Title: The Twelve, er, 13 Olympians
1The Twelve, er, 13 Olympians
children of Titans children of
Zeus (Hera)
- Zeus
- Hera
- Poseidon
- Hades
- Demeter
- Hestia
- Aphrodite (Uranos Dione)
- Apollo Artemis (Leto)
- Ares (Hera)
- Hermes (Maia)
- Hephaestus (Hera alone)
- Dionysus (Semele)
(sister Eris, Strife, not an Olympian)
- beardless youth
- sts older man
- god of war bloodlust
- attributes arms
- special places Scythia, Colchis, no Greek
Ferocious in battle but could be defeated
- wounded by Diomedes w/ Athenas help (Iliad V
855) - Athena knocked him down with a rock (Iliad XX 69)
- Aloadae imprisoned him in a bronze cauldron for
13 months (Iliad V 385) - fled Typhon in Egypt, changed into a fish
(Antonin Lib. 28) - Defeated by Herakles, fled to Olympus (Hesiod,
Shield of Herakles 461)
4Ares and Aphrodite
Odyssey 8 267ff.
- Caught by Hephaistos after Helios told her about
the affair - Hauled them up in a net over bed, invited the
gods in to laugh - Not just one encounter but lasting relationship
4 sons, 1 daughter
child of Hera alone or Zeus and Hera (birth of
Athena usually has H assisting)
- God of fire and its uses, smithing and other and
craftmanship - no set appearance
- attributes hammer nd blacksmith and and
tongs - makes things for gods
Homeric Hymn to Hermes
- Young man w/o beard of older w/ beard
- sts winged boots kerykeion (caduceus)
herald staff, sts petasos (travellers hat)
and chlamys (cloak) - god of herds, travel, hospitality, heralds
and diplomacy, cunning and thievery, and
personal agent messenger of Zeus
7Apollo and Artemis
Mother Leto harried by Hera Floating island of
Delos received her Artemis born first, helped mom
w/ Apollo
Handsome youth, long hair, no beard
- prophecy and oracle at Delphi
- healing, plague, disease
- epic poetry and lyre
- archery
God of
Attributes lyre, laurel wreath, bow and quiver,
Special Places Delos and Delphi, oracle at Claros
9Apollo and Delphi
Apollo slew the snake Python, guardian of Delphi
Took over oracle of Ge
Set up oracle
10Delphi sanctuary
Delphi center of the earth, omphalos
11Apollos oracle at Delphi
- famous for political advice
- priestess called Pythia
- no vapors, trances
12Apollos unhappy dates
- Daphne, who prayed to be turned into a tree
(daphne, laurel tree) - Koronis, who preferred a mortal and was killed by
Artemis for that, baby Asclepios saved from womb - Hyacinthus, killed by rival Zephyros diverting a
discus Apollo turned him into a flower
- Goddess of hunting, wilderness and
young animals - Beautiful young woman in knee-length
chiton (for hunting) - She is forever parthenos, unmarried, and
accompanied by band of unmarried girls
14Killing of the children of Niobe
Queen Niobe bragged that she was more fortunate
than Leto since she had 12 children and Leto only
2. Apollo and Artemis shot them down. Niobe
turned into a stone from weeping.