)1/2
- Computations µg experiments simple C-shaped
dual-limit response - Conductive loss to burners at low ?? (?min)-1
tcond d2/? (d burner spacing) - Need larger burners to see true radiation limit
CH4-N2 vs. air (Maruta et al. 1998)
3Nonpremixed-gas flames - gas-jet flames
- Roper (1977) Flame height (Lf) and residence
time (tjet) determined by equating diffusion time
(d2/D, d jet diameter, D oxygen diffusivity)
to convection time (Lf/U) - Mass conservation U(0)d(0)2 U(Lf)d(Lf)2
(round jet) U(0)d(0) U(Lf)d(Lf) (slot jet) - Buoyant flow U(Lf) (gLf)1/2 nonbuoyant
U(Lf) U(0) - Consistent with more rigorous model based on
boundary-layer theory (Haggard Cochran, 1972)
4Gas-jet flames - results
- Lf same at 1g or µg for round jet
Sunderland et al. (1999) - CH4/air
5Flame widths at 1g and µg
- tjet larger at µg than 1g for round jet
- Larger µg flame width (Dtjet)1/2 - greater
difference at low Re due to axial diffusion (not
included in aforementioned models) buoyancy
effects - Greater radiative loss fraction at µg ( 50 vs.
8, Bahadori et al., 1993), thus cooler
temperatures, redder color from soot
Sunderland et al. (1999) - CH4/air
6Gas-jet flames - radiative loss
- Estimate of radiative loss fraction (R)
tjet/trad L/Utrad - R do2/Dtrad (momentum-controlled) (µg)
- R (Udo2/gDtrad2)1/2 (buoyancy controlled)
(low-speed 1g) - R(1g)/R(µg) (Re/Gr)1/2 for gases with D ? ?
(Re Ud/? Gr gdo3/?2) - For typical do 1 cm, D 1 cm2/s (1 atm,
T-averaged), R(1g)/R(µg) 1 at Re 1000 - Lower Re R(1g)/R(µg) Re1/2 - much higher
impact of radiative loss at µg
7Flame lengths at 1g and µg
- Low Re depends on Grashof or Froude number (Fr
Re2/Gr) - 1g (low Fr) buoyancy dominated, teardrop shaped
- µg (Fr 8) nearly diffusion-dominated, more
like nonpremixed version of flame ball (similar
to candle flame, fuel droplet flames discussed
later) - High Re results independent of Fr
do 3.3 mm, Re 21 d 0.42 mm, Re
291 Sunderland et al. (1999) - C2H6/air
8Turbulent flame lengths at 1g and µg
- Turbulent flames (Hottel and Hawthorne, 1949)
- D uLI u Uo LI do ? Lf do
(independent of Re) - Bahadori et al. differences between 1g µg seen
even at high Re - buoyancy effects depend on
entire plume! (Cant get rid of buoyancy effects
at high Re for turbulent flames!)
Hedge et al. (1997) - C3H8/air
9Sooting gas-jet flames at 1g and µg
- Reference Urban et al., 1998
- Basic character of sooting flames same at 1g
µg, but g affects temperature/time history (left)
which in turn affects soot formation (right)
STS-94 space experiment (1997) Note soot emission
at high flow rate (beginning of test)
10Sooting gas-jet flames at 1g and µg
11Sooting gas-jet flames at 1g and µg
- Typically greater at µg due to larger tjet -
outweighs lower T - Smoke points seen at µg (Sunderland et al.,
1994) - WHY??? - tjet Uo1/2 for buoyant flames BUT...
- tjet independent of Uo for nonbuoyant flames !
- R (ideally) independent of U for nonbuoyant
flames - Axial diffusion effects negligible at Re gt 50
- Thermophoresis effects - concentrates soot in
annulus -
12Particle-laden flames
- This section courtesy of Prof. F. N. Egolfopoulos
- Importance of particle-laden flows
- Intentional/unintentional solid particle addition
- Modification of ignition, burning, and extinction
characteristics of gas phase - Propulsion (Al, B, Mg)
- Power generation (coal)
- Material synthesis
- Explosions (lumber milling, grain elevators, mine
galleries) - Particles are used in laser diagnostics (LDV,
PIV, PDA) - Possible interactions between gas and particle
phases - Dynamic (velocity modification)
- Thermal (temperature modification)
- Chemical (composition modification)
- Parameters affecting these interactions
- Physico-chemical properties of both phases
- Fluid mechanics (strain rate)
- Long range forces on particles (e.g. electric,
magnetic, centrifugal, gravitational) - Phoretic forces on particles
13Particle-laden flames - equations
- Egolfopoulos and Campbell, 1999
- Single particle momentum equation
- Single particle energy equation
F ma
Stokes drag with correction for velocity slip at
high Kn
Thermophoretic force
Combined effects
Gravity force
14Particle-laden flames in stagnation flows
- Gravity effect on particle velocity (numerical)
Expected behavior
15Particle-laden flames in stagnation flows
- Gravity effect on particle velocity (numerical)
Note flow reversals
16Particle-laden flames in stagnation flows
- Gravity effect on particle number density and
flux (numerical)
Results can NOT be readily derived from simple
17Particle-laden flames in stagnation flows
- Gravity effect on particle temperature
Results NOT apparent
18Premixed flame extinction by inert particles (1g
- Larger particles can more effectively cool down
the flames - counter-intuitive result!
19Premixed flame extinction (1g simulations)
- Larger particles maintain larger temperature with
the gas phase within the reaction zone!
Competition between surface and temperature
20Premixed flame extinction (1g simulations)
- At high strain rates smaller particles cool more
effectively - Reduced residence time for large particles
- Surface effect becomes important
21Premixed flame extinction (1g and µg expts.)
- Extinction is facilitated at µg at 1g particles
can not readily reach the top flame effect
weaker for large particle loadings
22Premixed flame extinction (1g µg simulations)
- Low loading Particles do not reach upper flame
in 1g - High loading Even at 1g particles penetrate the
stagnation plane due to higher thermal expansion
at higher ?
Low loading
High loading
23Premixed flame extinction (1g µg expts)
- Extinction if facilitated at µg argument about
reduced particle velocities not applicable in
this case!
Note Single flame extinction
24Premixed flame extinction (1g µg simulations)
- Extinction if facilitated at µg argument about
reduced particle velocities not applicable in
this case! - Gravity affects the particle number density
- In µg particles possess more momentum and they
are less responsive to thermal expansion that
tends to decrease the particle number density ?
more effective cooling
Note Single flame extinction
25Premixed flame extinction (1g expts.)
- Low strain rates reacting particles augment
overall reactivity - High strain rates reacting particles act as
inert cooling the gas phase and facilitating
Note Single flame extinction
26Summary - particle-laden flames
- Direct effect on the trajectory of slow-moving
particles - Indirect effects on particle
- Number density
- Temperature
- Chemical activity
- For inert particles, gravity has a noticeable
effect on flame propagation and extinction
through its modification of the particle dynamic
and thermal states as well as on the particle
number density - For reacting particles, gravity can render the
solid phase inert thorugh its effect on the
particle dynamic behavior
27Droplet combustion
- Spherically-symmetric model (Godsave, Spalding
1953) - Steady burning possible - similar to flame balls
- (large radii transport is diffusion-dominated)
- Mass burning rate (p/4)?dddK K (8k/?dCP)
ln(1B) - Flame diameter df dd ln(1B) / ln(1f)
- Regressing droplet ddo2 - dd(t)2 Kt if
quasi-steady - 1st µg experiment - Kumagai (1957) - K(µg) lt K(1g)
28Droplet combustion
- ... But large droplets NOT quasi-steady
- K df/dd not constant - depend on ddo time
- Large time scale for diffusion of radiative
products to far-field O2 from far-field (like
flame ball) - Soot accumulation dependent on ddo
- Absorption of H2O from products by fuel
Marchese et al. (1999), heptane in O2-He
29Droplets - extinction limits
- Dual-limit behavior
- Residence-time limited (small dd) tdrop df2/?
tchem - Heat loss (large dd) (Chao et al., 1990) tdrop
trad - Radiative limit at large dd confirmed by µg
experiments - Extinction occurs at large dd, but dd decreases
during burn - quasi-steady extinction not
Marchese, et al. (1999)
30Droplets - extinction limits
- Note flame never reaches quasi-steady diameter
- df dd ln(1B)/ ln(1f) due to unsteadiness
radiative loss effects - Extinguishment when flame diameter grows too
large (closer to quasi-steady value)
Marchese, et al. (1999)
31Droplets - radiation effects
- Radiation in droplet flames can be a loss
mechanism or can increase heat feedback to
droplet (increased burning rate) - Problem of heat feedback severe with droplets -
Stefan flow at surface limits conductive flux,
causes ln(1B) term radiation not affected by
flow - Add radiative flux (qr) to droplet surface
- Crude estimates indicate important for practical
flames, especially with exhaust-gas recirculation
/ reabsorption, but predictions never tested
(PDRs proposals keep getting rejected)
32Droplets - buoyancy effects
- How important is buoyancy in droplet combustion?
- Buoyant O2 transport / diffusive O2 transport
effective diffusivity / DO2 - Vbuoydf / DO2 0.3(gdf)1/2df/DO2
- df 10dd, DO2 ? ? effective diffusivity /
DO2 3.7Grd1/2 (Grd ? gdd3/?2) - ? K/Kg0 1 3.7Grd1/2
- Experiment (Okajima Kumagai, 1982) K/Kg0 1
0.53Grd.52 - scaling ok - Scaling Gr1/2 since df determined by
stoichiometry, independent of V - If instead df ?/V then V (gdf)1/2
(g?/V)1/2 - ? V (g?)1/3, df (?2/g)1/3 ? Deff ? ? no
change in K with Gr! - Moral need characteristic length scale that is
independent of buoyancy to see increase in
transport due to buoyancy
33Soot formation in µg droplet combustion
- Thermophoresis causes soot particles to migrate
toward lower T (toward droplet), at some radius
balances outward convection causes soot
agglomeration shell to form
34Candle flames
- Similar to quasi-steady droplet but near-field
not spherical - Space experiments (Dietrich et al., 1994, 1997)
- Nearly hemispherical at µg
- Steady for many minutes - probably gt df 2/?
- Eventual extinguishment - probably due to O2
1g µg
35Candle flames - oscillations
- Oscillations before extinguishment, except for
small df - Near-limit oscillations of spherical flames?
(Cheatham Matalon) - Edge-flame instability? (Buckmaster et al., 1999,
2000) - Both models require high Le near-extinction
conditions - Some evidence in droplets also (Nayagam et al.,
1998) - Predicted but not seen in flame balls! (see
STS-107 results)
- M. G. Andac, F. N. Egolfopoulos, and C. S.
Campbell, ''Premixed flame extinction by inert
particles in normal- and micro-gravity,''
Combustion and Flame 129, pp. 179-191, 2002. - M. G. Andac, F. N. Egolfopoulos, C. S. Campbell,
and R. Lauvergne, ''Effects of inert dust clouds
on the extinction of strained laminar flames,''
Proc. Comb. Inst. 28, pp. 2921-2929, 2000. - Bahadori, M. Y., Stocker, D. P., Vaughan, D. F.,
Zhou, L., Edelman, R. B., in Modern Developments
in Energy Combustion and Spectroscopy, (F. A.
Williams, A. K. Oppenheim, D. B. Olfe and M.
Lapp, Eds.), Pergamon Press, 1993, pp. 49-66. - Buckmaster, J., Zhang, Y. (1999). Oscillating
Edge Flames, Combustion Theory and Modelling 3,
547-565. - Buckmaster, J., Hegap, A., Jackson, T. L. (2000).
More results on oscillating edge flames.
Physics of Fluids 12, 1592-1600. - Chao, B.H., Law, C.K., Tien, J.S., Twenty-Third
Symposium (International) on Combustion,
Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1990, pp.
523-531. - Cheatham, S., Matalon, M., Twenty-Sixth Symposium
(International) on Combustion, Combustion
Institute, Pittsburgh, 1996, pp. 1063-1070. - Egolfopoulos, F. N., Campbell, C. S. (1999).
Dynamics and structure of dusty reacting flows
Inert particles in strained, laminar, premixed
flames, Combustion and Flame 117, 206-226. - Godsave G.A.E, Fourth Symposium (International)
on Combustion, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
1953, pp. 818-830. - Haggard, J. B., Cochran, T. H., Combust. Sci.
Tech. 5291-298 (1972). - Hegde, U., Yuan, Z. G., Stocker, D., Bahadori, M.
Y., in Proceedings of the Fourth International
Microgravity Combustion Workshop, NASA Conference
Publication 10194, 1997, pp. 185-190. - Hottel, H. C., Hawthorne, W. R., Third Symposium
(International) on Combustion, Combustion
Institute, Pittsburgh, Williams and Wilkins,
Baltimore, 1949, pp. 254-266.
- Kumagai, S., Isoda, H., Sixth Symposium
(International) on Combustion, Combustion
Institute, Pittsburgh, 1957, pp. 726-731. - Okajim, S., Kumagai, S., Nineteenth Symposium
(International) on Combustion, Combustion
Institute, Pittsburgh, 1982, pp. 1021-1027. - S. L. Manzello, M. Y. Choi, A. Kazakov, F. L.
Dryer, R. Dobashi, T. Hirano (2000). The
burning of large n-heptance droplets in
microgravity, Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute 28, 10791086. - Marchese, A. J., Dryer, F. L., Nayagam, V.,
Numerical Modeling of Isolated n-Alkane Droplet
Flames Initial Comparisons With Ground and
Space-Based Microgravity Experiments, Combust.
Flame 116432459 (1999). - Maruta, K., Yoshida, M., Guo, H., Ju, Y., Niioka,
T., Combust. Flame 112181-187 (1998). - Roper, F., Combust. Flame 29219-226 (1977).
- Spalding, D.B., Fourth Symposium (International)
on Combustion, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
1953, pp. 847-864. - Sunderland, P. B., Mendelson, B. J., Yuan, Z.-G.,
Urban, D. L., Combust. Flame 116376-386 (1999). - Urban, D. L, et al., Structure and soot
properties of nonbuoyant ethylene/air laminar jet
diffusion flames, AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, pp.
1346-1360 (1998).