Travel and Expenses management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Travel and Expenses management


Let's think about the process of managing expenses of your employees abroad. ... Use (car as a company perk, misuse and so on) 29. Vehicle pool management ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Travel and Expenses management

Travel and Expenses management?
One problem less!
  • Lets think about the process of managing
    expenses of your employees abroad. In our
    experience we know that it is different for
    almost all companies that use our software or
    similar products. Sometimes this is just for
    marginal features but more often for more
    important reasons. Now lets examine some of the
    reasons for these differences.

About the planning of a business trip
  • Some people within the company must always be
    authorized, other people only sometimes and some
    never it often depends on the staff role or on
    the places in which the business trip takes
  • Some companies allow its staff to make their own
    flight reservations, buy train tickets, etc...,
    others leave these tasks to travel agents or
    instruct company staff to handle these matters
  • Some companies give money in advance
  • There are those who manage vehicle pools with
    consequent need to plan assignments
  • Etc

Obtaining business trip data
  • Some companies manage costs in several
    currencies, sometimes with advance in a different
    currency and the return of unspent amounts
  • Some companies must allocate expense costs
    dividing them among customers, suppliers, cost
    centres, projects, etc..
  • Sometimes staff have to insert length of
    activity times carried out on business trips
  • Sometimes staff have to give details of
    distances travelled when using the own vehicle in
    order to get reimbursement
  • Etc

About company checks
  • Some companies apply expense ceilings in a
    strict way, some in a more elastic way and
    others reimburse all costs
  • Some check all receipts
  • Some check the company card bank statements
  • Some check travel agent accounts
  • Etc

Tax Regulations ( both direct and indirect ) on
business trips
  • Some register the individual invoices in
  • Some produce the summary documents of invoices
    of amounts of less than 154.94
  • Some manage suppliers in the database such as
    restaurants and hotels
  • Some record all the expenses by employees and
    amounts outstanding and subject to tax
  • Etc..

  • Usually, the software producers that handle these
    issues, say that they can resolve all related
    problems. But how?
  • Now we come to our solution starting with

Architecture and Technology
  • TNSJ uses an independent application as a support
  • As you can guess from the graphic, the
    JArchitecture is the foundation of the entire
    system. Sarce has invested more than 20 years of
    man hours for its implementation and investment
    continues year after year.

JArchitecture features
  • It allows a free process definition in order to
    make it, we were inspired by the publications of
    the Workflow Management Coalition. The design of
    a process includes the definition of
  • Tasks
  • States or transitions
  • Roles
  • Documents
  • Domains
  • It allows you to freely define patterns of
    communication between process operators using the
    most popular email applications, SMS messaging
    and desktop messaging service
  • It allows you to manage replacements for staff
    absent for holidays, illnesses, etc.

JArchitecture features
  • It allows you to import and export data from
    other applications
  • It allows the traceability of all actions
    performed by users on each document
  • It allows you to analyze all the information in
    the Database freely defining the criteria for
    collection and analysis
  • Etc.
  • This software can adapt to your business needs.

  • TNSJ and JArchitecture are Multidatabase
    applications and fully accessible via WEB
  • This means portability to other areas releasing
    the company from previously irreversible choices.

Other application features
  • TNSJ and JArchitecture applications are
    multilingual. In the same system multiple
    languages can co-exist and the user logs on to
    menus, formats, data, etc.., according to its own
  • The standard version is in Italian and English.

TNSJ Modules
  • The application consists of 4 Modules
  • The Base Module for the management of business
    trips, expenses and administrative and fiscal
  • The ESA Module for managing company credit
    cards, travel agent statements, etc.
  • The FM Module for the management of vehicles
  • The JReport Module for the analysis of costs,
    activities, etc...

Base Module
  • Of course, like any other application, there are
    several tables that are used to prepare the
    database to receive business trip data.
  • Be careful! Here we are not talking about work
    flow approach.

Base Module
  • We are talking about
  • Staff registry
  • Currency and exchange rates
  • Expenses
  • Cost Centres
  • Activities
  • Accounting (the items affected by business trip
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Projects
  • VAT rates
  • Etc
  • What we want to say here is that you can acquire
    data directly from the source and keep it updated
    without intervention of an operator, supposing
    that they are available in a relative database
    (MySQL, SQL, Oracle, DB2, DB400, etc.)

Base Module
  • The main data and features of the Base Module
  • The Travel Policy
  • The data relative to the planning of the
    business trip
  • The reporting of expenses
  • The records to be transmitted to administrative

Travel Policy
  • The Travel policy consists of all the rules set
    by the company for their staff who work outside
    the headquarters. Clear rules help the
    relationship with staff, making it possible to
    contain the costs of the business trip so making
    sure that the costs are kept under control.
  • But if you dont have a tool that can automate
    all or most of the tasks of the process, the
    costs of Travel Management can be very high and
    time consuming.

Travel Policy
  • With TNSJ you can define
  • Rules according to the category of staff
    (executives, sales, technical, etc.) and / or
    according to the destination of the trip
  • Nature and ceilings of expenses eligible for
    reimbursement (taxies, expenses, tips, travel
    expenses in general)
  • Types of documents and way of payment

Travel Policy
  • Rules for self booking such as the category of
    Hotel (also according to destination) class for
    flights and rail transport types of cars rented,
  • Tax handling of expenses (VAT deductibility
  • Accounts in which you can divide your costs in
    accordance with the category of staff and / or
    destination (domestic, abroad, etc.)
  • References customers, suppliers, orders, cost
    centres, etc.
  • Etc...

Data about the business trip planning
  • In most cases, travel or business trips outside
    of headquarters involves a request by the worker
    or his superior
  • Apart from the model of approval, which we
    mentioned before in JArchitecture, the
    application can
  • Forward requests for money in advance in local
    and foreign currency
  • Forward requests for flight bookings, hotels,
    etc.. to the internal office responsible for this
    purpose or directly to the travel agent if it is
    allowed online
  • Prepare cash documents for advance liquidation
    or authorization documents for the withdrawal of
    foreign exchange at the bank
  • Register in General Accounting paid as an

Insertion of costs
  • This is often a factor in the choice of software,
    especially if the number of people whose record
    expenditure is consistent. You need simple format
    which is easy to follow.
  • TNSJ has many ways in which expenditure may be
    inserted, which the user and/or the operator of
    the application can choose in relation to their

Insertion of costs
  • In particular
  • You may enter the individual expenditure items
    with reference to the day in which it was
    sustained or the period to which reference is
    made (expenditure for accommodation FROM DATE TO
    DATE), and with the indication of document type
    (invoice, receipt, etc.), of guests, colleagues,
    cost centers, projects, etc.. according to the
    rules defined in the travel policy
  • You can insert the data for individual documents
    of expenditure. For example an invoice of a Hotel
    with list of services received and the
    corresponding expenditure overnight stay, meals,
    minibar, Car Parking, Laundry, etc

Insertion of costs
  • You can insert the activities carried out while
    on transfer with (or without) time indication
    (this data can then be registered )
  • You can insert the Travel Route and, using a web
    service, ask for the automatic calculation of
    the distance between two locations or insert the
    distance manually
  • You can introduce notes for the full trip, for a
    single day or for a single item of expenditure.

Administrative entries
  • The available automatisms in TNSJ are a source
    of significant reduction of management costs of
    trips, both in terms of data processing and in
    those of production of useful data to be
    trasmitted to administrative applications.
  • With TNSJ you can
  • Print the summary documents of invoices for less
    than 154.94
  • Print registers in the VAT section CONTAINING
    only invoices of costs higher than 154.94 or
    making the data available, complete with all
    references, for the registration of those
    invoices in the accounting system
  • Produce the accounting records of the trip
    advance payments made to staff.

Administrative entries
  • Produce the accounting records, dividing trip
    costs among cost centre, customer, project, etc.
    These costs are also divided between deductible
    and non deductible for income tax purposes
  • Print documents and/or produce electronic Bank

Administrative entries
  • This module has some features which significantly
    contribute to making administrative tasks easier
    and ensure a better quality of checks.
  • It consists of a series of sources from which you
    may receive Data credit cards statements, travel
    agencies, fuel cards, etc. For each source the
    operator can qualify the data in accordance with
    the way it is trasmitted.

Administrative entries
  • So, the application is able to
  • 1) automatically check the statements of account
    of expenditure incurred with credit cards against
    those declared by the staff and so highlighting
  • 2) in the same way check the costs payed out to
    the travel agencies for staff business trips or
    directly record on staff documents.

Vehicle pool management
  • The features of this module cover administrative
    and management arrangements.
  • From the first you can select, for example
  • Title of possession (Property, lease, rental..)
  • Class of vehicle Car, motorcycle, lorry, etc.
  • Use (car as a company perk, misuse and so on)

Vehicle pool management
  • You can activate a setting normally linked to
    dates, such as
  • Car tax and insurance deadlines
  • Instalments due
  • Dates for the repurchase of goods
  • Revision of the vehicle
  • Renewal of permits for the access to urban areas
  • Etc

Vehicle pool management
  • Also for management aspects you can schedule
    checks that are generally linked to mileage, such
  • Periodical maintenance
  • Tyre change
  • Etc.

Vehicle pool management
  • But the most important function is about the
    allocation of the vehicles to be used by staff on
    a work trip. The application allows you to
    oversee all car activities e.g. where and how
    many cars are available and condition of
  • If properly organized, some of the activities of
    maintenance such as Periodical maintenance and
    reset the mileage counter for determining the new
    expiry date.

The J-REPORT Module
  • This module is of great use for the analysis and
    therefore checking of the costs of the staff
    transfers. Easy to use both in the design
    development of report and in interactive
    analysis, in prints, graphs. An important
    function is the option to define three different
    levels of access
  • the owner of the database, which has the
    possibility to assign different developers the
    portion of data on which they can independently
    develop the report
  • the developer that may design their report and
    enable others to access all or part of the data
    contained in the report itself
  • final user, in relation to authorisation
    received, proceeding to the analysis of data.

The J-REPORT Module
  • A further important feature of JReport is that it
    allows you to keep many versions of the same
    report and the available data analysis.
  • You can make reports about
  • costs of travel in relation to destinations, to
    items of expenditure
  • activities carried out on the trip, divided
    between customers or projects or other factors
  • kilometres travelled per vehicle per Category or
    per user
  • the documentation in support of the costs of
    your stay (invoices, receipts, undocumented
    expenditure, etc.)
  • VAT recovery
  • etc.

Some of the companies that have chosen TNSJ
Luxury - Roma
Services - Milano
Automotive - Roma
Clothing - Milano
ICT - Trieste
Services - Roma
Clothing - Varese
Textile - Frosinone
Editorial - Roma
Laser machines - Torino
Manufacturing - Varese
Editorial - Modena
Express - Roma
Electric motors - Cremona
Editorial - Torino
Medical technology - Verona
Medical technology - Modena
Paper technical - Milano
Energy - Milano
Services - Milano
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