Title: Lowloss Grating for Coupling to a HighFinesse Cavity
1Low-loss Grating for Coupling to a High-Finesse
R. Schnabel, A. Bunkowski, O. Burmeister, P.
Beyersdorf, T. Clausnitzer, E. B. Kley,
A. Tünnermann, K. Danzmann Institut für
Atom- und Molekülphysik, Universität
Hannover Max-Planck-Institut für
Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut), I
nstitut für Angewandte Physik, Universität
Jena LIGO-G050204-00-Z
2Is it possible to couple light to a cavity
without transmission?
3Is it possible to couple light to a cavity
without transmission?
4Is it possible to couple light to a cavity
without transmission?
- Advantage
- Cavity finesse is limited
- by specular reflectivity
- (gt99.99 seems possible)
- Low diffraction efficiency
- Shallow structures
- Low scattering loss
5Coupler / 2nd Order Littrow
Grating equation
for d1450 nm (grating period), l 1064
nm, m2.
Suggested design values for coupling
amplitudes h02 99, h12 1, h22 as small as
possible, r2(0)98, no transmission at all, low
6Coupler / 2nd Order Littrow
Grating equation
for d1450 nm (grating period), l 1064
nm, m2.
Measured (measurement inferred) values for
coupling amplitudes h02 99.4, h12
0.58, h22 0.005, r2(0) 98.8, Overall
loss_at_0 0.04
Shallow grating (40 to 50nm) structure with HR
stack on top
7Coupler / 2nd Order Littrow
Grating equation
for d1450 nm (grating period), l 1064
nm, m2.
Measured (measurement inferred) values for
coupling amplitudes h02 99.4, h12
0.58, h22 0.005, r2(0) 98.8, Overall
loss_at_0 0.04
Shallow grating (40 to 50nm) structure with HR
stack on top
8FP-Cavity Coupled 2nd Order Littrow
r2(0) 98.8, h02 99.4, h12 0.58, h22
A. Bunkowski et al., Opt. Lett. 29, 2342, (2004)
9Coupling Relations of the 2-Port (transmissive)
ai ,bi complex field amplitudes
10Coupling Relations of the 3-Port (reflective)
11Coupling Relations of the 3-Port (reflective)
123-Port Coupled FP Cavity
133-Port Coupled FP Cavity
143-Port Coupled FP Cavity
Gratings with minimum h2 provide a dark port
(c30) for a tuned cavity and enables power
A. Bunkowski et al., Opt. Lett. (2005), in press
153-Port Coupled FP Cavity
Intensity port 1, UV
Cavity length, ts
- A low loss reflective coupler to a cavity of
Finesse 400 has been demonstrated. - Phase relations of the three-port coupler are
understood. - Our results show that low efficiency,
3-port gratings are very promising for high
power interferometers.
17New Document Number LIGO-G050135-00-ZDocument G
050135-00-ZAuthor Roman SchnabelDocument
Date 03/20/2005Category GGroup ZTitle Low-loss
Grating for Coupling to a High-Finesse Cavity
18All-reflective Grating IFO
Proposed by R. Drever
19Coupler / 2nd Order Littrow
Grating equation
for d1450 nm (grating period), l 1064
nm, m2.
Measured (measurement inferred) values for
coupling amplitudes h02 99.4, h12
0.58, h22 0.005, r2(0) 98.8, Overall
loss_at_0 0.04
From h1gt0, h-1gt0 and time reversal consideration
one can deduce h2gt0! What is the lowest h2
203-Port Coupled FP Cavity