Title: Security Protocol Specification Languages
1Security Protocol Specification Languages
- Iliano Cervesato iliano_at_itd.nrl.navy.mil
- ITT Industries, Inc _at_ NRL Washington DC
- http//www.cs.stanford.edu/iliano/
2Scope of this Course
- Specification languages for cryptographic
protocols - Evaluation criteria
- Anthology of languages
- Scientific impact
- Extras . . .
- Advertisement for MSR
3This Course is not about
- Cryptography
- Applications of crypto-protocols
- Taxonomy of
- Protocols
- Attacks
- Tools
- Verification
- Hour 1 Specification languages
- Hour 2 MSR
- Hour 3 The most powerful attacker
- Hour 4 Reconstructing the intruder
5- Hour 1
- Specification Languages
6Hour 1 Outline
- Security protocols
- Dolev-Yao abstraction
- Specification targets
- Major specification languages
- Origins
- Example (Needham-Schroeder)
- Properties
- Evaluation
7Security Protocols
- Use cryptographic means to ensure
- confidentiality
- authentication
- non-repudiation,
- in distributed/untrusted environment
- Applications
- e-commerce
- trade/military secrets
- everyday computing
Security goals
8Why is Protocol Analysis Difficult?
- Subtle cryptographic primitives
- Dolev-Yao abstraction
- Distributed hostile environment
- Prudent engineering practice
- Inadequate specification languages
- the devil is in details
9Correctness vs. Security Mitchell
- Correctness satisfy specifications
- For reasonable inputs, get reasonable output
- Security resist attacks
- For unreasonable inputs, output not completely
disastrous - Main difference
- Active interference from the environment
10Dolev-Yao Model of Security
11Dolev-Yao Abstraction
- Symbolic data
- No bit-strings
- Perfect cryptography
- No guessing of keys
- Public knowledge soup
- Magic access to data
12Perfect Cryptography
- KA-1 is needed to decrypt MKA
- No collisions
- M1KA M2KB iff M1 M2 and KA KA
13Public Knowledge Soup
- Free access to auxiliary data
- Abstracts actual mechanisms
- database
- subprotocols,
- But
- not all data are public
- keys
- secrets
14 pictorially
15Why is specification important?
- Documentation
- communicate
- Engineering
- implementation
- verification tools
- Science
- foundations
- assist engineering
16Languages to Specify What?
- Message flow
- Message constituents
- Operating environment
- Protocol goals
17Desirable Properties
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Adapts to protocols
- Powerful
- Applies to a wide class of protocols
- Insightful
- Gives insight about protocols
18Language Families
- Usual notation
- Knowledge logic
- Process theory
- FDR, Casper
- Spi-calculus
- Petri nets
- Strands
- Inductive methods
- Temporal logic
- Automata
- NRL Prot. Analizer
- Murf
19Why so many?
- Convergence of approaches
- experience from mature fields
- unifying problem
- scientifically intriguing
- funding opportunities
- Fatherhood pride
20Needham-Schroeder Protocol
- But
- purely academic
- attack subject to interpretation
Example of weak specification !
21Usual Notation
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ?
B nBkB
22How does it do?
- Flow
- Expected run
- Constituents
- Side remarks
- Environment
- Side remarks
- Goals
- Side remarks
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
23BAN LogicBurrows, Abadi, Needham
- Roots in belief logic
- reason about knowledge as prot. unfolds
- security principals share same view
- Specification
- usual notation
- idealized protocol
- assumptions
- Goals
- Verification
- Logical inference
24NS BAN Idealization
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
A ? B nAkB B ? A ?A ?nB? B?nAkA A ? B ?A
?nA? B, B ? A ?nB? B ?nBkB
More readable syntax proposed later
25NS BAN Assumptions
- A ? ?kA A
- A ? ?kB B
- A ? nA
- A ? A ?nA? B
- B ? ?kB B
- B ? ?kA A
- B ? nB
- B ? A ?nB? B
26NS BAN Goals
- B ? A ? A ?nA? B
- A ? B ? A ?nB? B
- Formally derived from BAN rules
27How does BAN do?
- Flow
- Idealized run
- Constituents
- Assumptions
- Environment
- Implicit
- Goals
- BAN formulas
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
28CSP Roscoe, Lowe
- Roots in
- process algebra Hoare
- non-interference
- Specification
- 1 process for each role
- non-deterministic intruder process
- Verification
- Refinement w.r.t. abstract spec.
- FDR model checker for CSP
- Casper interface to FDR
29CSP NS Initiator
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
- Init(A, nA)
- user.A?B -gt I_running.A.B -gt
- comm!Msg1.A.B.encr.key(B).nA.a -gt
- comm.Msg2.B.A.encr.key(A)?nA.nB -gt
- if nA nA
- then comm!Msg3.A.B.encr.key(B).nB -gt
- I_commit.A.B -gt session.A.B -gt Skip
- else Stop
Responder is similar
30CSP Resp. authentication spec.
- AR0 R_running.A.B -gt I_commit.A.B -gt AR0
- A1 R_running.A.B, I_commit.A.B
- AR AR0 Run (S \ A1)
31How does CSP do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Role-based
- Constituents
- Formalized math.
- Environment
- Explicit
- Goals
- Abstract spec.
32Casper Specification of NS
- Free variables
- A, B Agent
- na, nb nonce
- PK Agent -gt PublicKey
- SK Agent -gt SecretKey
- InverseKeys (PK, SK)
- Processes
- INIT(A,na) knows PK, SK(A)
- RESP(B,nb) knows PK, SK(B)
- Protocol description
- 0. -gt A B
- 1. A -gt B na, APK(B)
- 2. B -gt A na, nbPK(A)
- 3. A -gt B nbPK(B)
Specification Secret(A, na, B) Secret(B, nb,
A) Agreement(A, B, na,nb) Agreement(B,A,
na,nb Actual variables Alice, Bob, Mallory
Agent Na, Nb, Nm Nonce Intruder
information Intruder Mallory IntruderKnowledge
Alice, Bob, Mallory, Nm, PK,
33Spi-calculusAbadi, Gordon
- p-calculus with crypto. Constructs
- Specification
- 1 process for each role
- Instance to be studied
- Intruder not explicitly modeled
- Verification
- Process equivalence to reference proc.
34Spi NS Initiator
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
- init(A,B,cAB,KB,KA-)
- (nnA) cABlt A, nAKB gt .
- cAB(x) . case x of yKA- in
- let (y1,y2) y in y1 is nA
- cABlt y2 KB gt .
- 0
35Spi NS Responder
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
- resp(B,A,cAB,KA,KB-)
- cAB(x) . case x of yKB- in
- let (y1,y2) y in y1 is A
- (nnB) cABlt y2, nBKA gt .
- cAB(x) . case x of yKB- in y is nB
- 0
36Spi NS Instance
- inst(A,B,cAB)
- (nKA) (nKB)
- ( init(A,B,cAB,KB,KA-)
- resp(B,A,cAB,KA,KB-))
37How does Spi do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Role-based
- Constituents
- Informal math.
- Environment
- Implicit
- Goals
- Reference proc.
38Strand SpacesGuttman, Thayer
- Roots in trace theory
- Lamports causality
- Mazurkiewiczs traces
- Specification
- Strands
- Sets of principals, keys,
- Verification
- Authentication tests
- Model checking
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
40How do Strands do?
- Flow
- Role-based
- Constituents
- Informal math.
- Environment
- Side remarks
- Goals
- Side remarks
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
41Inductive methodsPaulson
- Protocol inductively defines traces
- Specification
- 1 inductive rule for each protocol rule
- Universal intruder based on language
- Verification
- theorem proving (Isabelle HOL)
- Related methods
- Bolignano
42IMs NS
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
- NS1 evs ? ns A ? B Nonce NA? used evs
- ? Says A B Nonce NA, Agent A KB evs ? ns
- NS2 evs ? ns A ? B Nonce NB? used evs
- Says A B Nonce NA, Agent A KB ? set
evs - ? Says B A Nonce NA, Nonce NA KA evs ? ns
- NS3 evs ? ns
- Says A B Nonce NA, Agent A KB ? set evs
- Says B A Nonce NA, Nonce NA KA ? set evs
- ? Says A B Nonce NA KB evs ? ns
43IMs Environment
- Nil ? ns
- Fake evs ? ns B?Spy X ? synth(analz (spies
evs)) - ? Says Spy B X evs ? ns
- synth, analz, spies, protocol indep.
44How do IMs do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Trace-based
- Constituents
- Formalized math.
- Environment
- Immutable
- Goals
- Imposs. traces
45NRL Protocol AnalyzerMeadows
- Roots in automata theory
- Specification
- 1 finite-state automata for each role
- Grammar or words unaccessible to attacker
- Verification
- Backward state exploration
- Theorem proving for finiteness
46NPA NS Resp., action 2
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
- Subroutine rec_request(user(B,honest),N,T)
- If rcv msg(user(A,H),user(B,honest),Z,N)
- verify(pke(privkey(user(B,honest)),Z),(W,user
(A,H))), - not(verify(W,(W1,W2)))
- Then rec_who user(A,H),
- rec_self user(B,honest),
- rec_gotnonce W
- send msg(user(B,honest),rec_self,rec
_who,N) - event(user(B,honest),user(A,H),rec_re
47How does NPA do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Role-based
- Constituents
- Prolog code
- Environment
- Explicit
- Goals
- Unreachable state
48RTLA Gray, McLean
- Roots in Temporal Logic (Lamport)
- Specification
- State components that change during a step
- Verification
- Proof in temporal logic
- Evaluation
- Similar to NPA
49CAPSL Millen
- Ad-hoc model checker
- Specification
- Special-purpose language
- Intruder built-in
- Implementation
- CIL Denker -gt similar to MSR
- Related systems
- Murf Shmatikov, Stern
- ?? Clarke, Jha, Marrero
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
- A, B PKUser
- Na, Nb Nonce, CRYPTO
MESSAGES A -gt B A, Napk(B) B -gt A
Na,Nbpk(A) A -gt B Nbpk(B) GOALS SECRET
51How does CAPSL do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Explicit run
- Constituents
- Declarations
- Environment
- Implicit
- Goals
- Properties
52Two more
- MSR 1.x
- MSR 2.0
- next hour
53 54Hour 2 Outline
- Origins
- Language description
- Access control
- Execution model
55MSR 1.xCervesato, Durgin, Lincoln, Mitchell,
- Multiset rewriting with existentials
- Persistent predicates model assumptions
- Role state predicates thread rules through
56MSR 1.x - Initiator
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
Nonce generation
- pA0(A) ? L0(A), pA0(A)
- L0(A), pA1(B) ? ?nA. L1(A,B,nA), N(nA,AkB),
pA1(B) - L1(A,B,nA), N(nA,nBkA) ? L2(A,B,nA,nB)
- L2(A,B,nA,nB) ? L3(A,B,nA,nB), N(nBkB)
where pA0(A) Pr(A), PrvK(A,kA-1) pA1(B)
Pr(B), PubK(B,kB)
57MSR 1.x - Responder
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
Role state predicate
- pB0(B) ? L0(B), pB0(B)
- L0(A), pB1(A), N(nA,AkB) ? L1(A,B,nA), pB1(A)
- L1(A,B,nA) ? ?nB. L2(A,B,nA,nB), N(nA,nBkA)
- L2(A,B,nA,nB), N(nBkB) ? L3(A,B,nA,nB)
Persistent Info.
where pB0(B) Pr(B), PrvK(B,kB-1) pB1(A)
Pr(A), PubK(A,kA)
- Poor specification language
- Error-prone
- Limited automated assistance
- Very insightful
- Undecidability of protocol correctness
59How did we do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Role-based
- Constituents
- Persistent info.
- Environment
- In part
- Goals
60MSR 2.0Cervesato
- Redesign MSR as a spec. language
- Easy to use
- Support for automation
- Margin for verification
- Current techniques can be adapted
- Insightful
- Background in type-theory
61How will we do?
- Unambiguous
- Simple
- Flexible
- Powerful
- Insightful
- Flow
- Role-based
- Constituents
- Strong typing
- Environment
- In part
- Goals
62Whats in MSR 2.0 ?
- Multiset rewriting with existentials
- Dependent types w/ subsorting
- Memory predicates
- Constraints
- Atomic terms
- Principal names A
- Keys k
- Nonces n
- Term constructors
- (_ _)
- _ _ __
- _ _
- N(t) Network
- L(t, , t) Local state
- MA(t, , t) Memory
- c Constraints
- N(t) Network
- L(t, , t) Local state
- MA(t, , t) Memory
65Types of Terms
- A princ
- n nonce
- k shK A B
- k pubK A
- k privK k
- (definable)
t msg
- Allows atomic terms in messages
- Definable
- Non-transmittable terms
- Sub-hierarchies
67Role State Predicates
Ll(A,t, , t)
- Hold data local to a role instance
- Lifespan role
- Invoke next rule
- Ll control
- (A,t, , t) data
68Memory Predicates
MA(t, , t)
- Hold private info. across role exec.
- Support for subprotocols
- Communicate data
- Pass control
- Interface to outside system
- Implements intruder
- Guards over interpreted domain
- Abstract
- Modular
- Invoke constraint handler
- E.g. timestamps
- (TE TN Td)
- (TN lt TE)
70Type of Predicates
Sx t. t
- Dependent sums
- t(x) x t
- Forces associations among arguments
- E.g. princ(A) x pubK A(kA) x privK kA
- Genericroles
- Anchoredroles
72MSR 2.0 NS Initiator
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
73MSR 2.0 NS Responder
A ? B nA, AkB B ? A nA, nBkA A ? B nBkB
74Type Checking
? P
G t t
t has type t in G
P is well-typed in S
- Catches
- Encryption with a nonce
- Transmission of a long term key
- Circular key hierarchies,
75Access Control
? ? P
r is AC-valid for A in G
P is AC-valid in S
G ?A r
- Catches
- A signing/encrypting with Bs key
- A accessing Bs private data,
- Gives meaning to Dolev-Yao intruder
76An Overview of Access Control
- Interpret incoming information
- Collect received data
- Access unknown data
- Construct outgoing information
- Generate data
- Use known data
- Access new data
- Verify access to data
77Processing a Rule
G ?A lhs gtgt D G D ?A rhs G ?A lhs ? rhs
78Processing Predicates on the LHS
G D ?A t gtgt D G D ?A N(t) gtgt D
G D ?A t1,,tn gtgt D G D ?A MA(t1,,tn) gtgt D
79Interpreting Data on the LHS
G D ?A t1, t2 gtgt D G D ?A (t1, t2) gtgt D
G D ?A k gtgt D G D ?A t gtgt D G D ?A tk
gtgt D
G (D,x) ?A x gtgt (D,x)
(G,x?) D ?A x gtgt (D,x)
80Accessing Data on the LHS
G (D,k) ?A k gtgt (D,k)
(G,xshK A B) D ?A x gtgt (D,x)
(G,kpubK A,kprivK k) (D,k) ?A k gtgt (D,k)
(G,kpubK A,kprivK k) D ?A k gtgt (D,k)
81Generating Data on the RHS
(G, xnonce) (D, x) ?A rhs G D ?A ?xnonce.
82Constructing Terms on the RHS
G D ?A t1 G D ?A t2 G D ?A (t1, t2)
G D ?A t G D ?A k G D ?A tk
83Accessing Data on the RHS
G, Bprinc ?A B
G, Bprinc, kshK A B ?A k
G, Bprinc, kpubK B ?A k
G, kpubK A, kprivK k ?A k
Active roleset
- State
- N(t)
- Ll(t, , t)
- MA(t, , t)
85Execution Model
1-step firing
P ? C ? C
- Activate roles
- Generates new role state pred. names
- Instantiate variables
- Apply rules
- Skips rules
86Variable Instantiation
SR (?xt.r,r) AS ? SR (t/xr,r) AS
S t t SR (?xt.r,r) AS ? SR
(t/xr,r) AS
- Not fully realistic for verification
- Redundancy realizes typing,
- but not completely
87Rule Application
r F, c ? ?nt. G(n)
- Constraint check
- ? c (constraint handler)
- Admissibility of parallel firing
- Type preservation
- Access control preservation
- Completeness of Dolev-Yaointruder
89Completed Specifications
- Full Needham-Schroeder public-key
- Otway-Rees
- Neuman-Stubblebine repeated auth.
- OFT group key management
90- Hour 3
- The Most PowerfulAttacker
91Hour 3 Outline
- Execution with an attacker
- Specifying the Dolev-Yao intruder
- Completeness of the Dolev-Yao intruder
92Execution with an Attacker
- P, PI ? C ? C
- Selected principal(s) I
- Generic capabilities PI
- Well-typed
- AC-valid
- Modeled completely within MSR
93The Dolev-Yao Intruder
- Specific protocol suite PDY
- Underlies every protocol analysis tool
- Completeness still unproved !!!
94Capabilities of the D-Y Intruder
- Intercept / emit messages
- Split / form pairs
- Decrypt / encrypt with known key
- Look up public information
- Generate fresh data
95DY Intruder Net Interference
96DY Intruder Decryption
97DY Intruder Encryption
98DY Intruder Pairs
MI( t1,t2) ?
?t1,t2 msg
? MI( t1,t2)
?t1,t2 msg
99DY Intruder Structural Rules
MI( t) ?
?t msg
MI( t) ? ?
?t msg
100DY Intruder Data Access
- No nonces, no other keys,
101DY Intruder Data Generation
- It depends on the protocol !!!
- Automated generation ?
102Completeness of D-Y Intruder
- If P ? SRS ? SRS
- with all well-typed and AC-valid
- Then
- P, PDY ? SRS ? SRS
103Encoding of P, S, S
- P Remove roles anchored on I
- S Map Is state / mem. pred. using MI
- S Remove Is role state pred. add MI
104Encoding of R
- No encoding on structure of R
- Lacks context!
- Encoding on AC-derivation for R
- A S ? R
- Associate roles from PDY to each AC rule
105Completeness Proof
- Induction on execution sequence
- Simulate every step with PDY
- Rule application
- Induction on AC-derivation for R
- Every AC-derivation maps to execution sequence
relative to PDY
- Rule instantiation
- AC-derivations preserved
- Encoding unchanged
106DY Intruder Stretches AC to Limit
- Justifies design of current tools
- Support optimizations
- D-Y intr. often too general/inefficient
- Generic optimizations
- Per protocol optimizations
- Restrictive environments
- Caps multi-intruder situations
108- Hour 4
- Reconstructing the Intruder
109Hour 4 Outline
- Access Control ? Dolev-Yao intruder
- MSR specification ? Access Control
110The Dolev-Yao Intruder Model
- Interpret incoming information
- Collect received data
- Access unknown data
- Construct outgoing information
- Generate data
- Use known data
- Access new data
111Accessing Principal Names
G, Bprinc ?A B
112What did we do?
- Instantiate acting principal to I
- Accessed data ? Intruder knowledge
- Meta-variables ? Rule variables
- Ignore context G
113Checking it out Shared Keys
G, Aprinc, Bprinc, kshK A B ?A k
114Getting Confident Pub./Priv. Keys
115Constructing Messages Pairs
G D ?A t1 G D ?A t2 G D ?A (t1, t2)
116Now, what did we do?
- Instantiate acting principal to I
- Accessed data ? Intruder knowledge
- Meta-variables ? Rule variables
- Ignore G and knowledge context D
- Premises ? antecedent
- Conclusion ? consequent
- Auxiliary typing derivation gives types
117Carrying on Shared-Key Encrypt.
G D ?A t G D ?A k G D ?A tk
Similar for public-key encryption
118Generating Data Nonces
(G, xnonce) (D, x) ?A rhs G D ?A ?xnonce.
? ? ?xnonce. MI(x)
Similarly for other generated data
119Now, what did we do?
- Instantiate acting principal to I
- Accessed data ? Intruder knowledge
- Meta-variables ? Rule variables
- Ignore G and knowledge context D
- Premises ? antecedent
- Conclusion ? consequent
- Auxiliary typing derivation gives types
- One intruder rule for each AC rule
- Save generated object
120Interpreting Shared-Key Encrypt.
G D ?A k gtgt D G D ?A t gtgt D G D ?A
tk gtgt D
- Similar for
- public-key encryption
- pairing
121Now, what did we do?
- Instantiate acting principal to I
- Accessed data ? Intruder knowledge
- Meta-variables ? Rule variables
- Ignore G and knowledge context D
- Premises ? antecedent
- Conclusion ? consequent
- Auxiliary typing derivation gives types
- One intruder rule for each AC rule
- Save generated object
- Premises ? consequent
- Conclusion ? antecedant
122Network Rules
G D ?A t gtgt D G D ?A N(t) gtgt D
G D ?A t G D ?A N(t)
123 Other Rules?
- Either
- redundant
- or, innocuous (but sensible)
124Dissecting AC
Constructors atoms ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
- 5 activities
- Interpret messagecomponents on LHS
- Access data (keys) on LHS
- Generate data on RHS
- Construct messages on RHS
- Access data on RHS
125Accessing Data
126Generating Data
nonce type
shK princ -gt princ -gt type
127Interpreting Constructors
- Mark arguments as input or output
128Annotating Declarations
- Integrates semantics of types and constructors
- Trimmed down version of AC
- Allows constructing AC rules
- Allows constructing the Dolev-Yao intruder
129 alternatively
- Compute AC rules from protocol
- There are finitely many annotations
- Check protocol against each of them
- Keep the most restrictive ones that validate the
protocol - Exponential!
- More efficient algorithms?
130The end
- http//www.cs.stanford.edu/iliano/