Title: Bidin Yatim, PhD
1 Data Analysis with SPSS
- Bidin Yatim, PhD
- Applied Statistics, Exeter University
- Industrial Mathematics, Aston University
- Mathematics Statistics, Notingham University
Topic 3
2Testing hypothesis about two population means
- Investigate assumptions required for small sample
tests - Perform hypothesis tests concerning the different
in means of two dependent populations - Perform hypothesis tests concerning the
difference in means of two independent
3Review of Tests Weve Learned So Far
- One-sample t-tests
- Used to compare one sample mean to a population
mean or some other known value. - More common Compare two (or more) sample means
to each other - Two general research strategies
- Two completely separate (independent) samples
- Two related (dependent) samples
4Introducing the Independent Samples t-test
- To be considered independent, we must have no
reason to believe that the observation in one
sample could effect or be affected by the
observations in the other. - Did mental imagery raise scores or are the
differences due to chance (sampling error)? - Or, do the samples come from the same population?
Pop1 µ?
Pop2 µ?
Sample1 Rote Memory M19
Sample2 Imagery M25
5Setting the Statistical Hypothesis for Ind.
- For Two-Tailed Tests
- H0
- H0 µ1 µ2 0 Or H0 µ1 µ2
- H1
- H1 µ1 µ2 ? 0 Or H1 µ1 ? µ2
6Two Sample T-Test Example
- Group1 Rote Group2 Imagery
- 24 13 18 31
- 23 17 19 29
- 16 20 23 26
- 17 15 29 21
- 19 26 30 24
7Two Sample T-Test Example
- Research Question Does mental imagery change
memory scores? - State Statistical Hypothesis
- H0 µ rote µ imagery
- H1 µ rote ? µ imagery
8Directional Test (one-tailed)
- Mental imagery improves memory scores.
- H0 µ1gtµ2 or H0 µ1-µ2gt0
- H1 µ1ltµ2 or H1 µ1-µ2lt0
- Mental imagery decreases memory scores.
- H0 µ1ltµ2 or H0 µ1-µ2lt0
- H1 µ1gtµ2 or H1 µ1-µ2gt0
- Where µ1Rote Group and µ2Imagery Group
9Assumptions of the Independent Samples t-test
- Independent Observations
- Normality
- Homogeneity of Variance
10Hey! Lets get our hands dirty Using SPSS.
- FilegtOpengtDatagtStudents file
11Assumptions Independent, normality, equal
- Equal variances is not actually required. SPSS
will handle it. - Normality, t-test is reliable as long as the
sample suggest symmetric n bell shaped.
12Checking normality GraphgtInteractivegtHistogram
- Drag Height and place it
- Drag gender and place it
- Click OK
- Reasonably symmetrical,
- bell shaped, suitable for t-test
13Visualize using box-plotGraphgtInteractivegtBoxplot
- Drag Height and place it
- Drag Gender and place it
- Click OK and
- Roughly symmetrical,
- Comparable variances, median
- line suggests average are
- different hence t-test
14AnalyzegtCompare MeansgtIndependent-Samples T Test
15AnalyzegtCompare MeansgtIndependent-Samples T
- Recall, were testing one-sided hypothesis
- Equal or unequal variances
- P-value is very small, reject null hypothesis
16Introducing the Dependent Samples t-test
- The type of t-test you use is determined by the
research design employed. - Use a one sample t-test if you wish to compare a
single sample mean to a hypothesized population
mean value. - Use a independent samples t-test if you have two
independent sample means that you wish to
compare. - Use a dependent samples t-test if you 1) measure
the same participants on a dependent variable at
two different times, or 2) have two separate
groups of participants that have been matched
based on some characteristic.
17Dependent Samples t-testResearch Strategies
18Dependent Samples t-test Repeated Measures
Design Example
- Research Question Is clinical depression
affected by new pharmaceutical treatment? - State Statistical Hypothesis (two-tailed)
- H0 µ before µ after or µ D 0
- H1 µ before ? µ after or µ D ? 0
19Dependent Samples t-test Example
- Before After 72 64
- 68 60
- 60 50
- 71 66
- 55 56
20Dependent Samples t-test Matched Design Example
- Research Question Does hypnosis decrease
cigarette smoking? - State Statistical Hypothesis (one-tailed)
- H0 µ hypnosis gt µ no hypnosis or µ D gt 0
- H1 µ hypnosis lt µ no hypnosis or µ D lt 0
21Dependent Samples t-test Example
- No Hypnosis Hypnosis 19 13
- 35 37
- 20 14
- 31 25
22Hey! Lets get our hands dirty Using SPSS.
- FilegtOpengtDatagtSwimmers2
- This file contains swimming meet results for high
school swim team. Each swimmer competed in one or
more events, for each event, the file contains
the time for the swimmers first n last heat.
23Dependent sample t-testAnalyzegtCompare
MeansgtPaired-Sample T Test
- Choose the two variables related to the 100 meter
free-style and click OK - After selecting the two variables, click here
24On average, swimmers improve their times by
5.9931 seconds, the p-value is approximately 0
hence But what if we treat the data as
independent? Dont just sit there, do something
25Exercises DIY
- Swimmer2
- Do individual swimmers significantly improve
their performance between the first and second
recorded times in the 50-meter freestyle? - In their second times, do swimmers who compete in
the 50-meter freestyle swim faster than they do
in the 50-meter backstroke?
26End of Part ThreeSee U LaterPlease Dont Go
Away What if the data is not normal?